The Path: Anxiety & Panic Attack Elimination Program by Miller Thomson - HTML preview

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n my journey to rediscover my cool, calm and collected self again I was shocked to discover how much of the material out there is nothing more than wishful thinking. I already had to deal with people in my life who did not understand what I am going through. Paying money, spending time and energy to read a book just to get an advice of “just wish it away” was insulting.

This is not one of those books. This book contains proven tools and techniques that employ short, middle and long term strategies to eliminate panic attacks and to reduce anxiety to normal level. I have been where you are now and I felt what you are feeling. This is why I want to help you to rediscover the old you.

Anxiety is so prevalent that it is hard to explain others what you feel. More often than not I would hit a wall of “Yeah, I had a hard day at work too” or “Just be positive.” What you are feeling goes way beyond your usual everyday worries but how can you explain this to someone?

The worst thing anxiety can do to you is make you feel like you are completely alone. That sinking feeling that you can not explain what you feel or open up to anyone because they will not understand, locks you up in a prison of your own.

I wrote this book due to my own personal experience. My interest in anxiety and panic attacks stems from years of suffering. My personal and professional life was at a stand still as I was gripped by fear and worry. Breaking out of this prison took me years of studying and working on myself and due to that this is not an academic paper discussing advantages of certain technique. This is a program which combines techniques that work into a comprehensive system.

It is scary to open up and admit that what you are dealing with is more serious than what most people feel. You might even feel ashamed to have these feelings.

News are filled with stories about people who lost everything so you may even be talking down to yourself. You may be trying to get yourself “out of this funk” by blaming yourself. How can you allow yourself to feel this way when there are so many people who are much worse off.

You feel that you need to show your kids, colleagues, loved ones or employees that you are a strong person.

Do not allow such feelings to stop you from working on yourself and seeking help.

Having anxiety does not make you any less stronger. Everyone feels some level of anxiety and this experience does not mean that you are weak, it just means that you are a human.

You are not alone.

Reading these words is an important first step you take on your road to taking your life back. Once you regain your strength, your confidence and the joy of life, you can help others but for now you need to focus on yourself.

Share your experiences and feelings with people in your life. Even if you feel that right now you do not have anyone in your life you can open up to, there are people waiting to hear you out and help you . Call assistance phone numbers or chat in Internet forums. The most important thing is to get your issues out and maybe once they are out you will be able to review them from a different perspective and solution will present itself.

Opening up allows you to break out of that crushing feeling of loneliness. You will learn that others have their anxieties and worries too.

Every new day brings out many new challenges you need to face and obstacles you need to overcome. You may worry about money, health, relationships or you may suffer from specific anxiety like social anxiety, specific phobia, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Every single person experiences some level of anxiety every day. Anxiety is actually a very important mechanism that allows you to call upon additional strength reserves when you need them and to direct your focus on what is important.

That being said, every mechanism sometimes breaks down and anxiety becomes a crippling obstacle. Normal anxiety level gives you extra boost but severe anxiety locks you up and stops you from living a life you deserve.

Before we move forward with this program I have a very big favor to ask you regarding phones.

Please do not use your phone while reading and working with this book and while you are working on your exercises. If you can allow this, please turn off your phone and leave it in another room.

This will most likely initially cause you discomfort but please power through this. I am asking you this because phone is a source of constant distraction and one of the factors negatively impacting your anxiety level.

The first step you can take towards a reduction of your anxiety is to set a time during the day when you will turn your phone off . Preferably one hour before going to sleep.

If turning your phone off may be out of the question because you have kids or due to other circumstances, there is a solution. Use “do not disturb” app. These apps turn off all notifications and calls but allow you to set phone numbers that are not blocked. Let people know that they can reach you in case of an emergency but if it can wait, they should wait after your “no phone” period to contact you.

German car manufacturer Volkswagen signed an agreement with its employees which stipulates that once they are done for the day, employees can switch theirs phones off. This allows employees of this company to actually relax after work and forget about it. This significantly improved productivity as people are able to actually get real rest. This is why this policy has been employed by a number of other companies.

You may have not noticed it before but constant connectivity is a huge source of stress and anxiety. This connectivity erodes your personal space and significantly reduces your ability to disconnect from work and worries.

Making a commitment to introduce no-phone time signifies the start of the program as this is the first active step you are taking.

It is of utmost importance to figure out the level of anxiety you are experiencing right now, to know what you are dealing with. This is the reason why the next step in your journey towards taking back your life is an anxiety level test. Please fill in a quick questionnaire as this will allow you to better understand how severe your anxiety is.

This test will take only a few minutes to complete and it will be tremendously helpful. All you need is a pen and a calculator. Your phone calculator can be used for this purpose.

One of the most crippling afflictions a person can experience is a panic attack. Second chapter is Panic Attack First Aid Kit. This chapter introduces you to powerful breathing and muscle relaxation techniques which will allow you to stop panic attack in its tracks. The use of these techniques will help you relax and eliminate panic attacks from your life.

Severity of panic attacks necessitates that we address this issue head on and right away. If you are experiencing panic attacks, first we need to get this under control before you can move on to the long term anxiety management strategies covered in the following chapters.

I recommend you to read and practice these techniques even if you do not suffer from panic attacks as this chapter contains strategies that will help you stay cool, calm and collected even in highly stressful situations like public speaking, taking exam, flying and other stressful events.

This book will allow you to bring back the old you. Once again you will be able to travel, socialize, exercise, work and have fun with your friends and loved ones without a trace of worry or fear. Building confidence and leaving worry behind will allow you to reach new heights in your career, expand your business, travel, have fun, build strong and loving relationships.

Getting your anxiety under control will allow you to achieve things that right now you may think are out of your reach.

You deserve to experience life and everything it has to offer without worry and fear. With your determination and diligence this program will allow you to achieve happiness and peace of mind you deserve.