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The Psychic


A Practical Guide to Psychic

Development & Spiritual Growth

First Edition

(Book Sample)

Avis J. Williams

P s y c h i c M i n d F o u n d a t i o n

L o n d o n , U K

Copyright © 2014 by Avis J. Williams

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including

photocopying, photographic, recording, or other electronic or mechanical

methods, including information storage and retrieval system without prior

written permission of the author or publisher except in the case of brief

quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

The information given in this book should not be treated as a substitute

for professional medical advice and treatment. It is recommended that you

consult a medical professional before following any advice or practice

suggested in this book. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held

responsible for any damage, injuries, loss or claim arising out of the use, or

misuse of information contained in this book.

Published by: Psychic Mind Foundation

London, UK

Cover Design by Avis J. Williams

First Edition: August 2014


I dedicated this book to the divine creator for giving me the

knowledge, skills and inspiration to write this book. Thank you for

your ongoing support, guidance and love.

"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly

what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. There is no

shortcutting to life. It took each and every situation you have

encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time."

~ Asha Tyson

C o n t e n t s

Introduction ...........................................................................................1

PART 1: The Three Minds ...................................................................7

Chapter 1: What are the Three minds?..............................................8

Chapter 2: Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind........................15

PART 2: Activating the Third Eye......................................................23

Chapter 3: Reawaken the Third Eye.................................................24

Chapter 4: Third Eye Activation Meditations...................................29

PART 3: The Human Aura .................................................................37

Chapter 5: What is the Aura? ..........................................................38

Chapter 6: Sensing and Seeing the Aura..........................................44

Chapter 7: Cleansing and Protecting the Aura.................................57

Chapter 8: Using a Pendulum to Clear and Balance the Aura .........65

PART 4: Cleansing and Balancing the Chakras..................................71

Chapter 9: What are the Chakras? ..................................................72

Chapter 10: Cleanse and Balance the Chakras ................................81

PART 5: Grounding ...........................................................................87

Chapter 11: Grounding Practices .....................................................88

PART 6: Breathing & Meditation Practices ...................................... 93

Chapter 12: Preparation.................................................................. 94

Chapter 13: Breathing Practices...................................................... 98

Chapter 14: Meditation Practices ................................................. 102

PART 7: Psychic Development ....................................................... 109

Chapter 15: Developing the Psychic Senses .................................. 110

Chapter 16: Psychometry .............................................................. 120

Chapter 17: Telepathy................................................................... 125

Chapter 18: How to Do Psychic Readings...................................... 127

PART 8: Daily Psychic Development Plan....................................... 138

Development Plan ............................................................................. 139

Further Reading................................................................................. 141

About the Author .............................................................................. 143

I n t r o d u c t i o n

“Self-knowledge is the great power by which

we comprehend and control our lives”

~ Vernon Howard

We are all born with a psychic mind, whether you know it or

not or even believe it or not. Have you ever had a gut feeling

that turned out to be true? Did you know who was calling

you before you picked up the phone? Have you ever had a

sudden impulse to do or not to do something, only to

discover later that you should have listened to that feeling?

If any of these things has ever happened to you, then you

have been using your psychic mind instinctively. As a child,

we can freely access our psychic mind, if it is encouraged and

developed further, we would have become a genius. But

unfortunately, this does not happen to every child because

over time you may have received negative reaction from your

friends, teachers, acquaintances or family and start to doubt

your intuitive voice and shut down this channel of


The Psychic mind | 2

The good news is that with a little patience and practice

you can reawaken and develop your psychic mind to gain

access to a valuable guidance system to help guide you to the

right path in life regarding career, finances and relationships,

even when social convention or common sense appears to tell


This book is not just about accessing and developing your

psychic mind, it is about you going on a journey of self-

discovery and awakening your true potential so you can create

the life you want to live.

This book will teach you how to access and trust your

psychic mind, to release the abilities available to you,

including clairvoyance, claircognizance, psychometry and

much more, once you have unlocked your psychic mind, you

will be able to use your intuition, your inner guidance to help

you create the life you want to live and take control of your

life to achieve ongoing success, fulfillment and happiness.

What are the Benefits of Developing the Psychic Mind?

 Increase activity of the brain, enhance intelligence,

perception, memory, creativity, problem solving and

decision making. The meditations and techniques

mention in this book activates and strengthens

communication between two parts of the brain’s

frontal lobe, the anterior cingulate cortex and

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, both are connected to

handle errors and conflict resolutions and the

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is primarily involved in

executive functions of the brain such as decision

making, memory and cognitive control, when the two

parts of the frontal lobe are working together it

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enhances the overall activity level of the brain which

develops total brain functioning.

 Your mind and body will be in balance which will

improve your overall physical, emotional and spiritual

wellbeing. A balanced mind and body reduces stress

on your immune system, decreases any anxiety,

tensions, ulcers, muscle and joint problems insomnia.

You will experience increases energy levels, feel great

joy and a greater peace of mind.

