Teaching Ninja: The Learning Curve by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Now that you have decided to take up this endeavor mentally, you must begin by showing your commitment and planting it in your life in a physical sense. You can do this by first deciding to treat your body well so that you may advance yourself as quickly as possible. During your time here, you will completely change your life and enhance your disposition in the world. You will move up the scale of awareness until you are conscious of being; what some would call, better than the average man and of course from there you will move on as well.

If you wish to attain success as a martial artist you must begin to put the idea to the forefront of your mind. This will also happen of its own accord if left unattended, but if your point being is to become the best you can become, that can only happen by attending fully to the point at hand. Only when you have decided with a whole heart to pursue an endeavor, can the best, ever be achieved. If not wholly, then what? There will always be the possibility of another spending more time on the same endeavor and achieving better results. This, in no way, means to hasten your pace in life. But, only, to be wholly and continually aware of the task at hand.

If you are here to enter into training, then enter into it. A person in training helps the body along by not entering toxins into the body or overindulging. This will save precious energy previously used by fighting unnecessary illness and digesting unnecessary foodstuffs.

This is just an example. There are many things I have done personally as I have grown as a martial artists and Gnostic. Ultimately though, this whole vehicle of learning is not about learning the martial arts, but about bringing to you the means to teach it. Everyone has in them the answers to their questions and only you can decide what answer you really want to hear. That’s really what it is about. We are here simply to bring you to your awareness of it. Most great martial artists learned from their teachers, and them from theirs. But somewhere down the road, one of the generations had to come to their knowledge by some form of divine inspiration. This inspiration, I believe, reaches to infinite and touches everyone. So, it is not a question of who is chosen to be given that inspiration, but rather who chooses to accept it.

In establishing these grounds, I believe it is time to begin. We will have plentiful discussion in due time. Having said that,

