The Muslim Prime Minister...A Love Story by Abhishek Sinha - HTML preview

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23. The accidental Prime Minister


Several years had passed since then and the world politics had witnessed countless number of turmoil. As it was already said that the twenty first century belonged to Asia and so did it happened. The polarity of power and authority had shifted its coordinates and the thrown was occupied by some new masters of the world, most of them which were Asians. It was the time when America was losing its apical position due to huge economic debts while the golden sun of China had raised to its peak and its scorching heat of influence could be observed all across the globe. China was the new world no. 1, America slipping to no.2 and India not too far behind and proudly at no.3. The race was on.

Talking about ourselves i.e. India, we had made the most significant and perhaps the most dramatic change in world politics. By the end of 30s, we had a robust economy. It had emerged as the largest economy of the world. Strong economy, strong infrastructure and successful investments in fields of S&T. These all factors led us to jump at no.3 and we were poised with the achievements. We looked powerful from outside but from inside the country was still tangled with the same stories of corruption, crime and riots. Nothing had changed into the ‘inner’ politics of the country. The year was 2043. Only six months had passed after the elections and our party had successfully won it. Although we had lost the previous election due to corruption charges and acquisitions but the same factors (this time committed by opposite party) had brought us back again into the power.

Not only just the country but this long leap had changed a lot in my life too. I had become a prominent minister by then and hence a senior figure in the party. The most positive thing about my personality was that unlike most of the other members of the party I enjoyed an impression of an ‘honest’ minister in the public. I was not hung in any acquisition of any corruption activities. Of course I used to speak in public but the speeches used to be filtered with any exaggeration and false promises. In fact I was still known for my shy behavior and short speeches.

Nevertheless, away from the arguments, cameras and politics I used to be busy in my works all day. And at night when I would return home I would see my wife sleeping on the dining table who perhaps had given up waiting for her non-caring husband to come home at time, at least for dinner. Actually only dinner used to be the time when we could finally buy some time for each other and see our tired dull face. We were married for almost two years now yet did not have a child. She used to be busy in her hospital while I, in the same time, used to be drowned in millions of government files to deal with. We hardly had time for romance. Yes, Sundays were special because only Sundays used to be a common holiday for both of us and hence we could spend time with each other, going for dates or other distant lonely places. You can say we lived our matrimonial life only on Sundays. But unfortunately, there happened to be some unlucky Sundays too when she would be busy in any emergency case with her patients and why not since she was a doctor and for a doctor there are no fixed holidays.

In short, we were both busy in our lives playing our role. The only thing positive about our marriage was that we never had any complaints with each other. Yes we still used to quarrel for the wall paper colour, we argued over CSKs and KKRs matches but that was a part and way to love each other. Perhaps our respect for each other grew more and more with time and love? Well it was always there and rocket high. No matter how far we were from each other. She was an understanding and mature woman. Although we were in our 40s then but the love was still that of 20s.



Everything was poised and life was going as usual until one day when I heard that phone call in a very unusual time in the early morning. It was from my PA.

“Hello sir…”


“The Prime minister has just got a serious cardiac attack. He is in Bikaner right now and has been referred to the hospital”

“What? But how…and when?”

“Sir you need to report immediately. Your presence is indispensable.”

“Yeah I’m coming…I’m coming. I will make it to there as soon as possible…”

It was a big shocking news. My mind was totally blown up and I just jumped out of the bed in a second. I tossed up my clothes in the bag and quickly left for Rajasthan. In the way I messaged everything to Aarti. She must have become worried as so many things had happened in so less time. The next day when I reached Bikaner and then to the hospital things looked pretty tensed out there. Almost all the ministers were present there. They all looked tensed and the hospital was fully packed with the party members. It looked our work office more than a hospital. Nevertheless, I rushed inside to enquire about the PM’s health.

“How’s he?” I asked to one of the ministers present there. His family was present there too, of course. They were petrified. Emotions were flowing out from their eyes. However, there were a lot of foxes around them who played their emotional trump on them to earn some faith of theirs for personal benefits.

“There’s a bad news. He has suffered a heart attack” the minister replied.

“Hmm…What did the docs say?”

