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Social Networking Sites For Affiliate Marketing

You might not know this, but social networking sites aren't just for teenagers anymore. In fact, social networking sites have evolved into something different altogether than what they once were – networks composed mainly of teenage girls.

Today, social networking sites span the spectrum of demographic groups. While teenagers are still more apt to use them than older people, there are now niche social networking sites, which target people who all share some common interest, such as a skateboarding or investing.

Now, in addition to teenagers and adults, social networks are increasingly becoming used by another group – businesses. That's right: many businesses are now infiltrating social networks to advertise in some subtle manner – and then replicate their message through systems that are already available within the social network.

The most prominent social network is As of the second quarter of 2018, Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users (and still growing!).

If the affiliate product you are selling has a broad appeal, you may want to use Facebook to market your product (FANpage) as you will be able to reach the largest crowd quickly.

Now, there are a number of different ways in which you can market your affiliate product through FB. One way is to setup a profile and then begin adding friends to your list on a daily basis.

Depending on your goals, you may want to add a personal profile for yourself and then talk about your business/product on your page; or you may want to simply create a profile for your business and use that to market your product.

Once you have had some experience marketing on FB, you will want to consider looking at other social networking sites.

Whichever sites you decide to use, keep the following in mind: your goal should be to develop a network of people who share a common interest and could potentially be interested in your specific product.

For this reason, it is always a good idea to think long term (i.e. don't do things that are going to get you banned); instead, concentrate on building your network and introducing them to your affiliate product.