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Regular cleanses guarantee weight loss. For best results, perform as many of these as you can.

  1. COLON CLEANSE. A colon cleanse cleans out the toxins in your gut, leading to more energy and better-looking hair and nails. A colon cleanse can also correct hormonal imbalances, support the functions of other organs, and much more. When conducting a colon cleanse, do not use over- the-counter medication. Instead, use herbal remedies, which are healthier, more natural methods of conducting any cleanse. Visit your local naturopath for more information.
  2. CANDIDA YEAST OVERGROWTH. Candida yeast overgrowth leads to bloating, gas, poor digestion, constipation, fatigue, and cravings for food, especially sugar. Visit
  3. LIVER CLEANSE. The liver produces bile, which breaks down fat in your digestive system and removes toxins from your blood. An unhealthy lifestyle and diet can create a burden on the liver that stymies its attempts to break down fat and digest foods properly. This leads to weight gain. A liver cleanse is almost like a “do-over” that eliminates the damage you've done. It instantly gives your metabolism a much-needed boost. Toxins can hold your body fat captive and keep you from achieving your weight- loss goals. A liver cleanse lets your body shed fat and function more effectively, thereby boosting your energy level and enhancing your overall wellbeing. Four herbs that can help your liver are:
  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

The primary healing ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin. This substance defends the liver by filtering out harmful chemicals that lead to liver cell damage. In addition, silymarin stimulates liver cell regeneration, helping to restore the liver after it has been damaged. Silymarin also helps prevent the depletion of the nutrient glutathione, which is an extremely important vitamin for liver detoxing.

Silymarin in milk thistle seeds isn't really water soluble, so you won’t be able to extract it into herbal tea. Instead, for liver detoxification, take a standard extract containing 140 mg of silymarin, along with protectio.

  • Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale)

Every spring, nature creates a drug store full of liver cleanser in the form of a feared weed that jabs its yellow- bloomed head through the green of our gardens. Dandelion is one of Mother Nature's finest liver herbs.

The Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism, as well as many other publications, referenced two studies that demonstrated the liver regenerative properties of dandelion in cases of jaundice, liver swelling, hepatitis, and heartburn. On the off chance that you decide to incorporate dandelion root into your liver cleansing efforts, take 500 to 2,000 mg every day in capsule form. You can also make a decoction by using two teaspoons of powdered dandelion root per cup of water. Heat to the point of boiling and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink one cup three times a day.

  • Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)

Globe artichoke contains compounds called caffeoylquinic acids, which maintain the powerful liver recovery and regeneration effects that milk thorn has. Globe artichoke typically comes in capsule form. Daily dosages range from 300 to 500 mg.

  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is a spice often used in Indian curries, but it also promotes the recovery and regeneration of liver cells, as well as cleanses the liver of toxins. In addition, turmeric boosts bile production and may help diminish liver aggravation. Studies have shown that turmeric builds levels of two liver-supporting catalysts that advertise Phase 2 liver detoxification reactions. Turmeric comes in capsule and tablet form. You can also add ground turmeric to soups, stews, and curries.

Fix yourself from the inside out.