“They say that he has become too old to continue his services as the PM. They have further warned that extra mental pressure can lead to the final attack”

I got thunderstruck as I heard him. Instantly, a sudden fear (to lose him) gripped my nerves. The operation so continued for twelve panicking hours. But fortunately, it was finally successful in the end. After two days of bed rest the doctors finally allowed visitors to meet him. He looked weak and pathetic. Thousands of small thin pipes had been blown in and out of his body. His condition was fragile and I was hardly able to recognize him.

“What are the conditions near Arunachal?” he asked the Foreign Minister in low weak voice.

“Not positive sir. Looks like we are again on the ledge of a war with China” he replied.


“Sir, don’t mind but you must not take any sort of tension right now. It may…” the doctor said but he got interrupted in between by the PM himself.

“Thank you doctor. You will be called whenever I need you. Get out now” he harshly replied.

“I want to hold a meeting right now with all my ministers. Tell them to come with full preparation and reports about everything that happened within my absence. Now get going…” ordered the PM.

“Meeting…here sir?”

“Yes right here Einstein. Now move it…”

It was a complete political chaos. Everything looked pretty messed up. At one place where tension across A.P was inviting possibilities of a war, on the other hand, the PM of the country was hospitalized. We all were in panic including the general public. The opposition was raising various questions over our laxity in combating the tough time. The meeting was organized quite hastily but it finally got over after fourteen long hours of discussions and arguments. I was not invited in the party as only grey beards had been called to show up. When the ministers came out of the meeting they looked quite tensed and annoyed as if some more serious problem had evolved amongst them. All of them were in haste and buzzing among each other as they walked out of the hospital. In fact, many of them even returned back to the capital as soon as they left the hospital. I was worried to know what had happened in the meeting and so I asked one of them to disclose the things happened in there.

“So what was this meeting for? I mean the motive…” I asked one of the ministers (Jayant Lal) stopping him in his way.

“Motive? Surya Pratapji has lost his ability to think. He offered me his Prime Ministerial seat and that too only until he recovers back from his heart disease huh…” he replied aggressively.

“What? But what about the deputy Prime Minister? He is supposed to take his seat right now…what’s wrong with him?”

“Deputy PM? You mean B.P Singh. Huh he is entombed in the allegations of his own ill works of corruptions. He visits courts more than he visits the parliament. Suryaji is not ready to give him the throne…” replied Lal.

“Leave the Deputy PM. What’s wrong in making me the PM? I also want to be the head of the country and I do possess all the necessary qualifications but Suryaji? He does not care about my achievements…” said Pankaj Singh Choudhary, the Defense Minister, who joined the talks as he was passing by.

“Are you mad Pankaj Singh? Don’t you realize there is so much tension across the border from both China and Pakistan? Who would be so stupid to sworn in as the leader of a nation who is at the brink of a war. What if we lose? This shame would be counted in your track. Are you so stupid to do so? Huh obey my suggestion and drop such foolish thoughts from your mind. There’s nothing heroic in this act” replied Jayant Lal.

“You are blind and equally stupid if you cannot see the opportunity that has somehow luckily fallen from the heaven and which may fall in your bucket if you are prepared to grab it. Can’t you see? It’s a golden chance to achieve the prime chair and you talk of letting it slipped away from my hand” replied Pankaj Singh from whose tongue greed for power and ambition poured just as honey drops from the hive.

“Golden opportunity? Really? That’s what you think it is. Huh? We are on the brink of a war with China and to add to the worse no friendly nation seems to be friendly at the time of need right now. The whole globe is struggling with economic slowdown. If we fall in a war, the country may witness the biggest economy crash down of its time. No matter we win or lose the war will crush the economy. Apart from that China has surrounded the Indian boundaries from all directions. And we? We were busy in scam competition when we should have done something to weaken Chinese invasion intentions huh…” said Jayant Lal to Pankaj Singh while I was merely listening to the conversation.

“Why do you think we will lose? We have the third best defense system and so have all the answers for Chinese assault…” affirmed Pankaj Singh.

“Why do you think the US, the Russians or the Europeans are quiet over the issue? Because nobody wants to disturb its relationships with China. Things have changed and there’s a complete turnover of power from west to east. Apart from it the Chinese military have developed a nuclear base station at the moon. Who would mess with the Chinese in such situations?” said Jayant Lal.

