Training Requirements
(Every Achievement is Associated with a Kanji)
During the first four bullet points the student will be aided in the study of Clan Organization, Secrets, and History
- Awareness, Patience, Honor, and Integrity
- Balance and Agility
- Strength and Stamina
- Endurance and Distant Running
- Rolling and Recovery
- Jumping, Leaping, and :Landing
- Body Limberness and Joint Flexibility
- Falling Safely and Silently
During the next six bullet points the student will be aided in the study of Meditation and Channeling Energy
- Kamae and Fists
- Striking, Kicking, and Parry
- Tankan, Wrist Locks, and Arm Bars
- Sweeps and Leg Holds
- Throws, Takedowns, Pins, Sleep holds, Guards, and Mounts
- Randori
- Sword and Staff
- Underwater Tactics
- Special Weapons of our Ryu
- Knife Fighting Tactics
- Blade Throwing
- Rope and Chain Techniques
- Concealment of Weaponry
- Marui Roku (Choosing Elements for Yourself)
- Using Nature to Gather Information and Conceal Yourself
- Preparing Medicines and Poisons
- Application of Samyama and Udana
- Ninja Aruki
- Climbing and Falling
- Tree to Tree | Roof to Roof
- Effective Acting
- Understanding Weaknesses and Needs
- Crossing Ceilings and Stealing Under Floors
- Escaping the Enemies Presence
- Attacking by Ambush
- Tying and Binding
- Covert Entry
- Sketching Maps, Routes, and Faces
- Saimenjutsu
- Mission