The Weight Loss Cure by Raju Bhadra - HTML preview

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You can be the hero of your own story. You woke up today with a vision of change. How many times have you set goals and tried to accomplish them, but found that things didn’t work out the way you wanted? Many people come out of those situations disillusioned, angry and resentful, looking for someone to blame. I truly believe that not always getting what you want is part of life’s design. It’s what makes you who you are. It divides the weak from the strong, the ambitious from the unmotivated. To build the foundation of something you want, you must serve what I call an apprenticeship. You become the student and life becomes the teacher. You must learn early on to endure life’s ups and downs, knowing that, in the end, all the time you invested will lead to pleasure, mastery of a craft, and mastery of yourself.

To want success is not enough. Only when you know what you want, understand why you’re pursuing it, and dedicate every ounce of your being to making it happen, no matter what gets in your way—then and only then will you achieve it. You can’t pretend to be the hero of your own story and you can’t live in the past. Your sense of who you are determines your actions and what you get out of life. If your vision is limited and you see yourself as helpless in the face of your day-to-day difficulties, you will maintain few ambitions and receive only the little that you expect for yourself. Instead, you must train yourself to pursue the opposite—you must ask for more, aim high, and believe that you are destined for something great.

Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone, never from others. As your confidence in your abilities increases, you will start taking risks that boost your chances of success. People follow individuals who know where they are going, so ask yourself: Do you know what you want? And do you know where you’re going? Make no mistake about it, the process is difficult, but you are the determining factor.

Your brain is like a switch. Once you believe you are something, that belief becomes a part of you. If you were in a coma and woke with no memory, but were told that you were a special agent who needed to go back on duty, do you think you would have a different self-concept than if you were told you were a guitar instructor? Success is all about having the proper belief system. You must truly believe that you are something unique. If you truly believe that you’re one of the best in whatever you choose to do, you will be a completely different person then if you simply hope that you’re good. Your expressions and tone of voice will be different. You’ll talk with more confidence. You’ll be more real and relatable.

Your brain is like a high-tech device that you carry around with you, everywhere you go. If you infuse it with the proper wiring and nourishment, you will head straight to your target. If you’re unsure about who you are, your dreams and goals will never become reality. Everyone has doubts, even the most successful among us, but not everyone lives in those moments. You must learn to handle those negative thoughts and overwhelm them with positive actions. Trust that you are better than the moment and that you will overcome it because you are stronger than you think.

I have many weight-loss tips to share with you, tips that have probably been right under your nose your whole life. These very simple tips can help you quickly lose one to two inches from your belly in under a week, and continue to shed pounds faster than you would on any diet. You must pay close attention because this book contains some of my biggest fat burning secrets, the same secrets that companies don’t want you to know. I mean, why would they if they are making millions of dollars selling diets and pills that aren’t lowering the obesity rate?

You're probably thinking to yourself, ‘Listen...I’ve tried every diet known to man. I’ve given it my all, but the weight just keeps coming back.’ Let me stop you right there. What I’m proposing is not some magical weight-loss pill. It has nothing to do with that crazy acai  berry garbage or special drops or any of the other weight-loss scams we see all over the Internet these days. In fact, these tips date all the way back to the 1950s and help explain why the majority of North Americans are now considered obese. You might think it’s due solely to the foods we eat; while I agree with that in part, it’s not the main issue. Instead, the problem is more like a puzzle. The story isn’t complete until you put all the pieces together. I’ll show you how you can eat some bad foods and still lose weight. Believe it or not, it's not your fault.

The situation stems back to the hunter/gatherer days of our ancestors. At that time, men were not built for fat storage; they were built to be lean and fast so that they could hunt. The ways in which men accumulate as much fat as they do nowadays are contrary to human genetics. Women, on the other hand, were built to maintain fat stores so that they could survive and care for children, especially during times of famine. A woman’s essential minimal fat stores are many times higher than those of men. Women were built to accumulate as much fat as possible and to not lose those accumulations so that they could produce milk and give birth to children.

When it comes to weight loss, women get the short end of the stick. They’ve been hardwired to retain weight. Women's fat cells are bigger and have more fat-storing enzymes than do men’s fat cells. In addition, estrogen multiplies fat-storing enzymes, boosting weight gain around the butt and thighs like it's an Olympic event. It also reduces fat-burning enzymes by as much as 50 percent.