 Your intuition will improve, the six inner senses,






feeling/touching, tasting and knowing will become

stronger and more frequent. You can use your

intuition to guide you in all of your decisions in life

regarding career, money and relationships. The more

you use and trust your intuition, the stronger it will

get and the more confident you will feel about it.

 Your focus and concentration will improve. The

meditations and other techniques in the book will

help you to reduce distraction and develop


 Your consciousness will grow and expand in time you

will experience states of higher consciousness. When

this happens the problems in your life become less

significant. Anger and disappointments become

passing emotions that occur briefly and then

disappear. You start living in the moment and let go

of the past.

The Psychic mind | 4

 You can control your thoughts. Man has conquered

space and Mount Everest. But the most difficult thing

to conquer is your own mind. Even the greatest

minds on earth are not able to control their thoughts.

Look at Van Gogh, he surrendered to his thoughts

and committed suicide. He and many others were not

able to eliminate their negative thoughts and focus on

the positive. The exercises and techniques in the book

will teach you how you can control your own

thoughts to eliminate your negative thoughts to create

the peace of mind that you want.

What you will learn

This book contains simple practical information and exercises

which will help develop and increase your psychic senses and

abilities. The Psychic Mind is divided into eight parts:

Part 1: begins by explaining what the three minds are and

teaches you how they can work together to bring our whole

mind, body and spirit into balance. Also looks at practical

techniques you can use to reprogram the mind, to manifest

what you want and need in your life.

Part 2: begins by explaining what the third eye is and

looks at practical meditations to help stimulate and re-activate

the third eye.

Part 3: begins by explaining what an aura is and why it is

important to cleanse and balance it. Also looks at practical

techniques to sense and see an aura and learn methods on

how to read your own aura and other people’s auras. Lastly

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look at practical methods to cleanse, re-balance and protect

the aura.

Part 4: begins by explaining what the chakra’s are and the

various practical techniques you can use to cleanse, unblock

and balance them.

Part 5: begins by explaining what grounding is and the

various practical techniques you can use to ground yourself.

Part 6: begins by explaining the preparation you need

before starting the meditation and breathing practices. Also

looks at breathing techniques and various meditation

practices, to help calm and balance the mind.

Part 7: Looks at practical techniques to develop your

psychic senses including clairvoyance, clairaudience,

clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience, clairgustance and

psychometry. Also looks at methods on how to give psychic

readings to other people and how to give readings using

divination cards for yourself and others.

Part 8: A daily plan of psychic development activities you

need to do.

The Psychic mind | 6

How to utilise this book

First you must read this book with an open mind and believe

you can develop your psychic mind. This is a simple and

practical book that only shares techniques, experiences and

resources that do work to help develop your psychic mind. I

also encourage all readers to explore metaphysics, cosmology,

ancient yoga meditation (Kriya Yoga and Pantanjali yoga

sutras) and parapsychology research and books to give you

more of an understanding and a solid grounding on the

science of psychic phenomena.

The techniques contain in this book are also used by

professionally trained psychic’s and yogi masters. Practice the

exercises in the book daily, even if you don’t get the results

straight away, keep practicing, practicing and practicing that’s

the only way you will develop and increase your skills and to

get the maximum benefit from this book.


T h e T h r e e M i n d s

C h a p t e r 1

What are the Three Minds?

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become”

~ Buddha

The mind is composed of three types of consciousness, the

subconscious, conscious and the superconscious. Each one of

these consciousness represents an aspect of our mental,

emotional and spiritual self, that needs to work together to

bring our whole mind, body and spirit into balance.

Subconscious Mind (aspect of emotional self)

The subconscious mind is subservient to the conscious mind.

It has no reasoning and operates at a basic and instinctive

level. The subconscious mind does whatever it is programmed

to do, with no exceptions. It is also detached and makes know

judgments concerning the validity of information it receives

and stores.

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The main purpose and functions of the subconscious


1. Manages and controls functions of the body such

as our heartbeat, breathing, the pumping of blood,

organs and glands etc.

2. Stores and process information received from the

conscious and the superconscious mind – the past

and present thoughts, memories, feelings,

emotions, knowledge, desires, beliefs, habit

patterns, impulses, images and intuition.

3. Functions according to the law of attraction.

Everything in this universe is energy, all energy has

a vibration that emits a frequency, our thoughts,

sounds and colours are also energy and have a high

vibration. Everything that’s coming into your life

you are attracting into your life, from your

thoughts in your subconscious mind, your

conscious mind is the means by which, the

subconscious receives it's information, stores it,

and goes to work to attract, create, or bring into

the physical reality.

4. Runs 24 hours per day 7 days a week, and

consistently absorbing information, creating and

sending out vibrational frequencies (our thoughts)

based on the information that's been processed and

stored within it through the filtering mechanism of

the conscious mind.

The Psychic mind | 10

5. Can send thought forms or visual images such as

prayers, affirmations and visualisations to the

superconscious mind for answers and for


6. Creates dreams – dreams are a form of feedback to

the conscious mind, so that we are aware of what is

happening within our subconscious. Your dreams

can also come from your superconscious mind.

