The Contemporary Web Traffic Guidebook by ALPHAONETIMEMEDIA LIMITED - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

Set Your Marketing on Autopilot

The final step in the marketing process is to create systems to automate all of these advanced traffic generation strategies. To create systems for each of your traffic strategies, you'll need to go through a simple 4-step process:

 1. Document the process

 2. Record Video Training

3. Track Your Results

 4. Optimize Continually

Ultimately, you're going to document, record, track, and optimize. To break it down into details, here’s what you need to do: Once you have mastered a particular traffic strategy and you know that it works, the next step is to document the process. All you do is simply turn that particular traffic strategy into a step-by-step process.

 For example, if it were ebook syndication, you would document every step of the process this way:

 Step 1: Turn your ebook into a PDF using Doc2PDF online at

 Step 2: Prepare all information needed for ebook submission

  • (Ebook title)
  • (Author's Name)
  • (Category)(Description)
  • (Keywords) Step

3: Submit ebook to  and

 This is very simplified but you get the idea. Next, you'll want to record a video of the entire process. This is extremely effective for being able to train virtual assistants to drive traffic to your website.

 You would then record a video of the entire ebook submission process. You could do this in Jing, Camtasia, or CamStudio.

The great thing about creating videos is you create them once, and then you can use them to train anyone in your business. So anytime someone new comes into your business, you can simply hand them the process flow and the training videos. This way, you're not having to individually train each person yourself. Yes, they might have a few questions, but by having these systems in place, you will have created a much more efficient business process that is now primed for growth.

 The next step is to track your results.

You must always be keeping a close eye on the numbers in your business to determine how it’s doing. Anytime you syndicate articles, submit ebooks, guest blog, or do an ad swap, you have to always track how many visitors, subscribers, and sales are generated from that specific traffic source. You can do this using almost any link tracking software, and one of the best tools is By keeping a close eye on the numbers you'll be able to find out exactly which traffic sources are most effective in your business. You'll also be able to make data-driven decisions based on those numbers. This is one of the biggest differences between those who build hugely successful businesses online and those that remain more of a side hobby.

When you know your numbers, you're able to zone in on the high-leverage activities that are producing the best results. So if your numbers show that three of your traffic strategies are wildly out-performing the others, you’ll have to dedicate more resources to those particular areas and cut some of the others to balance things out.

 Simply re-focusing your efforts on the higher-leverage activities in your business will create massive growth in your business.



The final step is to Optimize Continually. Creating systems in your business is a never-ending process. It's not a static process. Instead, it's always evolving and continually improving.

If you start implementing a new traffic strategy in your business, you create a new system to document the process. If you find a better way to do something, you modify your existing documentation. It's a continual process of improvement. These progressive systems are the foundation of your business. They allow you to do things the same way every time so that you're not reinventing the wheel. So every time you write an article, you'll have a specific process for creating a powerful title, opening paragraph, body copy, conclusion, and resource box. You will create templates of sorts so you're able to write articles much faster since you already have an effective formula for.



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