Is it possible to overcome these genetic issues? I’ve got some great news—the answer is “yes.” I’ll share one simple tip that can instantly boost your fat loss, guaranteed. When you learn what I’m about to share with you, you’ll realize why the popular, well-known, so-called “diet” programs simply don't work in the long term. Mega-rich weight-loss companies make money by selling gimmicks that, at best, lead to temporary results. But here's the thing—we don't need them and their expensive tricks to lose weight. The lesson I’m about to share will enable you to eat some bad foods and still burn fat.

Let me offer a quick anatomy lesson, something about which you’ve probably never heard. The liver’s main role is to break down toxic substances and produce bile. Bile, in turn, breaks down fat in the small intestine. Bile is critical for the transportation of fat throughout the body. Consequently, liver dysfunction can lead to difficulties eliminating a type of fat, cholesterol, that’s very common in North American diets. Liver dysfunction plays a significant role in weight gain, especially around the belly and the abdomen (i.e., a pot belly). An unhealthy liver can also create a roll of fat below the upper abdomen and can lead to cellulite, which tends to appear in the butt, thighs, and belly. A person will likely encounter difficulty removing this abdominal fat until his or her liver function improves.

Basically, what I’m saying is this. When junk clogs your liver, you’ll have trouble losing weight no matter how much you diet and exercise. Ever wonder why, when you lose weight, you gain it right back?  Well, clean up your liver and turn it back into the metabolism- boosting organ it’s supposed to be, burning fat 24 hours a day, seven days a week—even while you sleep. The key is to get your body as healthy as possible before you begin a proper weight loss program. I believe that starting a weight loss program without cleansing and purifying your body will set you up for failure before you even begin.

According to Gallup polls, six in ten Americans want to lose weight. No problem, right? Wrong! Many of these people have unhealthy habits and are not getting the exercise they need to lose the amount of weight they want to take— and keep—off. They’re stressed so they grab unhealthy food because they don’t have time to eat or cook properly. You may or may not be part of this population. In any event, how do you stick to your plan and keep the weight off?

That's where my book comes in! I’ll show you not only how to lose weight, but how to keep it off. You WILL fit back into your skinny clothes. You WILL be proud to shop again. You can pull your skinny clothes out of storage. You’ll drop that extra weight and learn to love yourself again. You’ll feel sexy again and other people will notice you.

Weight loss is a great way to look awesome and feel awesome. Want that job promotion? Want to meet someone new or have your mate fall in love with you all over again? Improving your diet—getting good stuff in and bad stuff out—

will help you feel better, reduce stress, and reduce depression. All the toxins in your body are hurting you and you don’t even know it! These toxins, as well as your extra weight, put unnecessary stress on your organs. Now is the time to do something about it!

Don't opt for costly plastic surgery, or undergo dangerous bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery, or banding. Don’t buy expensive weight-loss products from store shelves. The truth is that many of them do not work!

Think you should wait to lose the weight? Think again! The older we get, the harder it is to lose weight. The longer you are overweight, the more you put your health at risk. The more stressed out you are, the worse your weight problem becomes. Let's face it. Fat makes you sick. Stress makes you sick. Bad food makes you sick. A sedentary lifestyle makes you sick. All of these things can shave years off your life.

Consider your family members and friends. The older they get, the more their joints and backs ache. Their extra weight causes arthritis, spine degeneration, thyroid problems, heart disease, and a myriad of other chronic illnesses. They have exposed themselves to a lifetime of free radicals and toxins. However, right here in this book you’ll find the secrets to feeling great! Simply implement the practices that we discuss, and you’ll start feeling better. Other people will notice and ask what you’ve been doing. You can share this book with them!

Do you think that fasting will help you lose weight? Think again. Fasting puts your body into starvation mode, which actually halts your weight-loss efforts. A fine line exists between eating healthy portions, under-eating, and eating unhealthy stuff that causes stomach bloat and weight gain. Anorexics who stop eating can actually cause their hearts to stop. Your body needs healthy fuel, so avoiding food is not the answer.

One of the most important concepts to remember is that weight loss is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. Over time, you must learn to eat better. You didn't learn your unhealthy eating habits overnight, and you won’t unlearn them in a day. You’ll need education, perseverance, and support. I’m here to provide those things and to help you on your journey. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself time to unlearn your healthy habits and to re-learn a new way of life that will make you feel better!

In this book, I’ll teach you how to lose weight, how to make lifestyle changes, and how to keep your weight off.