The Rhyming Schizophrenic Avenger Book Ten by Colin Platt - HTML preview

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Please be aware that this is part five of an ongoing script; to get the full story please read books one to nine first.


Mal and Loll is the same person; born in a man’s body, but always struggling to accept things as they are. Mal pushes herself to the fore and Loll has to take second place in a life of manic schizophrenia and bizarre circumstances. Mal gets cancer but decides to fight to the bitter end with anybody and anything which stands in the way of her pleasure; trouble is it’s not the end but the beginning.


Scene One WPO (world protection organization, (speaking in secure mode)

Mal and Loll are preparing to go to the planet Zyclon. A captured alien ship is being prepared and the alien robots have been altered to specific calculations; they will be used to create more havoc for the cruel uncaring Zyclon’s.

Mal: My new body is extremely strong; and the reaction time is stunning, I am able to know instantly if someone is about to act angrily, but what about the robots?

Loll: We are somewhat in the dark as far as that is concerned; the Zyclon Web is stopping us from accessing many things on the planet. The alien robots that we have altered were shut down and useless when we found them. Our technology is no match for the Zyclon technology; they can link into one another as we know and share their expertise with millions of other Zyclon’s. They will know in advance when we are approaching in the ship, even with the Zyclon Web concealment.

Mal: Loll, I have been thinking, I know I’m no match for you as regards deep thinking, but I think we can dream travel to the Zyclon Astral Planet and then transfer ourselves to the Physical Planet and into two alien robots.

Loll: I have also thought of that; it was easy enough before the attack on Zyclon Fifteen but now it will be expected. We could both be trapped in the robots!

Mal: I know, the only other way is to use the ship and go in attack mode and then use the torpedo tube shuttle to slip through their defenses; it would be the only way to get my body through, the other way is to transfer to the robots again.

Ryon: I have been in mental conference with the higher source and I have been told that there is another way in which we could stop the Zyclon’s, but it is a drastic measure!

Loll: I am also accessing it. It is very harsh!

Mal: I approve of it, I know it is harsh, but it is final, and the Zyclon’s will be stopped once and for all.

Ryon: For the benefit of the other team members, the plan is to locate the hidden regulator in the ship and alter it so that the ship will travel at the correct speed and also be invisible to the Zyclon’s, even with their expertise; the ship will hit the web at the most vulnerable spot and plough into the main underground power facility, the resulting explosion will trigger another series of explosions and disable the other power sites, the result will be utter mayhem. The effect will be like a large meteor hitting the planet, and it will take just six weeks for the dust cloud to settle all over the Zyclon Web and stifle everything on the planet.

Loll: I say we vote on it.

Mal: I say we do it; we can’t waste any more time!

Ryon: The higher source knows that there are other people on the planet besides Zyclon’s.

Mal: Yes, but they are used only for food; they are just fodder for these monsters!

The other team members all approve of the drastic measure to exterminate the Zyclon planet of sixty three billion aliens plus billions of other people and untold numbers of robots.

Ryon: The number of souls moving to the astral plane will be astronomical, resulting in a huge reincarnation of souls to other bodies on other astral planets. The astral planet of Zyclon will also be destroyed; this means that there will be a high distribution of people in the surrounding galaxies throughout the Universe.

Mal: Most of the aliens will end up in the Hell Worlds, yes?

Ryon: A lot of them will, but believe it or not, there are some aliens who want change, but the system has been uncaring for so long that it is unlikely ever to happen. I say we all link hands and pray for a few minutes.

Loll: (suddenly shouts) Hold everything! An alien robot is about to access this room in fourteen seconds and kill us all; everyone into the side room and lock it, Mal and I will deal with it, where are the weapons?

Ryon: There are none here, it was thought unnecessary.

Mal: I won’t need any; I can handle this my way.

Everyone exits the room but for Mal who is hiding behind the door. Seconds later there is a flash of yellow light, the door splinters into pieces and a robot walks in. Mal swings her arm in the karate fashion, and the robots head falls to the floor, but the robot is still stood upright, but out of action. Mal shouts for the team to come back.

Ryon: How did it manage to access our vicinity?

Loll: It was simply told to by the Zyclon’s; they are, even now, linking into our system, we will have to start the assault as soon as possible. Ryon, start a security check of all the robots and destroy any alien ones that are still around, even if they are out of order, be especially watchful of any androids that may be vulnerable to alien influence.  Mal and I will go with the ship to Zyclon and supervise things; we can then transfer to the Zyclon Moon 132 and observe.

Ryon: I am receiving a message from the higher source; the Zyclon’s have started to exterminate the people on Fedrel (Zyclon fifteen) en mass; the same is true of the other Zyclon controlled planets.

Mal: Let’s get going! How long will it take us to get there, Loll?

Ryon: I am receiving messages from the higher source. The Zyclon’s have activated ancient booby traps which were placed on all the worlds which they conquered; the higher source didn’t know about these things for some, as yet, unknown reason, they will be triggered in twelve hours hours if we don’t comply with their wishes.

