Targum Americana - Bereshit / Genesis: The Bible Understood


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Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description HTML

This New translation and commentary of the first book of the Bible (Genesis) borrows from a 2100 year old technique that combines English translation and commentary (a Targum) in a unique format not found in modern Bible translations. The extremely easy to read format infuses the resulting Targum with some sense in English of the beauty of the original Holy Tongue. Four of the five Biblical books are available on Amazon.com. The last book is scheduled for publication by year-end 2020. All are available in Kindle, soft cover, and hard cover formats.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Jeremy Spring
    Loved it, useful
    22 Apr 2020
    Great amount of info, and lots of helpful hints. Well written, easy to read and comprehend.
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