say if He were here today??
Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS
© 2005 y Rev. Samuel Mack.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
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First printing
ISBN: 1-7854-70175600
United Christians Together
Printed in the United States of America
I present this to you for a fact filled description of the entire Bible and all that God is telling us and in the new Testiment with Jesus Is telling us as humans we need to do to be in and with God the Father and Jesus our Brother and with each other as brothers and sisters and the way we should Live In Faith Ever as in L.I.F.E. becaust it’s all there for us to see, and do with as God the Father tells and shows us in His Word so I hope you understand and see that it is simple just that simple and to take over 1200 pages and turn them in 34 is questionable but true becase it’s here befor you to read for youself and REMEMBER TO ASK GOD IF IT’S TRUE OR NOT HE
Some time has passed since I was last among you, and I know that many of
you long for my return…and long for it because you hope that when I return
Your happiness will be complete, and that everything you consider wicked will
Come to an end forever…
The first thing that I want you to know is that I never left…I know that it is not Easy to understand, but I tell you that when you look into the faces of your
Brothers and sisters, you look also into mine, and each time you see tears in
Their eyes or hear their laughter, those are my own tears that you see, and it is
My own laughter that you hear…
I want you to understand that although I was flesh and blood and as real as you
You are now; at the same time I became a divine metaphor in the most
Solemn poem ever created, so that you might be educated and guided. And that
Is why there are so many versions and interpretations of my legacy?
And I would have you know that this diversity has occurred because you, my
Friends, have a great diversity of perceptions and opinions, and that is good, for It is a useful mixture from which truth, in its inherent clarity, always emerges…
But it happens, beloved friends, that you are too accustomed to just seeing that
Which you look at and just looking at what you see, but you should know that
You have the potential to see much more than you look at, and to look at much
More than you see…and that is why it is not easy for you to understand that I
Never left…It is another of your mysteries.
And today I tell you that those things that you call mysteries are in reality
Achievements to be attained by the most genuine and sublime among you, and
You should perceive them as challenges imposed upon your intelligence by the
Divine wisdom. If you perceive the mysteries in that way, and carry out the
Labor that is required, your ability to perceive will grow and you yourselves will Grow with it, and you will be able to unlock the mysteries one by one, thereby
Broadening your vision and understanding of the marvelous process that is
And this is the reason for the metaphor: There are certain laws that establish the Need for human effort in achieving those goals, and they were created in that
Way so that those achievements might never perish…
I am the metaphor of the mysteries and at the same time mystery made
Metaphor, so that by the effort of your deliberations and your thoughts you may
Achieve the understanding that no one can give you, but that you must reach
for Yourselves, for it is personal, and as I have told you, beloved friends, it
shall Remain forever.
And I am speaking to you in a different way than I spoke to my beloved
Disciples and to the people of my time, because your ignorance is not so great
As theirs was…Many generations have passed; countless material and cultural
Achievements have been attained as a result of the efforts of those generations.
Yet with all those achievements, you should know that you suffer under the
Same weaknesses and you have the same inner limitations as the people of my
Time suffered and had…
And what makes you more blameworthy than they when you act badly is that
My witness has been given and my word has been spoken, and today
Knowledge is more accessible, for there are a multitude of precedents and
Options that provide you with much greater discernment between what is right
And what is wrong, what is good and what is evil…
Today, you and your society have much greater evidence, many more resources
Of information, and much greater certainty when you make decisions, and thus
Your responsibility is greater…
And you should know that the evil that some of you hope will disappear upon
My return shall cease to exist only when you are able always to choose well.
Only then will evil cease to exist. For if not, what merit will you have
The only way to raise you in self-worth is through the implicit merit that
Is gained through always choosing well.
The freewill that you now enjoy is an eternal good.
And that means that you
Shall always have the power to do evil.
Thus, if evil ceased to exist, how could
Future generations raise themselves in self-worth?
How could they make
Themselves meritorious through their actions if they did not have the power to
Choose between good and evil?
Or do you think that the day shall come when
Women shall no longer give birth and children cease to grow?