7. Controls the inner senses – seeing (seeing visions),

feeling/touch (sensing a presences, or have a gut

feeling), hearing (hearing a voice and sounds),

knowing (receiving ideas and inspirations), smell

(get smells like perfume, tobacco and so on) taste

(get a taste in your month).

8. Can connect to objects, divination tools and other

people using psychometry, psychokinesis, tarot,

oracle cards, runes, i-ching and pendulums.

How to balance the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind will be in balanced once most of the

negative limiting beliefs are removed. Once negative thinking,

emotions and feelings are removed you can start achieving

success and make progress in what you want to accomplish in

your lives. You will learn how to remove negative thoughts

and emotions, in the next chapter.

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Conscious Mind (aspect of mental self)

The conscious mind is to be the master and the programmer

of the subconscious mind and is subservient to the

superconscious mind. It is our reasoning mind, where we

consciously analyse the thoughts that we are thinking or

creating and consciously change those thoughts to create new

ones, which can overwrite the old data stored in the

subconscious mind.

The main purpose and functions of the conscious Mind:

1. The conscious mind creates and analyses the thoughts

that we are thinking.

2. Programme the subconscious mind, by saying

affirmations, prayers or by using visualisations.

3. Interprets the information sent from the subconscious

mind through our six senses and dreams.

How to balance the conscious mind

To balance the conscious mind, we need to create positive

thoughts, to get rid of the negative thoughts stored in our

subconscious mind. Everything that’s coming into your life

you are attracting into your life, from your thoughts.

Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and

feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our

thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and

circumstances into our lives.

The first thing we need to do is to meditate to silence and

The Psychic mind | 12

calm the mind, meditation will help to filter out the

distractions of the surrounding world and allow you to focus

on reprogramming your subconscious. Your concentration,

awareness is increased and we can experience inner peace in

the midst of worldly turmoil. The next thing we need to do is

take control of our conscious mind and become conscious of

our thoughts. Become conscious of what you are allowing the

conscious mind to absorb, and only allow information that is

in alignment with what it is that you are trying to attract to


Superconscious Mind (aspect of spiritual self)

The superconscious mind is the gateway to the higher

consciousness also known as the higher self, divine self,

universal mind, god or whatever you want to call it. It is the

all-knowing mind which gives us access to infinite wisdom,

inspiration and abundance.

The main purpose and functions of the superconscious


1. Gain access to inspiration, ideas, infinite knowledge,

infinite wisdom and abundance.

2. Gives us answers to our prayers and affirmations as

dreams, or by using one or more of our six senses.

Also we can receive answers through synchronicities

and signs you may come across throughout your daily


3. Manifest your thoughts and desires that were sent to



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the subconscious from your conscious mind.

How to balance the superconscious mind

Once you have balanced the conscious and the subconscious

mind, you will gain access to the superconscious mind.

You can contact this mind by meditating daily, prayers

(ask only for what you need), affirmations, through

divination using tarot cards, pendulum, runes and other

methods, visualisation, (visualising what you want),

automatic writing or journaling.

A diagram of how the three minds communicate to each other:

The conscious mind sends a request or a question in a

form of a prayer, affirmations or visual image to the

subconscious mind. The subconscious mind processes and

stores the request and then relays the request to the

superconscious mind.

The superconscious mind sends a response in the form of

symbols or images to the subconscious mind, the

The Psychic mind | 14

subconscious mind processes and stores the response and then

relays the response to the conscious mind as dreams, or by

using one or more of the six senses – seeing (seeing visions),

feeling/touch (sensing a presences, or have a gut instincts),

hearing (hearing a voice and sounds), knowing (receiving

ideas and inspirations), smell (get smells like perfume,

tobacco and so on) taste (get taste in your month). You may

also experience synchronicities and signs throughout your

daily life.

C h a p t e r 2

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done,

really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it.

Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”

~ David J. Schwartz

Every single thought we think, whether it is positive or

negative is an affirmation. Every single word we say is an

affirmation. Every single action or behaviour we take is an

affirmation. All of our inner dialogue or self-talk is a flow of

affirmations. We are repeatedly affirming subconsciously with

our words and thoughts and this stream of affirmations is

creating our life experiences in every moment. That voice you

always hear inside and you think it is you talking those are all

affirmations and they are very powerful.

As you know the internal voice within every one of us has

both positive and negative thoughts and attitudes. The

positive thoughts are the ones we need to concentrate on and

empower to eliminate the negative thoughts out of our

minds. It is kind of like brainwashing the negative thoughts

The Psychic mind | 16

only to leave the positive thoughts in our mind. To

successfully reprogram the subconscious mind you must have

a strong desire, belief and behave as if you have already

obtained your desired outcome. The subconscious mind does

not know the difference between what has actually appeared

in this physical reality and what you believe to have already


Positive thoughts need to be repeated over and over again

in order to reprogram the subconscious mind and transform

our thought patterns, behaviour, habits and acti

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