Time Travel, Marilyn Monroe, Dinosaurs, and Aliens by Alexander Popoff - HTML preview

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or how to visit Marilyn Monroe


If I had a time machine I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime,” wrote Professor Hawking in his article “STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine,” Daily Mail, 27 April, 2010.

I liked very much his idea and prepared to go back in time. I started with time travel research, reading reference books and articles, and exchanging emails with leading experts on time travel.

Scholars most often suggest using the following time travel methods: to travel faster than the speed of light, to use black holes, cosmic strings, negative energy, negative mass, exotic matter, or wormholes.

After making some brisk calculations with my favorite pocket calculator, I came to the conclusion that the easiest, and financially accessible, way to travel back and forth in time is to build a wormhole. Constructing a wormhole is more or less clear, and I could make a time machine based on this technology in about a few months.

A wormhole, actually an Einstein-Rosenberg Bridge, is a “shortcut” through spacetime. She (ships, time machines, and wormholes are referred as “she”) is a flexible tunnel that links two places in space or in time. You enter the mouth of the wormhole and in a split second you are on Mars, in Sombrero Galaxy, or you a having a lively chat with the charming exotic dancer Mata Hari, or are visiting the electrifying historical speech of Adolf Hitler in 1939 in Berlin.

After I successfully resolved the construction of a wormhole and a time machine, I began making research where in the past (and how exactly) to park in time the exit mouth of the wormhole, this is the other end of the flexible time tunnel.

Of course, the entrance mouth of the wormhole is anchored in our spacetime, say nearby Niagara Falls, April, 2013.

Well, so far, so good. I put again into action my pocket calculator to determine the exit time point in spacetime...wait a tick...in order to enter another time one should enter another spacetime. Time and space are inseparable -- Einstein again, who else.

The moment of my visit of Marilyn Monroe in 1962 and the moment nearby Niagara Falls, April, 2013 should exist at the same time in order the mouth of the wormhole time tunnel to be in the present and the exit mouth to be in the past. There should be simultaneously two spacetimes, not two times in one space. There should be not only two times (2013 and 1962), but also two spaces. The two moments of history should be material, so we need matter for two universes. The first one that contains the present, look around and you will see what materials it contains, and the past one, May, 1962, which should contain in material form Marilyn Monroe, John Kennedy, Beatles, Fidel Castro, etc. -- all still nice and young -- nuclear missiles in Cuba and Nikita Khrushchev, and great many other things like planets, stars, tanks, lollipops...

One spacetime for every split second of the history. There cannot be simultaneously zillion moments of past, present, and future, using a single universal mass.

Different time means different spacetime; you cannot extract time from spacetime.

Our universe has 13.7 billions years of past. The present is more or less clear, and zillion years of future. In this case, zillion is an extremely large but unspecified amount of years because we don’t know to which point of time the future reached.

Some researchers are offering time travel theories based on artificial mathematical constructs, but such abstract worlds could be inhabited only by figures and equations. We live in a material world postulated very well by Albert Einstein.

Trying to solve the problem with the impossibility to separate time from space, some time travel theories suggests that every moment of the past and future is represented by a parallel universe or slice of spacetime, which are somewhere in the multiverse. I breathed a sigh of relief. Every single moment of the history of the universe is stored in material form somewhere in the multiverse. Great! So, all desired objects to be visited are somewhere out there. I again took my pocket calculator to determine the number of the moments of past and future history, which are actually the number of the required spacetimes, taking into account that the life expectancy of the universe is about 100 billion years. Every single moment of the entire history of the universe (past, present, and entire future) should exist simultaneously in order one to travel back and forth in time.

But since the universes can not be static (spacetime has a duty to evolve and make history) -- the parallel universes should also develop just like our universe and create their own parallel universes, which in turn should also have parallel universes...

Every zillionths part of the second should be created a parallel universe of our universe, and a great number of parallel universes should create new zillions of parallel universes, which in turn... Wow! In this case, zillion again is an extremely large but unspecified amount of universes, which emerge every second and are added to the storage in the multiverse.

“Shiver my numbers!” These large figures made my pocket calculator (and even the entire universe) a bit nervous because large numbers usually play dirty tricks.

The magic of large numbers was demonstrated centuries back in the past.

According to the myth, a man from India invented the chess as a gift for his king, who was so pleased with the game that he offered a great reward in gold, but the chess inventor asked for one grain of rice to be placed on the first square of the chess board, two grains to be placed on the second square, four on the third, eight on the fourth, etc., doubling the number of grains of rice each time, until all 64 squares on the board had been used. Easy thing, thought the king and ordered his servants to bring a sack of rice. A few days after, he was informed that the reward would add up to an astronomical sum, far greater that the rice production of the kingdom for many, many centuries. The due 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 rice grains are about 300 billion tons. Now, the value of the rice is about 560 US dollars per ton. The king should pay to the crafty inventor of the chess about 230,000,000,000,000 dollars! 230 hundred trillion dollars! An impossible amount of money!

Impossible? The king should pay in Zimbabwean dollars. Until recently, there were in Zimbabwe 100 trillion dollars banknotes. You just give 3 banknotes and wait for a change of 70 hundred trillion dollars.

The chess board has only 64 squares. Some more squares would require the entire rice production of the Galaxy. A few more -- the entire rice of the universe, then of the multiverse, of the metaverse, of the xenoverse, of the hyperverse, and of the omniverse (called “the end of infinity”). What, you think nobody outside the Earth produces rice? No problem. Put on the chessboard squares all sorts of molecules instead of rice and you will get the same picture. Very soon there will be not enough matter in the universe to continue the game.

What a about a chess with zillion squares? What about chess with zillion squares, which doubled every split second for 13.7 billion years?

Our universe should produce zillion parallel universes, and zillion parallel universes of the zillion parallel universes every second. We enter into the realm of pathological numbers.

Normally, people find it hard to grasp how fast functions like doubling make figures grow. The authors of The Limits To Growth, a 1972 book about computer modeling of population and economic growth and consequences of exponential growth, came to the conclusion that "Exponential growth never can go on very long in a finite space with finite resources."

Our universe is extremely large but still finite. Limited life span, limited volume -- it is about 93 billion light years across, limited matter -- there are about 1080 fundamental (elementary) particles in the observable universe. We should expect that the multiverse, even being much larger than our universe, has its limits, too. Humans usually consider the multiverse as “our” multiverse but it could be full to the brim with other universes and their parallel universes, and other objects and entities, which are beyond our wildest imagination. Maybe there is not enough space for our innumerable parallel universes.

So we cannot count on the idea that the past and the future of our universe are stored within the multiverse in the form of extremely large number of parallel universes.

Stephen Hawking has experimental evidence that time travel is impossible. In 2009, he hold a party for time travelers, but didn’t post the invites until after the event. Hawking hoped that the invitation, with the exact coordinates of the party in time and space, will survive in one form or another for many thousands years.

No time traveler showed up.

I proved theoretically that time travel is impossible. Actually, Einstein proved that time and space are inseparable. I just applied his theory, which was experimentally proven many times, to time travel. To prove that time travel is possible one should prove that time and space are separable or to prove the existence of zillion parallel universes each representing every single moment of our past and future.

Since there is nowhere to go into the past or into future (out of the normal pace of time), I gave up constructing a time machine.

Don’t understand me wrong. I also wanna visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime and chase the most beautiful girls of the past and future (forget about playing cards with Newton), but I need a realistic (and possibly properly working) time machine.

I still continue my research. Now, I am seeking for a used time machine (alien or human) in mint condition.