“Even if you are right I will take my chances. And above all even if the country loses I still would be the Prime Minister of it. I am thinking in long terms dear…” replied Pankaj Singh.

Their conversation gave a clear picture of the reason for tension and annoyance from the meeting. Surya Pratapji was a great leader and till yesterday everything was so fine and well going. But in just few days things had changed so dramatically inside the country’s politics. The tables had turned against us and our security was on the line. We had everything to combat Chinese army except one thing- the nuclear missiles base station at the moon. Ever since the dawn of the 21st century the Chinese were busy in their strange military ambitions. The nuclear base station on the moon was one of them which had come operational in 20s. The dispute over the Arunachal Pradesh area had just brimmed up and war looked a definite event. But that would have meant an atomic attack on both sides of the border. There was certainly no winner. Moreover, we had to take care of the nation’s fragile economy too. Collapsing of economy would have meant collapsing of everything. I looked outside the window and saw dark clouds covering the good blue sky. Winds gained pace and people down there rushed here n there for safer place. A kind of hallucination rolled in my eyes. Those clouds appeared to be like enemy’s jet and raindrops like bullets, falling on people and piercing into their bodies. The hallucinations were dreadful. The desperate and restless media missed no chance to worsen the situation. They showed all kind of rubbish stuffs to panic innocent minds. Rest was done by the opposition who called a hunger strike in the demand of quick resignation from the PM. Chaos Chaos Chaos. Chaos was all around the vicinity.



Two days passed in such panic and pressure. One day Mr. Shankar called me to meet him in the hospital alone. It was a rendezvous meeting and I really had no idea about the purpose of that meeting. I just followed his orders and showed up to him when no one was around. When I reached he asked his family to go out and to close the door. He even asked his security guards not to let anybody interfere in the meeting.

“How are you sir?” I asked him amidst my anxiety to know why he had called me there. He responded tittering at the question

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I think things have quite messed up here…” I replied to him in the same mood.

“Yeah it has and I want you to clean all this mess for me” he said asking for a glass of water.

“I did not understand what you said…” I replied handing him the glass of water.

“Hah! Trying to play with me junior. Well…I want you to succeed me as the next Prime Minister of India. Was that fine to fit to your understanding?” he said drinking the water calmly.

I was stunned. In fact I did not speak a word in response. I simply stared at him like a stupid with my eyes wide opened.

“…I want you to take care of the alarming situation arising at the borders. Meet the…”

“…I understand your frets sir but I am not ready for this. I am still too young to hold situations like this. I fear I can’t help you on this” I replied apologetically.

He took a deep breath; held my hands, looked into my eyes and said, “I know what you are thinking. And I know that you are nervous. I understand that but you need to understand I don’t have enough choice. All other senior ministers are just unfit for the job. Some are corrupt, some ambitious just for power and rest are coward. And that leaves you as my last option. Apart from that you don’t need to do anything. The Army is smart enough to take care of the situation. Now I understand your frets but…”

“…no sir I am not fretting but this is something I don’t desire to be. I don’t desire to be powerful or famous or…”

“That is why you are the best eligible candidate for this job my son. The job of a Prime Minister is serious business and hence it requires somebody who is selfless, somebody who has no personal ambitions, someone who can sacrifice his everything for the best of the motherland. This is the opportunity Faizan. Don’t let it go…”

“You don’t understand. How can you lend the responsibility of the whole nation in such hands which have not even served as the Chief Minister and that too at such a moment when the country may fall in a war any moment? I am sorry to say but you are being hasty in your decision…”

“Hasty? Is that what you are calling me? What you want me to do? Relax and worry about these things after a week? Are you out of your bloody mind? The nation’s security is at its stake and I know what I am doing. I am doing what is best for the country right now. But perhaps you don’t care about that right? Because you are habituated of simpler life and you won’t take tough jobs even if the country needs you. Or perhaps you don’t care for the country at all? Is that what it is Faizan Ahmed Khan? When I had first met you I thought you would be different. But you proved me wrong. You are same like those other party members- selfish. You fret that you may have to hold the burdens of defeat. And hence already decided that we would probably lose. You listen to me very carefully mister I don’t care what Chinese have built at the moon. We will destroy the whole goddamn moon if required. I was a fool to trust a man coward like you...”

