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dogs is up



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Meanwhile, dogs are suffering from anxiety and stress at unprecedented’s why 80% of dogs will have some sign of dental disease by the age of two...and why skin infections, hot spots, food allergies, and even tumors are on the rise.

Yet by following the traditional advice we’ve been given, we’re only making things worse..

It’s no wonder that the CEO of the American Veterinary Medical Association recently held a press conference to ISSUE A DIRE WARNING about the steady decline in our pet’s health.

In his own words...

And that something for me was to take a lesson from those stray dogs on my farm.

These dogs are hunters and scavengers, meaning a lot of what they eat is covered in loads of live bacteria.

And while it’s true that some of the organisms they consume can be classified as “bad bacteria,”

their digestive system has adapted over time, plus they consume a lot of “good bacteria,” too.

Now just like humans, a dog's digestive system is the CORNERSTONE of good health.

It’s where over 80% of their immune system lives, and it’s where they extract all of the nutrients from the foods they eat.

It’s also where brain chemicals like serotonin, “the happiness hormone,” are produced, which works the same way on your dog as it does on you.

Serotonin is what makes your dog so friendly and loveable and why they get irritable and short-tempered when their gut is unhealthy.

The bottom line...

Good gut health is the FOUNDATION of your dog's health and longevity.


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But when gut health is compromised, your dog can and WILL suffer.

Digestion becomes difficult, and things like diarrhea, vomiting, and gas become common.

Their skin itches, their fur becomes dull, and they shed more.

And they suffer from joint pain, hot spots, rashes, and even mood changes.

So What Do These Stray Farm Dogs Have That Your Dog Doesn’t?

Well, remember earlier when I told you how I took soil samples in my olive grove?

Well, it turns out that the bacteria profile in that soil was a recipe for optimal gut health.

In other words, because of their exposure to that soil and the “wild factor” in it, it was like those stray dogs were taking a daily probiotic.

But not just any probiotic, but a powerful “soil spore” based probiotic.

Something that’s likely missing from not only your dog's diet but the diet of millions of dogs worldwide. By giving them a powerful daily probiotic with their food, you can fortify their microbiome and boost their gut bacteria while transforming their health.

Now before I tell you what bacteria was in that soil and why it holds the key to your dog's gut health...

Let me first give you what I call the five warning signs that your dog is suffering from barren belly and is missing the Wild Factor.

Sign #1 Is Gas

Some dogs are known to pass a lot of gas, but if you notice your fur baby is stinking up the joint a little more often than usual, it could point toward an imbalance in their gut...

Are they farting a lot more than normal? If it happens multiple times daily, that may be a warning sign.

Are their farts or gut sounds louder than normal - loud farts and a gurgling and churning stomach are prime indicators that something is wrong in your dog's gut.

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Time since last meal - If your dog is passing a lot of gas after meals, there could be some connection between the food they're eating and a compromised gut.

Sign #2 Is Diarrhea

During my years of practice, this was always the biggest nightmare for many of my clients.

Besides being hard to clean up, diarrhea is a sure sign your dog's gut is compromised.

Other number two-related symptoms you may want to watch out for include...

Irregular bathroom times messes inside the house and raising false alarms.

All of these are common signs of barren belly.

Sign #3 Is Al ergies

Dogs deal with allergies just like we do.

Luckily they aren’t allergic to us.

Instead, one of the biggest culprits is food allergies.

As I mentioned earlier, processed and GMO-related foods are everywhere, but a good probiotic can help relieve symptoms associated with food allergies by boosting your dog's immune system.

And in case you aren’t allergies can manifest in various ways, including constant

itching and scratching, dry, flaky skin, rashes and hot spots, and swol en and irritated ears, lips, 24/47

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or eyelids.

Sign #4 Is Bad Breath

Now dogs aren’t known for their minty fresh breath, but a noticeable change in its aroma could signify that their gut health is compromised.

That’s because bad breath comes from inside, and an unhealthy gut doesn’t smell very good.

Undigested and partially digested food can ferment; we all know how that ends.

A good probiotic can help digest and absorb your pup's food and significantly improve the smell of their breath.

Sign #5 Is Grass And Poop Eating

Have you ever seen your dog eat grass or the occasional pile of poop?

Well, believe it or not, experts say that this is a sign that your dog's gut health is compromised.

Dogs are instinctual by nature, and the same instincts that had those stray dogs burying their bones in my olive grove also drive them to eat grass and poop.

It may sound gross, but dogs know what their body needs.

So if you see an increase in this type of behavior, it could be a sign that their “gut health” has been compromised.

