The Bulletproof Keto Diet by harimiya - HTML preview

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Eat More Mindfully

Not only should you eat slowly, but you should also be as conscious of the eating process as possible.

Savor each mouthful. Be aware of the flavors going through your mouth. Understand yourself more fully by experiencing your food preferences in a more direct way.

Different people have different tastes. Different people have different preferences. When you eat more mindfully, the meals say something about you.

They say something about your preference. They say something about the textures that you like. They are part of an event. You're connected to the whole eating process.

When you eat, choose to eat. In other words, focus your attention on what you're doing.

It is no surprise that a lot of people who are multitasking while they're eating tend to eat too much.

They also tend to eat more frequently.

How come? They're not there. Their attention is somewhere else.

Maybe it's in the email that they're monitoring or maybe it's in the social media updates that are obsessed about, or maybe it's work. Maybe they're talking to other people. Whatever the case may be, they are not letting the eating process unwind itself.

You have to understand that, just like sleep, eating is a big part of you. All people have to eat. It doesn't matter what corner of the globe you come from, it doesn't matter what your specific background is, you have to eat if you are a member of the human species.

It really is a tragedy that you go through your meals like it's an afterthought. You have to pack as much meaning into it like you would with sleep.

One third of your life is spent sleeping. Well, a significant portion is also spent eating. Wouldn't it be great if you're more aware and appreciative of that percentage of your precious time you spend eating?

The good news is that this will pay off handsomely when it comes to weight loss. You'll be able to keep the weight off because you don't have to eat as much. And also, when you're eating keto foods, you enjoy them better and they make you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

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Prior to this point, all the tips, tricks and tweaks that I've shared with you can help you maximize the effects of ketosis. They will help you flip the script from using blood sugar as your main energy source to burning fat.

You probably have already lost quite a number of pounds prior to this point. So far, so good. But if you are serious about taking things to the next level, focus on the following modifications.

Please understand that these modifications are not easy. It's a good idea to master all the previous chapters first.

Lock them down. Know them backwards and forwards. Incorporate them into your lifestyle. Get used to them.

Once things have gotten "easy" and you've totally gotten used to the previous modifications, now is the time to level up.