The Lost Pages Sampler by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Rain pelleted the side walk and pinged off the hood of the Black Rolls Royce as it pulled to a stop outside Mercy Hospital. It was as if the heavens were mourning the death of Sophie Harrogate.

Gabriel shook his head sharply, as if to rid himself of the unwanted notion. Sentimentality was a weakness he couldn't afford. Not now. Now he must play his part perfectly. None could suspect. The door opened and the cold, wet air invaded the interior of the car like a whirlwind. Pulling his rain coat tighter, Gabriel got out the Royce.

Mercy Hospital was the last functioning hospital within the city limits. When he had done away with crime, there wasn't much need for emergency treatment. Mortals still got sick and injured themselves, but the vast and by far superior medical knowledge and capabilities Gabriel had introduced since coming into power, cured those that could be. The reign of the Angels saw mortals living well in to their hundreds.

Mercy had been saved as more of a dedication to the past than for its actual use. The building showed its age. Stone Gargoyles with menacing expressions and sharp claws stared down at him. Gabriel had never cared for the humans love of these troubling things. The stone that made up the hospital was crumbling in places and had become mossy and damp with time. As he started up the steep ramp two nurses passed, falling into a stunned silence at seeing the Crown.

Inside was as hope free as the exterior. Ageing Black and White lino squeaked as Gabriel walked across it. The chatter of the poor souls sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs abated as they noticed him.

"My Crown," a middle aged woman in a White long dress said, bowing her head in respect. "This way." She lead Gabriel into a corridor that smelled of bleach and something else unpleasant. The woman opened a door to her right and he heard his Grandson's voice.

"Ow! Will you stop! I'm fine, stop fussing."

"Colt." Gabriel's voice was as mesmerizing as a symphony, even when raised. "That's no way to talk to someone who is only trying to help you."

Colt Prince's red and tired eyes travelled over to the door than stayed focused on the tiled floor. Gabriel' s heart ached at seeing his Grandson's grief. It was etched into his body like initials in tree bark. "Please excuse us." Gabriel said to the nurse who smiled before leaving the tiny treatment room. He crossed over to the bed which was propping up a haunted looking Colt, and sat down on it, next to him. "I'm so sorry Colt."

Colt managed a thin smile. "Thank you. Have they caught the murderer?"


This seemed to bring back a little bit of life and Colt heaved himself away from the bed. "Whoever it was wasn't your average run of the mill. I didn't see it coming Gabriel. I didn't feel them..."

"Colt," Gabriel interrupted knowing where Colt was going with it and couldn't bear to see the boy put the girl's death firmly on his own shoulders. "You only turned eighteen two days ago. Your still learning and even you can't sense every little thing..."

"But I can Grandfather! I can feel when Angels are near. An Immortal can't get within two miles of me without my spider sense tingling. I should have felt the murderer long before he got within reach of Sophie."

"Then just maybe the killer was mortal."

Colt threw him a disgusted glare while pacing the floor. "Please, they breathe so loud you don't have to sense them. I'm telling you I felt nothing. How is that possible? Grandfather?"

Gabriel stared at the angry looking cut on Colt's right cheek. "How did you get that?"

"Its nothing."

"Its deep enough to require stitches. What happened?" Gabriel tried to keep his voice light and expression neutral but fell short.

"The bullet grazed my cheek before..." Colt trailed off unable to actually say it.

"But you told the Watchers that you had you're back to the ocean."

"Exactly Gabriel. Whoever fired that shot had to be on the other side of town, they had to be on West pier, miles away from where we were. It just doesn't sound possible, who could pull off something like that? And since it was clearly an Immortal why not just use their power to... and why go after Sophie at all?" Colt ran his fingers through his hair. "It just doesn't make sense, who would want Sophie dead?"

Gabriel rose abruptly, motioning to his driver that had followed him. "You've been through a lot Colt. You need some rest, Bernard here will take you home."

"Aren't you coming?"

