The Lost Pages Sampler by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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An alternative prologue between Andrea and Holly.

The girl looked at the boy and a fierce sorrow infiltrated her soul. No, it was more than that. She had experienced sadness before, and this did not in any way compare. The girl searched for the words but there was none on earth or in heaven that could describe the torment that was afflicting her.

She had sworn the day he had came into this world, that she would always be there, protecting him, guiding him, loving him. A vow the girl, on this day was breaking. And that knowledge cut into her being deeper than a knife through butter.

Looking into those big brown eyes, knowing it was the last time she would do so tore at her sanity. The girl had to force her gaze away if she were to find the strength to let him go.

"Holly?" The girl took a deep breath and faced the woman. They stared at each other a minute while the sound of death neared.

"I need you to do something..." the girl started, her voice seeming to echo off the marbled walls of the building.

"Don't do this." The woman interrupted, backing away like a frightened rabbit. Tears welled in her Green eyes, and her pleasant feminine voice broke. "You can't..."

"Andrea." The girl admonished, not unkindly, "We don't have time to stand here and argue about it." The girl was smiling. "Its the only way." She added as a whisper.

Andrea Loren knew the direness they faced, but couldn't quite bring herself to abandon this girl, a girl that had become family. She knew this was coming ever since they had first crossed the threshold but was still unprepared for it.

"Hey you," the girl said, addressing the little boy in Andrea's arms. "You're going to be just fine. Aunty Andrea is going to take you to see the sea, you'd like that wouldn't you?" The walls began to shake. Andrea's heart raced but oddly enough the girl's voice didn't weaver. "I love you so much." The girl kissed his forehead, "never forget that." With one last smile the girl nodded and Andrea knew the time had arrived.

To save the boy she had to betray his Mother, it was the only way. Leaving her here to face death. "I..." The woman's tongue tripped over itself in a vain attempt to express what she was feeling.

"Go." The girl ordered gently, and grudgingly the woman wrapped her arms tighter round the little boy and obeyed.