The Bulletproof Keto Diet by harimiya - HTML preview

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Start to Regularize Your Mealtimes

You need to start giving yourself certain rules regarding your meals. If you notice that there is a certain pattern for your hunger cycles, get them down in writing. Try to regularize them.

The key here is to strike a deal with yourself. If you don't eat within these fixed regular times where you're normally hungry, you resolve not to eat at all until the next period.

This is a big break for a lot of people. But once you get over this hump, the fat, seriously, just melts off.

It's unbelievable because you reduce your calorie intake quite a bit.

And the best part is that once you get used to this, you don't even miss those calories. This is because you have resolved to know your hunger patterns and internal body clock schedule intimately.

This takes quite a bit of self-awareness. This definitely takes quite a bit of time and effort. It's not like you know these already.

Because a lot of people with shifting schedules are very distracted. It turns out that their bodies actually have fairly fixed hunger cycles, but they wouldn't know it because they are focused on their other schedules.

They're focused on their work schedule. They're focused on going to and from their home. But once you zero in on your hunger cycles and you regularize these in terms of your mealtimes, you make quite a bit of progress.

Because eventually, you would be able to skip meals if you're not feeling hungry within a specific period of time. And then you would be able to wait until you're hungry again for the next period. Also, your mind gets used to it and you are able to stick to your meal times.