Gabriel smiled before embracing Colt warmly. "There hasn't been a murder in fifteen years Colt. I'm needed here, I'll be home as soon I can. Go on."  Colt nodded and followed  Bernard outside. The Angel had to literally prop Colt up at one point.

"It was sheer bad luck that he was there." A deep booming tone said behind Gabriel, breaking through his thoughts. Gabriel's smile and compassion died, when he turned to face the speaker, Gabriel was all business.

"Lets get this over with." He said. The two Angels took off down the corridor.

"Seth Collins was also present." The other Angel began, handing Gabriel a manilla folder. "He's being treated for shock. I bet our favourite Headmistress will be by shortly to pick him up." Resentment entered the Angel's tone.

They passed a sad looking waiting room and Gabriel's Golden eyes found Seth's. The sixteen year old had the same look Gabriel had seen on countless wounded soldiers; dazed and lost. Yet although the Crown had pity for these men, he had none for Seth and animosity filled him.

The Angel marched through the swing doors that led to the morgue, holding the door for Gabriel. They found themselves in a cold and depressing room filled with the dead. A body under a White sheet was positioned on a metal slab in front of them. The Angel pulled back the sheet to unveil the dead face of Sophie Harrogate.

"Has her identity been confirmed?" Gabriel asked ruffling through the pages in the folder, careful not to look at the dead girl.

The Angel raised his brows.

"We have to be thorough." Gabriel told him with a hint of annoyance. 

"Both DNA testing and Dental confirms its Sophie Harrogate Gabriel." The Angel breathed tiredly.

"See? That didn't hurt, did it Brother?" Gabriel shot, closing the folder he finally allowed himself a glance at the dead girl. He could see why Colt was so mad about her, she had been very pretty. "I wish there could have been another way." He uttered.

"You did what had to be done." The other Angel told him. "She was a traitor..."

"Colt loved her."

The other Angel mocked the comment. "There's plenty women in the world."

Gabriel studied his Brother, time and duty had taken its toll on the Archangel. His broad shoulders sagged a little, his wavy hair had started to turn Grey and the Angel's eyes were constantly filled with anger. Michael had always been the outsider, ever eager to please Father, eager to play the dutiful son when he truth Michael's real talent lay in being a blunt instrument for others to use. War was Michael's gift. "Spoken like someone who has never been in love." Gabriel commented sadly. "What of Griff?"

"He's waiting at the rendezvous right now. I'm going over there when I'm done here. Say what you like about him but he's one hell of a shot." Michael added with a touch of respect.

"He employed the Order of Aurelius to attack her on school grounds..."

Just like that Gabriel changed. Michael had seen it more and more in the days leading up to the war that had changed the course of this universe, had realized that the Brother he had loved and lost was still dead. This Gabriel was harsher, cruel and bloody brilliant, the way he had planned everything, saw every little line of fault before it happened. Gabriel was a master at deception and not someone Michael would want to cross.

"He had no choice." Michael argued.

Gabriel's eyes blazed colder than the Arctic. "He touched Colt and that is something I don't forgive easily."

"He had to take the shot before Sophie fled! It was just a flesh wound, Colt's fine."

"Michael. Griff dies."

Realization hit the Archangel like a fist and once again he was flabbergasted by how little he knew his Brother. "That was always the plan, wasn't it?" He demanded.  "He doesn't know anything! This cannot be traced back to you, I made sure of it Gabe."

"Listen to me very carefully," Gabriel ordered quietly and the room seemed to grow colder, "I haven't built all this to see it demolished by a lowly assassin. Griff knows enough, he does not leave this City alive and you Michael, as my General, who swore an oath to keep this empire safe, will do as I command, do you understand me? This is not a democracy."

Michael did not admit fear easily, but Gabriel was the only thing that did frighten him. He exhaled heavily and as proud as he was, admitted defeat. "It will be done."

"Good." Gabriel swept from the room but paused before he exited.

"And Michael, make it a painful one."