And for these five reasons, I highly recommend a daily soil-based probiotic.


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That’s The Wild Factor Missing From So Many Dogs’ Diets Now, after hearing all this, you might be wondering two things.

What type of probiotic should I be giving my dog?

And why hasn’t my vet prescribed one?

Let’s start with the first question.

And if you want to know the OPTIMAL probiotic blend to give your dog.

Then you don’t have to look much further than what’s available in the wild.

“Soil Spores” are by far the MOST POWERFUL good bacterial strains and give your dog the most protection.

They give your dog the “Wild Factor,”...and that’s what they need to thrive.

Now, I already told you how those stray dogs buried their bones in my olive grove.

Now what really struck me was the fact that they ONLY buried them in the dirt around my most prized vines.

Nowhere else.

And if you remember, I had that soil analyzed, and it was full of live bacteria.

What I didn’t tell you was what that bacteria was.

However, before I do, let me quickly answer the second question.

Why Hasn’t Your Vet Prescribed A “Soil-Based” Probiotic?

You see, I know for a fact that vets do care deeply about the dogs they treat.

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And most of them are really great doctors and experts at treating disease... prescribing your dog medicine... and performing a wide range of surgeries.

Unfortunately, just like medical doctors, veterinarians aren’t really taught much about nutrition.

And just like medical school, vet schools only require one semester of “nutrition” classes, which can often last as little as just three weeks.

So while your vet really is trying his or her best and is probably pretty good at dealing with most things facing your dog's health...

They just DO NOT have the background when it comes to probiotics, gut health, and their impact on health and disease.

In Many Ways, They’re Just Like HUMAN DOCTORS

Overly obsessed with pills... prescriptions... and procedures.

Without ever really thinking about the SIMPLE, natural fixes that can OPTIMIZE your dog’s health.

Which is really hard...

Because unlike humans — dogs can’t really tell you when they’re hurting...

Or tired...

Or quietly suffering.

So they NEED us to be more proactive about their health to ensure they live the happiest...

healthiest... most vibrant lives possible.

Unfortunately, Most Vets Seem To Total y Miss This Part The second problem is that just like BIG PHARMA targets medical doctors and pushes them to prescribe their medications...

Veterinarians are targeted too.

These companies spend MILLIONS of dol ars each year wining and dining veterinarians.


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And offer incentives to vets who prescribe their medications.

Finally, there’s just not a lot of emphasis on research that looks into the consequences of prescribing these drugs.

And while many veterinarians are starting to pay attention to the role gut health plays in your dog's health and longevity... it takes years, if not decades, to unravel bad habits most of us learned in vet school.

That’s why it’s SO essential for dog owners worldwide to do EXACTLY what you’re doing right now.

Take the time to discover the TRUTH about your dog’s gut and how it really influences their health.

And taking the time to make a few small tweaks in your dog's daily diet that can have a PROFOUND effect on their health, energy, and longevity.

So Let’s Talk About How To Do That Right Now By Sharing The Different Bacterial Strains I Discovered In The Olive Grove The first bacterial strain listed in the lab report was Saccharomyces Boulardii.

This particular bacteria is interesting because it’s mostly found on plants, fruit, and in soil.2

In fact, it’s actually USED when planting olive trees.

Because it helps grow the tastiest, juiciest olives possible.

In fact, one study found that this PARTICULAR strain of bacteria helped these olives produce a whopping 600% MORE fatty acid (or oil) on average than any other strain.3


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Wild, right?

And countless OTHER studies have shown a similar connection.4,5,6

I mean the science is practically ENDLESS...

But the best thing about Saccharomyces Boulardii is its ability to fix a variety of gastrointestinal disorders that cause diarrhea.7

It also binds to bad bacteria and can neutralize toxins, especially those that adhere to the walls of the digestive system.

Essentially, it calms an overactive immune response in the digestive system, which can help with itching, scratching, hot spots, and so much more.8

Bottom line?

It’s A Pretty Powerful Probiotic

The next bacterial strains on the lab report were from what’s called the Lactobacillus family.

Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus casei.

Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacteria that helps to sterilize the soil.

What I mean by that is that it removes byproducts that can build up and create a harsh and harmful environment.

The presence of lactobacillus limits the undesirable organisms in the soil.

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I couldn’t believe it.

Nature had created the perfect balance of both good and bad bacteria in that soil.

No wonder the dogs were so healthy.

But that’s not all the soil had in it.

The lab report also showed Bifidobacterium Longum and Bifidobacterium Breve.