Loll: It will take us longer than that to reach Zyclon!

Mal: It’s no use asking their terms; but we have to play for time.

Loll: There is only one way to play this, we will have to travel there by dream travel and then transfer into robots.

Mal: I won’t be able to use my concealment training though!

Loll: Yes, you will, because I will pretend to be you and I will let them catch me.

Mal: I don’t like this; you could be tortured!

Loll: I have knowledge of the technique of mind torture, I can overcome it.

Mal: I still don’t like it.

Ryon: I’m afraid it’s our only hope, there is no time to waste; aliens have started mass exterminations on all of the Zyclon occupied planets.

Loll: Mal, please accompany me to the lightbook room, we will simply look into it with a calm mind and we will blend together even more, but still be separate yet united; then we will sleep and transfer together to the Government HQ on Zyclon, I have all the information we need as to the various places we will be accessing. Ryon, please stay in the secure sections of the base and don’t send any messages to us, we will rely on the higher source for all messages. Deria the elfin princess is going to be our inner guide also; she will be totally unreachable by the Zyclon’s.

Ryon: I will instruct the ship to be underway as soon as possible.

Loll: Yes, please take care, farewell.

Ryon: You go with our blessings, farewell.

Mal and Loll move to the lightbook room for training and then to their room to sleep.

Mal: I want you to move into Kevin the robot and have sex with me.

Loll: What? I thought you would be above that by now!

Mal: Well, I’m not!

Loll: We are the same person!

Mal: I know, but we can still split ourselves in two; that is the beauty of our relationship, is it not?

Loll: I can’t, maybe you should just have sex with the robot and I will in meditation.

Mal: Forget it! Let’s go.


Scene two Zyclon Planet, Physical and Astral:

Mal and Loll sleep together and move into the dream worlds and then transfer to Zyclon in the physical to access the alien robots which Deria has chosen for them. Mal’s robot is stationed in the inner complex where the operations room is sited and Loll’s robot is in the government planning department which is a short distance away. Loll directs his robot to the computer room and takes out his laser gun; he presses the fire button and swings the yellow beam through the computer terminals and carries on round the room blasting robots and aliens together; he calmly walks to the door and aims the beam at the ceiling and the roof falls in from the floor above plus the other two floors. Loll is pinned to the ground by debris. Loll knows he is about to be captured by the Zyclon Web trained Astral Entity Androids; he is taken to the Zyclon Astral Planet and incarcerated in a special astral cell for torture.

Mal is aware of what has happened to Loll; she has to keep calm.

Alien Leader: You are the person who has committed atrocities on our soil and our people.

Loll: I am Mal, so go and throw yourself off the roof!

Alien Leader: You will be tortured to a high degree; you will be in constant pain as though you were in an eternal fire.

Loll: If I was free I would rip your head off.

Alien Leader: Your plans to destroy our world has come to nothing; we will repair all the damage in a short time, your Earth will now be totally eliminated as a human world.

Loll: Go away, ugly; I am tired of seeing your stupid looking face.

Loll sits down in meditation and gets ready to endure whatever is his fate.

Mal: Deria is now visible to Mal; she informs Mal to follow her to the central power room and computer terminal. Mal has to first blast the robots and aliens who are in the operations room, an alarm goes off, Mal can also hear the siren from Loll’s work; she has to be quick, she grabs an extra laser gun from one of the robots and marches out into the corridor where she blasts any robots and aliens she sees plus anything of importance such as power boxes and terminals. Deria directs her to a door which is made of a special metal and laser gun proof, Deria say’s Mal has to direct a beam of light into the wall to the right of the door and hold it there. There is a flash of white light and the door falls inwards, while the wall crumples down. The floor above is starting to weaken but not fall. Mal walks in and blasts any life forms plus robots she sees, she notices the main computer is of a unique design and newly installed; this is the one which has caused the trouble at home with the robots and androids. Mal smiles as best she can in the robot as she trains the yellow beam of death at the computer and everything else of importance in the room, before she walks backwards to the door and brings the two laser guns up to the ceiling as she carries on walking backwards with ease while blasting out the floors above. Mal then runs to the main entrance and kills any aliens she sees on the way and destroys any robots she encounters; she stands her ground near the entrance and blasts anyone and anything which comes in range.

Mal receives a message from Deria that she can now move to the astral plane and help Loll. Mal knows that she has done enough to stop the destruction of all the alien controlled planets plus Earth. The ship is on its way bringing total destruction to Zyclon in just less than twenty four hours’ time. Mal can see the robot insects which are now arriving at the entrance, she looks on with interest as they wither up and lie still as Mal trains her laser guns on them; there are too many of them though and they manage to overpower Mal from all sides; Mal lies still as the robot ants start to cut Mal’s robot into several pieces, Mal wonders how her new body would stand up to it.