“Sir there’s a bad news. Pakistan has attacked from the west and Chinese troops have been seen heading towards A.P…” said a person who at once entered the room suddenly.

The information nearly killed us in a way. We were completely taken aback. This was quite expected from Pakistan. But so soon? No one had any idea about their plans. Our throats had dried and none of us spoke for a moment. Pakistan had already attacked and China could do the same any moment. The day was worse than a hell.

“Get me the Army Chief on the line and ask all the ministers to report me quickly. Go…” he shouted at the man who left quickly from there as he said.

“Faizan…” he said coughing severely.

I rushed to him and held his hands firmly.

“I don’t have all the day to convince you. Do it. Not for me. Not for yourself. Not for anybody. But for the nation. The nation today needs you. Leaders are not made. They are born. Born in the opportunities like these. This is your moment. I believe in you. Don’t prove me wrong…”

He said and left me with no choice. There was a nation who needed an honest leader. There was a man who believed I was that honest leader. And at last there was me myself who was not so vile to back down from any sort services especially those towards the mother nation. I had accepted the challenge. I had accepted the truth. Question was would others accept too.



“What non sense Surya Pratapji? What is wrong with you? I mean couldn’t you find a better name? What are we doing? Playing PM-PM? Faizan Ahmed Khan is just too naive to handle jobs like this. It would be an imprudent act to give the responsibility of whole country to someone so inexperienced in leadership. He is not so much in the news and neither he is popular amongst the public. The opposition will mock us and people would just dislike such heedless activities” said one of the ministers.

“He is right. I mean I would had no problem with any other senior names but Faizan Khan is just not the right man when we have lot many other options of senior and experienced members in the party. Apart from that and with due respect sir I would like to remind you that Faizan Khan is a Muslim (everybody stared at him as he said that)…I mean people may never accept him as PM” said another one.

“Yes sir, I agree with his words. It has never happened before ever in the history of Indian politics maybe because it should not happen. India is country with more that 80% of Hindu population and if we give the leadership of a Hindu majority nation in the hands of a non-Hindu a major part of the population may never accept him. And perhaps it would be simply injustice and disrespect to the democracy” said another.

These were reactions of some people when Mr. Shankar announced me to succeed him as the Prime Minister of the nation most of them just disliked the decision and refused to accept me as their leader. Others thumped the desk to agree with them. But not everyone was against his decision. Some of the senior members could understand the depth of his decision and they knew that perhaps it was not just the right time to debate on leadership but rather to stand together in such a time of action.

“Gentlemen we clearly understand your words and somewhere agree to your fear associated with this decision. But this is not just the right time. Moreover, Faizan Khan would simply be a dummy PM and that too only until our original Prime Minister recovers well from his condition” said someone in my defense while some other supporters thumped the desk in support.

“He is right. And there is no place for religion in politics. India is a country of literate, wise and above all secular people. They have seen Muslim as Presidents, Chief Ministers and at various major political apexes. I firmly believe that they will accept a Muslim Prime Minister too. And perhaps we should not use this word (Muslim) at all. In my belief it would be a test for the people too. Let’s see how many ‘Indians’ live in India” said another in support.

“You understand nothing. You know not how much people can move. We may lose Hindu votes in next elections. If they disliked the decision we would be out of the power. Our allies may not be allies any more then. What is the need of such risk? A Muslim can never be a Prime Minister of this country. Such mistakes would invite a new kind of debate in the median and public. And above all we don’t need to do this. Why make a Muslim the Prime Minister? Are we (Hindus) dead for this job?” said someone from the senior ministers.

“Shut up! And just shut your mouths up you all…”roared the Prime Minister breaking his silence and whole room became quiet like an empty space. “I did not call you to know your opinions. This is my decision. Surya Pratap Singh’s decision. Faizan Khan will be the acting Prime Minister until I recover from my disease. Now does anybody among you have guts to oppose that?” said the Prime Minister and nobody raised even a single word of if & but.

“That’s what I thought” he said and I took the oath then & there before the President (Of course we did not have time to hold any ceremony for that). And that’s it. History had been created with the completion of the oath. The event was seen as a big milestone in the chapters of Indian politics.
