Ten Keys to Success in Business and in Life by Jane Mountrose - HTML preview

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You Can Benefit from Our Mistakes

We wish we had a roadmap twenty years ago, but there weren’t many resources for people like us at that time. When we started building our professional practice in the early 1990’s, saying we were naïve about how to succeed and prosper is an understatement. With the information presented to us at the time, our marketing strategy included creating some business cards and a not-too-convincing brochure, then running a few ads in some local publications. You probably know how well this works!


Here’s what we discovered. To create a prosperous business, you can’t just print up some business cards, open an office, and expect the phone to start ringing. Similarly, in the late 90s, when we wrote our first book, we discovered that you can’t just publish a book and expect people to run to their local bookstores to buy it.
Yet, for lack of knowledge and based had experiences with some less than honorable salespeople, these are the kinds of things that many well-intended business owners do.

As synchronicity would have it, we stumbled on some miraculous successes along the way. We were fortunate to write what have become the most popular books on EFT (Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT and Heart & Soul of EFT and Beyond) just as the internet began to pick up steam in the late 90s. Amazon.com came along and synchronously provided opportunities for us to sell our books. It was like a miracle, and it helped us to create the freedom we needed to take our holistic practice to the next level. On the other hand, we wasted a lot of energy along the way before we put ourselves together and learned to effectively let the world know what we had to offer.

Here’s a priceless key that accounts for much of our good fortune: we followed our hearts and took increasingly effective action. After years of experience and finally educating ourselves on how to build a prosperous professional practice, we have created an amazing life, one that our clients and students tell us they want to emulate.