The Muslim Prime Minister...A Love Story by Abhishek Sinha - HTML preview

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4. Saharabad riots


Same day at my house Suzanne came with her family to see us. Unaware from the external affairs going outside the world we were happily sharing our family moments with each other.

“Your win is sure sir. I feel glad to hand over my daughter to your family,” said Wahid Khan, father of Suzanne.

“Truly, this is so auspicious day for us. At one side it is sure that we will win the Saharabad seat and at the other side Allah has gifted me such a nice and descent daughter in law. I really feel blessed today”. Abbu looked very happy. It seemed as if for the first time in life he was proud of me.

However, at one side where the air of love was blowing, the other side a silent storm of hatred was just about to hit the city. That day, in afternoon, when innocent Muslims gathered in Jama Masjid for prayer three bombs explode at three different places near the mosque. First one in the market, second one on the streets and third one in the mosque itself. Rumors were spread that a Hindu community has done these bombings to oppose the election results. A few people of Younis Khan masked themselves as fake protesters and ignited the riot. Soon the ‘real’ common people gathered and destruction was seen all round the scene. Thousands of Hindus and Muslim supporters gathered on the road and attacked each other. Many lost their lives; many lost their dear ones while many lost their properties. All the police got busy in controlling the riot. And simultaneously, Younis Khan’s men took the advantage of the situation and looted the booth. However, the aim of the riot was achieved, but the riot gradually grew stronger and soon whole city was under its influence. No one was safe, not even Ahmad Khan, my Abbu.




The mobile phone of Abbu rang several times but Ammi snatched it from Abbu and finally switched it off.

“No, not today. Today you will not receive any phone call unless we decide dates for engagement and wedding,” said Ammi cutting the call.

“Ha Ha Ha… Bhabhiji, I think I should also switch off my mobile. It is also ringing quite a lot today,” said Suzanne’s father switching his mobile phone off. We continued our talks but got interrupted in between when police came into our house for security purposes.

“Sir we have been sent by the state government to provide full security to you and your family. We request you to move to some safer place with us,” said the officer.

Abbu was confused and so asked, “Why? What happened?”

The officer narrated him the whole situation of the city.

“What?” Abbu was stumped by the news. Perhaps we all were.

“Sir the whole city is facing the riot and it all happened in just few hours. Sir please do not waste time. Let’s go.”

Nobody there at that time could believe what had just happened in few hours. We did not know how to react at the situation. But before anybody could think of something, situation got out of control. Thousands of anti-Muslim protesters and activists surrounded our house and readily tried to arson it. The security force was small in comparison to the number of activists. Consequently, the furious mob started chasing us after they penetrated the security. We ran here and there for our lives – from one street to another; from one road to another and as a result I lost them during the run. Everywhere scene was same – protestors were all around for the kill. The city had turned into a wild forest where hunters were all around looking for innocent targets. The complete town was shrouded under communal violence. Only death and destruction was visible.

I could not find my parents. I ran here and there and got hurt myself. My left leg was severely hurt. I could feel severe pain in my chest and my head was bleeding but somehow I managed to move further. The deadly scenes before my eyes were even more painful to watch. I could see flood of blood on the road, burnt shops and houses. There were children crying for help, woman and olds brutally attacked. Broken hands, legs, and corpses lied all over the road. Madness, complete madness all around had enveloped the town. I could not imagine even in dreams that life would take so sharp turn in moments to turn onto me like this. My eyes were full of tears. Moving further along the way, I encountered a woman who was hurt, asking for some water. She appeared to be a Hindu. I looked around and soon found a bottle of water from a demolished shop. But before I could fetch her water she was already dead. Some people at near distance saw me with the woman. Perhaps they misunderstood me and one of them started to shout, “Hey there… look, look that man. He attacked our woman. Come…quickly come.” Before I could speak anything, someone hit on my head. Darkness shrouded my visibility and I fell down unconsciously. The mass attacked me brutally and left me almost dead.

I saw blood sprouting from my body perhaps they had stabbed me from behind. I fell down and could hardly move. I was losing my breath gradually and my vision slowly fainted. Everything looked slow as if time had slowed down its flow. I could hear my heart throbs quite clearly and could feel the footsteps of death approaching to me slowly & gradually. The breath slowed down every second and no hope of survival was visible in the vicinity. My blood flew and spread all over the ground. I could feel losing myself while looking up into the blue sky which appeared to be coming nearer and falling upon me. I thought that finally this is the end and I should quit now. It was in these conditions when I first heard her voice- ‘keeeeep breeeeathhhingg….doooonntt cloosse yourrr eyeeesss’; quite unclear though. My dim vision could hardly see her face. Her long hairs had blocked the sunlight. Her fragrance transmitted new life in me. I could hear her long and unclear voice which then sounded as lullabies. I was deadly hurt but some harmonic music being played in my ear hardly let me feel any pain and when she gave me the oral therapy I refused to die. The angels pushed me hard to take me away from her but I had changed my plans by then. However suddenly, a sudden darkness all around, covered my vision and I fell unconsciously down and didn’t remember what happened afterwards until I regained my consciousness.

