The Ultimate Guide to Dominating Google My Business by Dennis - HTML preview

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What to Post on GBP?

A lot of photos.

And when we say a lot, we mean dozens of pictures each week if you can.

It might sound kind of crazy, but the more you post, the better your profile will be. If you don’t know what kind of photos to upload... it doesn’t really matter.

Photos of your staff, of the food, of customers (with approval), of the location, of events happening in your store or office.

Videos too - people love to see video content!

And while you’re taking these photos and videos, encourage people to leave reviews. Of course, don't cheat and say “We'll give you a free dessert if you leave a review”, because Google will catch you on that.

There are people who stack their own reviews or try to screw the competition by putting one-star reviews... and they always get caught.

Even if it doesn't happen in the short-term, at some point down the road the platforms will catch up (or even your competitors might notice and tell you).

When that happens, you risk losing all your reviews (even the good ones) and you’re probably going to get suspended.