The Guerrilla /Gorilla Diet & Lifestyle Program: Wage War On Weight and Poor Health and Learn To Thrive by Galit Goldfarb - HTML preview

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When I was sixteen years old my parents got divorced, and my father, whom I was living with, had a new woman in his life. She cooked meals for my father, my sister and I, but her foods were different from the ones I had previously encountered. Her cooking involved much fat, and her dishes were rich with dairy products, especially cream and butter. I was having difficulty coping with this new diet and found myself increasingly gaining weight and feeling bloated. This weight gain had a negative effect on my self-esteem and soon afterward I began a path of eating disorders that shifted my life around. Since that time, upon dealing with my first diet, I became interested in finding the ideal diet for human consumption. I researched and personally experienced practically every fad diet that came on the market throughout the years. I also looked into human eating habits, where they came from, and how these habits evolved. I was determined to change my life around and become more productive, healthy, and happy. But as long as I was suffering from my eating disorder “addiction,” I was having zero success and my life was on a downward spiral.

At school I was an aspiring young athlete, specializing in the 800 meter run as well as running half marathons and marathons at a very young age. I had many issues about my body and did not have a clue as to what foods I should eat to supply me with sufficient energy for running while not gaining excess weight. I was eager to find the ideal diet for my health and my sanity.

At first I began researching psychological methods that would help me live a happy and fulfilled life and stop my addiction to food. The psychological methods I came across helped me conquer bulimia and later achieve my dream relationship and success in the financial field. I have put together these methods in my online course called “The Magic 8 Step Formula to Success, Happiness and Fulfillment Your Secret Step By Step Guide To Get You Smiling and Passionate About Life Starting Today” which helped many people around the globe achieve these high ideals.

However, soon after another challenge entered my life in the form of cancer. In fact, I got it twice in two years. This is when I finally understood that the psychological methods and mind techniques I had mastered were simply not enough to achieve lasting success in the important field of health. These techniques were great for achieving financial and personal success in my life, but not good enough for achieving the lasting health I wished to reach. I felt that I needed to reevaluate my diet from my deepest core beliefs about nutrition, even though I was sure that my diet was good and healthy. After all, I held a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Nutrition and Biochemistry, and a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Medical Science. I felt I knew a fair amount about the body’s nutritional needs, but apparently this was not the case. I finally understood that to achieve lasting health I would need to follow the laws of nature.

Now, at the start of my doctoral research program, after twenty-six years of substantial nutrition, immunology, and medical university studies, as well as extensive college studies in chemistry, biochemistry, alternative nutrition, and other alternative health practices, as well as reading countless books, publications, research articles, and studies throughout my adult life, and performing my own research study titled “The Lee Village Study,” I can safely say that I have found the ideal diet and lifestyle program. It promotes lasting health and mental agility, rids us of unwanted diseases, both physical and mental, and gives us a feeling of vibrant energy as well as control over our health and happiness.

I am overjoyed to present before you the healthiest diet for human consumption: The Guerrilla Gorilla Diet and Lifestyle Program.

In fact, this diet is not really a diet, but rather a total lifestyle program that is backed by much solid evidence from many different scientific fields combined, including genetics, evolutionary science, zoology, medicine, and nutritional sciences.

This book holds the knowledge and step by step guidelines you will need in order to apply the ideal diet for human consumption along with precise lifestyle plans to support your own personal health, vitality, and longevity.

This diet has helped me change the course of my own health completely around.

By applying this knowledge to my personal life I have gained complete control over my weight issues as well as conquering cancer. Since then, I have provided the information found in this book to countless individuals whom have applied this knowledge to overcome heart disease, cancer, renal disease, and diabetes, as well as to achieve their ideal weight.

This dietary and lifestyle program will not only support you on your path to your own personal health, but also that of your future generations through epigenetics. I will go into this exciting relatively new field of research later in this book to show you