  1. TAKE DIGESTIVE ENZYMES. Overweight people often have trouble producing enough enzymes to digest food properly. You can remedy this situation—caused by the consumption of processed foods, canned foods, refined foods, and medication— by taking digestive enzymes with every meal.
  2. EAT 100-PERCENT ORGANIC. Make sure the food you’re eating isn’t genetically modified and that it contains no man-made chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics, or hormones. A  trick exists to help you identify the difference between real organic and not-so-organic. If a product is truly 100-percent organic, the label should say “100% organic.” If the label says “organic,” the item is about 80-percent organic. If the label says that the product is “made with organic ingredients,” the item is approximately 30-percent organic. The term “all natural” is a way to make consumers think they’re buying something natural when the truth is anything but. To stay thin and healthy we must avoid processed foods and stick with the real, whole, organic foods our bodies need.
  3. ADD PROBIOTICS TO YOUR DIET. Probiotics are helpful bacteria that our poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles have inadvertently removed from our bodies. Adding probiotics to your diet will improve your metabolism and digestion, and help  cleanse your body.
  4. SLEEP. Research has shown that lack of sleep leads to weight gain. On a perfect day, you should go to bed at 10 p.m. and wake at 6 a.m. Getting eight hours of sleep is a must because your body releases healing hormones between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. During  this time you want to be in a deep sleep, which promotes healing, eliminates depression, and puts your hypothalamus in a state at which it’s working its best.
  5. USE INFRARED SAUNAS. An infrared sauna is a great method to not only lose weight but also remove toxins that your fat cells and pores store. When you sweat in a sauna, you increase your metabolism and release fat cells, which helps reduce your appetite. Of all the types of saunas available, infrared  saunas seem to be the best choice for weight loss.
  6. AVOID ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. Aspartame, Splenda, sucralose, and saccharin are absolute “no-nos.”You might think that because sugar is bad for you, you should use artificial sweetener instead. However, sweeteners will, in fact, make you fat. Sure, sugar is high in calories, and the more calories we consume, the more weight we gain. But let’s not forget about the role hormones play in weight gain. Artificial sweeteners have a negative effect on the hypothalamus, thereby promoting obesity.
  7. SAY NO TO MONOSODIUM GLUTAMINE (MSG). MSG is a flavor enhancer that is well known as an excitotoxin. It adversely affects the hypothalamus, which can lead to depression, obesity, and addiction.
  8. DON’T USE MICROWAVES. Really, do I even have to mention this? Get rid of that cancer-causing box in your kitchen. Research shows that microwaved foods affect blood cell counts and lead to hormone imbalances that promote weight gain. Also, the act of microwaving your food kills the food’s nutrients, leaving you with meals that have no nutritional value. I know it’s a fast-paced world and we are always in a hurry, but I don’t care how busy you are—you can always make time for eating well. Prepare your meals the night before and pack foods that don’t require a microwave oven. Better choices lead to better health.
  9. EAT SIX MEALS A DAY. To meet your weight-loss goal, you must speed up your metabolism by eating small, healthy meals throughout the day. Because cortisol levels are high in the morning, and cortisol is what causes belly fat, you’ll want to start with a large breakfast. Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do if you want to lose weight. You must eat six meals a day. Achieve this by having a snack between breakfast and lunch, then eating lunch. Follow that up with another snack, then dinner, and, finally, another snack. Snacks can include such options as a protein shake or something easy, light, and small in portion. Whatever you consume, make sure you’re getting enough protein, fat, and carbs in that meal.
  10. NO FOOD BEFORE BED. Have your final meal at least three hours before bed, as food consumed any earlier will cause the hypothalamus to store fat. Also, when you’re eating and sleeping, your body doesn’t release growth hormones, thereby affecting recovery. In addition, your body doesn’t have a chance to burn off carbs that you consume immediately before bed, so it has no choice but to turn those carbs into fat.
  11. NO TRANS FATS, PERIOD. Avoid trans fats, which cause obesity and other maladies like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Start looking at labels; if you see the terms “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil,” stay away
  12. USE EXTRA VIRGIN RAW ORGANIC COCONUT OIL. This is a miracle in itself. Studies have shown that coconut oil stimulates metabolism and the thyroid, helps eliminate fat cells, and improves digestion. Stick with the organic version so that you avoid pesticides and chemicals. Coconut oil is a great option for cooking because of its heat tolerance. Studies have shown that just by taking two teaspoons of coconut oil a day (one in the morning and one in the evening), individuals can lose as many as 10 pounds in one month without changing their diets or adding workouts.
  13. DRINK WATER. Overweight people are dehydrated, so they should drink plenty of water. Water can also help a person feel full, so it speeds weight loss. In several studies, people who drank water before their meals consumed fewer calories than did people who refrained from drinking water before their meals. With that  in mind, keep a water bottle handy, but don’t fill it with tap water, which is full of chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals. Instead, drink natural spring water or water that you’ve filtered through the process of reverse osmosis.
  14. USE RAW ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. This suggestion is my personal favorite. Raw organic apple cider vinegar is a powerful tool that releases stored fat, increases metabolism, and is easy to cook with. You can even put it on salads. Dilute the vinegar with water or drink it straight, but whatever you do, make sure the apple cider is organic and that the term “mother” appears on its label; this indicates that the cider contains good bacteria.
  15. CONSUME HOT AND SPICY FOODS. If you like spicy food you’re in luck, as spices stimulate the metabolism and reduce the appetite.
  16. INCREASE YOUR VITAMIN E INTAKE. Vitamin E is a powerful weight-loss tool, as it keeps your arteries open and promotes circulation. Note that you shouldn’t buy the vitamin E that you find in health stores because it’s a synthetic version and not the real deal. Instead, go to the nearest natural health store or Chinese herb store, where staff will lead you in the right  direction.