The Season of Positive Change by Afolabi Joshua - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Be Diligent and Proficient


Seest that a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men- prov. 22:29.

God is his indignation against man after his (man’s) fall in the Garden of Eden still blessed man.

In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground for out of it wast thou taken: for dust art thou, and unto dust shall thou return – Gen. 3:19.

God loves man and at creation, he created everything that man would eat before creating him. He blessed all that he created for man’s sake because, he knew that they would eventually be useful for him. God did not command man to work without any fruit coming out of it, but even promised to bless his handwork through his magnanimity. It is essential to note here that God would not bless nothing but something. The theory of praying and receiving as revealed by Jesus Christ is applicable here. “Some pray they do not receive because they pray aloof”.

Many believers capitalize on the efficacy of prayer without doing anything. However, there are some who are half-baked in what learnt. Their technical know-how is against the popular saying “a trial will confuse you”. They are not well informed in what they learnt neither are they proficient in their handwork.

Being diligent includes adding value to knowledge in your study or area of specialization. It is imperative for whosoever desires a better life to sit for professional examinations which will qualify him to belong to professional bodies. This often makes a difference in the lives of people who are conscious of this. I can say that, there is no profession that has no professional body which serves as a plus to its members. Do you know that carpentry works, mechanical works in various fields, and other craft works have gone beyond the old way of doing things? You need to improve yourself. 

Grade II teachers who were the best in the industry are no more relevant not even in primary schools of today. Why then do you choose to remain that way when you have God’s given wisdom that can better your lot? Paul the apostle admonished Timothy to study in order to show himself approved.

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Pastors in some denominations lose their members because they fail to improve on what they have. We are not talking about compromising the faith but improving on the acquired knowledge. The generation of today needs minister of the word who can communicate with the language to today. Imagine somebody who joined the ministry with primary six twenty years ago and still capitalizing on the certificate he acquired without any improvement. Even a minister who fails to improve on his spiritual talents will do no noticeable exploits.

Diligence required that you know your ability and capability and maximize them. Some have the strength of doing up to three businesses at the same time and no one will affect the other. Some don’t have the power, but the only ability should be used judiciously because it is equally rewarding. The master came from the journey he went; he then came accordingly their rewards. This may be likened to the spiritual aspect of our lives, but it still has implications and bearing on our physical lives. We must be keen enough to note that the diligence of the first man that received talent paid off when his talents were multiplied. And the slothfulness of the latter was also rewarded with condemnation. Diligence equally makes one to realize that saving for rainy days is paramount instead of squandering all that comes at times. God’s wisdom and strength can make you diligent, all you need to do is ask from him who gives freely and liberally.