The Minimum You Need to Know About Java on OpenVMS by Roland Hughes - HTML preview

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I would like to dedicate this book to you, the reader. You have chosen to work with the greatest operating system ever created even if it is no longer in vogue. You have endured the demeaning salaries and attitudes presented to you by what passes for management these days. You have stayed in the trenches and fought the good fight.

There is one person I would like to honor at this point. Not because he has anything at all to do with the subject matter, but he, like OpenVMS, managed to touch an awful lot of lives during his brief stay on this planet. That person would be Mr. Peter Jennings.  We never met in this life, yet his voice found its way in on many an evening. Whenever tragedy struck somewhere in the world it was his newscast I found myself turning to, for not just the story, but the story behind the story. Some times you learned more from the side show spot than the actual newscast put on by other networks. In many ways I find myself identifying OpenVMS with those same broadcasts. It is the OS behind the big accomplishment. The story behind the story.