The Season of Positive Change by Afolabi Joshua - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Learn how to appreciate God

Appreciating God here means showing forth the goodness of God through your praises, thanks giving and adoration. He or she who knows how to appreciate God knows how to receive from him. In the first instance, we must learn how to appreciate God for creating us in his own image. Thanking God is in three fold: for what he has done, for what is doing and for what he is still going to do. For what he has done will reveal you as a person who appreciates. For what he is going will explain the faith you have in his power. And for what he will still do serves as a catalyst to spur God into action. This was evident in the ministry of Jesus Christ at the graveyard of Lazarus. He first gave thanks before he called out Lazarus. 

Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which standby I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.  John 11:40-41.

What some people know how to do is to give momentary thanks after which they forget it all. Thanksgiving to God is easy when things are rosy but when the situation looks demanding, people complain.

Paul and silas were in prison. They needed freedom, and all they could do was to sing song of praises. Honestly, his may beat the imagination of people. Paul and silas might be accused of doing the right thing at the wrong time, but that was what their situation needed at that time.

Somebody said sometimes that if prayer fails, try praises. Well, this could have been better said thus: if prayer delays, try praises. Praises bring down the presence and the hand of God into the midst of his people. Enough of your grumbling and murmuring try praising God.

A familiar spirit possessed woman once confessed. She admonished people to burst into praising God than requesting from him. She narrated how a man of God was delivering a young woman for more than 16 hours but to no avail. But all of a sudden, the man and his ministerial crew burst into praise and worship. The atmosphere of the arena changed the power if God was evident and the young lady received total deliverance.

Praising God is capable of lifting somebody from nowhere to somewhere. God himself wanted his people to praise him, he made people realize that, he has power to commanded stones to praise him should they refuse to.

Appreciate and God’s praise should be from the depth of one’s heart. God commands thanking him always for everything. Not only when we are delivered from any evil or wicked people, but when we are facing any tribulation.

Praises brings down the presence of God and the presence of God proffers solution to any problem. Learn how to praise and appreciate God always.