This species of "good bacteria" is the first bacteria to colonize the intestinal tract in infants as they pass through the birth canal.

Which is why they’re sometimes called “Youth Probiotics.”

And according to experts, the presence and abundance of Bifidobacterium has been said to be a marker for good health.

Research shows that it improves digestion, increases the absorption of certain minerals, and could even boost immunity.9

Final y, The Lab Report Showed A Bacteria Cal ed Bacil us Subtilis Bacillus subtilis help to improve digestive health, immune system function and helps with fat digestion.

Plus, it helps reduce gas and bloating. 10

And in one study, Bacillus Subtilis was shown to decrease the odor of dog poop. 11

Who wouldn’t want that?

All of these soil-based probiotics provide POWERFUL protection against a wide range of gut-related health issues.

And When You Add Them To Your Dog's Diet, They Can Transform Their Health


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But before you run out and get your dog a probiotic, you should know a few things.

You see, finding one or maybe even two of these strains is sometimes possible. It’s hard to find them all in one complete formula.

When I first discovered how critical soil-based probiotics were, I simply COULD NOT find a formula that contained all of the same strains I found in the soil.

So through my connections with top-rated veterinarians worldwide, I partnered with one of the world's top probiotic manufacturers, which makes formulas for dogs and people alike.

And we began working together to craft the perfect all-in-one probiotic.

It took a lot of trial and error.

But eventually, we got every strain of probiotic found in that soil into one unique and powerful formula.

I started giving it out to friends and other veterinarians to try in their practice.

And while I expected to see SOME good benefit...


D y Al The Incredible Feedback.. And How Quickly It Worked

I was hearing from veterinarians whose patients were making remarkable recoveries.

Dogs with long histories of diarrhea, vomiting, itching, scratching, paw licking, and other skin allergies were back to normal in no time.

Their energy ret

, their


coats became thick and shiny, and according to the dog owners, they finally had their old friend back.

I couldn’t believe it.

I knew it was powerful, but to see it in action on dogs similar to those I used to see in my practice was extremely rewarding.


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Dogs with digestive problems began having more regular poops.

Dogs with irritated, itchy skin stopped scratching and shedding.

Soon My Phone Was Ringing Off The Hook With Cal s From Veterinarians And Dog Owners Begging To Get More

And while all of this was obviously very exciting...

I couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

Thinking of all the dogs, I could have helped.

I just wish I’d known about it sooner.

And when I started thinking about how many OTHER dogs out there are suffering in the same way... I knew I had to do my part to get this formula to as many people as possible.

So now I’m proud to be the first to present it to you.

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I Cal It

Wild Belly

As a veterinary technician for SEVERAL DECADES... working side by side with some of the best veterinary professionals in the world and seeing firsthand the impact a premium probiotic can make.

It helps your dog have the same “Primitive Protection” that their wild ancestors used to enjoy.

And it can give your dog the health, vitality, and energy to chase squirrels around the neighborhood, frolic with their friends at the dog park...settles their stomach and fixes digestive problems, soothes their itchy skin, restores their soft, glossy coat... and helps them feel calmer and more relaxed.

Dogs of all shapes... sizes... breeds... and ages LOVE Wild Belly.

Which is just one of the reasons why your dog will actually look forward to it.

And why so many dog owners around the world are RAVING about it.

Wild Belly Package.

What People Say About Wild Belly


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Using Wild Belly couldn’t be simpler.

It comes in a small, resealable container with a small scoop inside.

And depending on the size of your dog, all you have to do is sprinkle 1/2... 1... or 2 of the delicious naturally bacon-flavored scoops on top of their food, and you’re done.

NO mess...

NO preparation...

And NO cleanup.

Best of all, it doesn’t matter WHAT you feed your dog, whether it's kibble... wet food... raw food... or some combination of the three.

Just sprinkle a scoop of Wild Belly on top of their food and watch as they ravenously devour it.

I’m telling you, your dog will love it!

And even though the whole process only takes about 7-seconds...

You should know that you’ll be giving your dog the greatest gift possible, including vibrant health and longevity.


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So Let Me Tell You EXACTLY What’s Inside Every Scoop Of Wild Belly

First, you already know about the powerful soil-based probiotic strains I mentioned earlier.

These probiotics are the most proven and the most primitive strains, and they’re proven to provide your dog with robust protection.

These include Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bacillus subtilis, And Lactobacillus.

Here’s a complete LIST of everything you’l find inside each serving of Wild Bel y: As you can see, Wild Belly contains NO FILLERS... NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS... and NO