Mal moves to the Zyclon Astral Planet and into the cell which Loll is incarcerated in. The power is down and the place is deserted apart from Loll and the alien leader who is lying on the floor headless.

Mal: How did you manage to endure the torture?

Loll: I didn’t have to endure it long; it was a crude type of mental pain which was programmed to override the pain barrier, but I simply blocked it out with the training I received.

Mal: You good-looking, thoughtful, romantic, lovable old fart.

Loll: Thank you, how did you go on?

Mal: I just did what I do best and blasted the hell out of things.

Deria arrives and is transformed into her human type body which is incredibly beautiful.

Deria: I want you both to accompany me to the Higher Astral Region where you will be guests of honor in the new era that will presently begin for the former Zyclon planets; it will be presided over by Mannus the Lord of the Higher Regions; please follow me.

Mal and Loll are now in a place where the light and sound are staggering to their senses; Mal feels she is about to black out when the light suddenly adjusts itself to Mal’s mind. There are thousands of entities here; people who are now able to access a place where souls are totally at peace. Deria directs Mal and Loll to the front table; they notice a large golden cushion which is placed on a podium in front of them. Everyone is told to pray for a few minutes and then the light suddenly gets brighter as a man materializes on the cushion; he is a large man with a golden skin and is wearing a loin cloth, he has golden bangles on his arms and ankles and is hairless. His eyes are closed and he is sat in the lotus position; after a few minutes he opens his eyes and begins to talk:

I am Mannus, I want to thank the person known as Mal, Loll; you are a special entity who can help with the freeing of numerous worlds which are oppressed due to greed and power, please accept our thanks and Love.

Mannus closes his eyes.

Loll: I’m overawed at this.

Mal: I’m in disbelief; how can a person like me be allowed to come here?

Deria: You are a hero, please believe that, but you mustn’t stay here too long, the light and sound will shortly overcome you.

Everyone claps as Mal and Loll begin to leave; they transfer to the WPO base community room. Ryon and his team are waiting.

Ryon: This is a momentous occasion, you are to be commended. The Alien Invasion is over, the booby traps have been dealt with and the oppressed planets are now free to govern themselves, they will, of course, be helped and although it will take time it will happen. Zyclon will be destroyed in five hours and forty three minutes time; it is a sad ending to a once proud race of beings that let power overcome them, the surviving Zyclon’s will be situated elsewhere and monitored from now on. Mal and Loll will receive the ‘Order of Space’ award and our grateful thanks. Please step up Mal/Loll and say a few words.

Loll: We are pleased to receive this award; Mal doesn’t like to step into the limelight, she is content to stay in the background and live a simple life; but there is nothing simple about what she has done over the last few days even with the help of the lightbook; she is a phenomenon. I know what she is thinking; but I won’t put it into words as they would not be fitting for this occasion. I will simply tell you that she is thankful that the people are free from the alien oppression. I know that Mal wants to take a break and so do I; we will though, be in readiness for our next ‘job,’ whenever and wherever it will be.

Ryon: Please go with our love and best wishes.

Mal and Loll move to their room and contemplate their next move.

Mal: I feel as though the last few days have been a big dream!

Loll: I know what you mean, dreams fade so fast, but these incidents are tuned into our brains, but they can be erased for our benefit; they could overload us if we let them.

Mal: I want to forget them, Loll, I am not a person who wishes to be famous, and you know that.

Loll: Yes, Mal, I know you; and I love you for it; you are part of me, we are one, but I will stay in the robot for now.

Mal: Can you alter your face to the old grumpy one though?

Loll: Of course, but it wouldn’t suit this young type of body!

Mal: I don’t care, just think, Loll, if you get destroyed in that robot you would come back to me and if I get blasted beyond repair I could move to you!

Loll: That’s true, Mal, but what about the future?

Mal: I don’t want to think about it; let us live for today and enjoy one another.

Loll: You simple, good looking, lovable, romantic, thoughtful old fart, Mal.

Mal laughs and prepares to leave to base.

Mal: I have a poem, Loll, write it down, it’s called winning.

Winning is such a beautiful thing

It is the culmination of many things

Work, rest, play and retrain again

Fighting, striving, loving and surviving

All to one purpose

Caring for your world

Helping the oppressed

Crushing the obsessed

Building a world of care

Helping people to share

Being strong and defiant

Healthy and reliant

Helping the meek

Saving the weak

Do not be a sinner

Be a winner

Be like Mal

Or go to hell.

Loll: Don’t you think the last bit is a little bit over the top?

Mal: I do, but it’s my poem, so what?

Loll sighs and moves on.

Mal and Loll move out of the WPO base as a couple, the robot which Loll inhabits is human looking in every way apart from the old face in a young body, but Mal isn’t bothered so Loll is happy. They have everything they need, money, car and all the right papers including passports in a new identity; they are actually a married couple, which is something that they always desired.

Loll: Where to, Mal?

Mal: Where else, Niagara Falls, we never did get there.

Mal and Loll will take a break for now.


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Colin J Platt.


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