Tinnitus Miracle Scam PDF EBook Book Free Download by Thomas Coleman - HTML preview

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I’ve organized this book in several sections, beginning with an introduction of the ear and how your hearing works. After all, if you don’t completely understand how your body is intended to function, how can you figure out how best to treat it when things go awry?

Next, I’ll explain to you what Tinnitus is, and what may be causing your symptoms. I’ll also offer some simple lifestyle changes that you can adopt in your daily routine to help relieve some of the noise you are hearing until you can find your own complete cure.

In section three, the guide will focus on the statistics of Tinnitus, and offer you a survey to take, to see the degree of your symptoms so that you can devise a better treatment plan.

Once you know what Tinnitus is; how it is caused and what type of Tinnitus you suffer from, it’s time to look at some basic treatment options that are available. This will help you get started on your recovery journey, while you learn more about diagnosis, triggers and more.

Some of the traditional and holistic treatments discussed in this section include:

  • acupuncture
  • vitamin & mineral therapies
  • herbs
  • laser treatments
  • Tinnitus retraining
  • ECT
  • Maskers
  • Drugs & Steroids
  • Neuronomics
  • DTM System
  • Ear Candling
  • Hydergine
  • Hypnotherapy and Biofeedback

Of course, you can’t figure out the right treatment for Tinnitus until you have a solid diagnosis. So that’s what we’ll discuss in the next chapter: recognizing your symptoms; getting tested for Tinnitus; learning the role emotions play in treatment and diagnosis; figuring out your individual symptom triggers; measuring the sounds you hear; and more.

As an added bonus, I have also included a section in the book to explain Tinnitus and the Emotional Brain. This section will discuss Phantom Perception; how Tinnitus affects the inner ear and your emotional brain.

Finally, in the last section of the book, I’ll outline my own 5-Step Holistic Plan to Getting Rid of Tinnitus called “From Noise to Silence.”

I consider this the most important section of the book since it gives you practical ways to stop the noise in your head once and for all. Here is just a sampling of what you’ll learn in the last section of the book:

Step One: How your diet can increase the severity of your symptoms, and how simple dietary changes and Vitamin supplements can actually decrease the noise levels you hear in your ears and head?

Step Two: How to use your immune system to better control (and even eliminate) your Tinnitus symptoms?

Step Three: A Powerful 4 Point Tinnitus Retraining Program

Step Four: The Tinnitus Miracle – Unique Detoxification and Liver Cleansing Protocol.

Step Five: Using Hypnotherapy to tune out your Tinnitus. This section includes a unique script for self hypnosis that has proved to decrease the volume, intensity and frequency of Tinnitus and it can help you relax and regain your inner peace as well.

While instituting the five step program, you’ll also learn what role stress plays in increasing your Tinnitus symptoms, and how to be more active in beating and combating stress in your life so that you can live without Tinnitus. Other important things you’ll learn include:

  • how to use sleep and exercise to your advantage
  • recognizing and eliminating harmful toxins from your environment
  • reducing the impact loud noises will have on your treatment
  • treating your Tinnitus using Habituation Therapy




The odds are, you have heard it over and over again: there’s no treatment for Tinnitus - learn to live with it. I ask: Why? Just because today’s scientists haven’t yet found a “drug” that works to treat all types of Tinnitus, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way to stop those symptoms and live noise free! Tinnitus affects one in ten people. Isn’t it about time they find a relief? I say yes, and I’m going to show you how!

If you are ready to take back the control Tinnitus has taken from your life and experience a quieter and calmer existence, than keep reading: you are about to get started on the path toward a whole new life. Still skeptical? Keep reading anyway. After all, what do you have to lose but a little excess noise?