The Path: Anxiety & Panic Attack Elimination Program by Miller Thomson - HTML preview

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anic attack is a sudden period of intense fear. Panic attacks are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as palpitation, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness and even chest pains.

These experiences can last anywhere from a few seconds to hours but the most important thing to take in is that PANIC ATTACKS ARE NOT PHYSICALLY DANGEROUS. Although it might not feel this way when you are experiencing one, those symptoms will pass.

The most important first step is to ensure your safety. Panic attacks can be triggered or occur unexpectedly and due to that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation when panic attack starts. Before you employ panic attack elimination techniques ensure that you are safe.

Panic attack may occur, for example, while you are driving. In this case you need to safely bring your vehicle to a stop and only after you have done that, start using techniques you will learn in this chapter. Even if you are late to an important meeting you have to stop what you are doing and take your time to employ these techniques.

First off, you need to understand what is happening.

Anxiety is not a disease. It is a normal mechanism that is given to us by nature in order to keep us alive. Movies might portray fearlessness as a desired trait but in real life being fearless means taking unnecessary risks.

Anxiety is like having a caring mother, who is reminding you to keep yourself safe and focus on important tasks. This is a normal to mild anxiety level or what may be called your normal everyday worries. Anxiety becomes an issue when it is moderate to extreme. Panic attack is an extreme manifestation of fear.

Panic attack is a fear of fear itself. This is why it is so disruptive and vicious. It is self sustaining and self amplifying. As frightening as a panic attack may seem you will learn how to stop it and in later chapters we will address underlying issues that cause your anxiety in the first place.

How do you stop a panic attack?

Breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises.

These exercises address physical symptoms of a panic attack so use these techniques in accordance to symptoms you experience during the attack.

If you feel shortness of breath, feeling of choking, palpitations and/or shortness of breath - it is best to use breathing exercises.

If your symptoms are trembling and shaking, sweating, hot or cold flashes, nausea, chest pain and discomfort - use muscle relaxation exercises.

Panic attacks rarely have just one or two symptoms accompanying them. Choose technique you feel works the best. Once you have enough experience, employ both techniques at the same time as the use of them both at the same time amplifies their effectiveness.