The generations to come will meet the same challenges and have the same
Opportunities that you enjoy today, just as they shall also bear the same burdens
And face the same consequences entailed by their choices between good and
But the day shall surely come when, in your decisions at the individual level,
Good shall prevail forever, and that is what shall lead you to perfection and
Make possible that return…
My return is within each and every one of you. And that moment when I am in
You, and you are in me, will be the moment when you merit being called
Children of God…
The path to that achievement is a hard one to travel, but it is necessary…I know
That when you dream of my return, you dream of instantaneous happiness, you
Dream of being freed from that burden that results from making choices
Between good and evil, you dream of avoiding the most important
Responsibilities that you have-responsibilities to yourselves. You wish for the
Easy way…but seek to understand that that is not possible. The reason for life
Is to grow in knowledge and love and also to develop the awareness of the true
Self that each of you really is and that achievement is only obtained through
Effort and constancy, and that which is easy does not help you in this supreme
Endeavor. You must understand that; it is just that simple…
My beloved ones, free yourselves from those pointless dreams, attain for
Yourselves that which no one shall ever be able to give you.
You have always been fascinated by predictions of the future, which many
Of you have idealized in many different ways. You must know that those
Questionings are pointless, and you achieve nothing through them…
Today I tell you that the events of the future will be the result of what you are
Able to do in your present, and that you must use your mind more in reflecting
On what is truly substantial, putting aside the imaginary things that so delight
You but so little give you.
At present, every day brings you discoveries, and you unlock the secrets of
Matter. Every day you create new products and technologies that make your
Mundane chores easier and more pleasant, bring you financial wealth, which is
So fascinating to so many of you and which so few of you enjoy…but you must
Establish the correct balance between the time and energy that you devote to the
World and the time and energy that you devote to that inner being that each of
You truly are. I say this to you as individuals and as a society, for upon the
Society falls the collective responsibility to warn and educate each of its
Members in their most sacred duties.
Beloved friends, today I speak to you not in parables, but you should treasure
And study all those parables that were recorded in the scriptures, for each of
Them are a verse of that solemn poem that was my earthly life. You must stop
Wasting time in arguments over doctrines, precepts, and dogmas…and go
Instead to the substance, to that which truly has value. Use your intelligence to
Discern and discover for yourselves my true message. Use more time to study
And reflect, and less time listening to the modern Pharisees that flourish in all
Spheres of thought today…For they shall be known by their fruits….
Long ago I told you that if you persevered in my word you would know the
Truth, and that the truth would set you free, and today you have the resources to
Be freer, and therefore today I give you this new commandment: Know that you
Are free, for you were born free…and discover for yourselves what your path
Shall be, and walk that path with your own legs and your own feet, and
That the paths to that destiny that you all long for are as many as you
Yourselves…Understand that no one in this world can claim for himself or
Herself a monopoly on the truth. Long ago I told you that I would send to you
The spirit of the truth; know, now, that that spirit dwells in your hearts. All you Must do is listen closely with all your senses and pay due attention to its voice…
But be aware that that freedom entails the supreme responsibility of effort and
Constancy in seeking, each day, the right direction and in walking, each day, the
Distance that is given you to walk…
And laziness is one of the enemies that must be conquered along that path. It is
Cunning and seductive, and you must meet it and conquer it, just as you meet
And conquer the temptations that you face every day, the temptations to do evil.
And to do this you must use your will and your conviction that it is right to act
In this way, for it is to your own benefit to do so…And ignorance, you must
Also conquer, and to conquer it, much effort and much sacrifice is needed.
Ignorance is the malignant thing that holds you back and makes you stumble,
And laziness is its best ally, for to conquer ignorance, you must perform the hard Internal labor of instructing yourself. Thus, be tenacious and constant, and the
Knowledge that you attain will provide you the correct direction, the direction
That you need in order to free yourselves from all the obstacles you encounter
On your path, for you must know that knowledge is the ally of love, and those
Are the tools that you shall need…they are your greatest allies in your
daily pilgrimage.
Long ago, with my life I gave many examples. I would have you know that
I had to struggle against those same enemies, and as
I conquered them, so you can also conquer them.
I would have you know also that you will have no
Obstacles to overcome that I did not have, and you will have no pain or grief to
Suffer that I did not also have.
Convince yourselves that the potential you were born with is a grace from the
Father, a living testimony to His infinite generosity. But there are other graces, Gifts and powers that are obtained only though the excellence of the labor that
You exert upon yourselves and upon your fellow men and women throughout
Your lives…These graces, gifts and powers must be earned…
You must understand many things, and one of the most important is the value
Of humility…By being small you guarantee your greatness. Make not
Yourselves great, and you shall be made great; make not yourselves wise and
You shall be recognized as wise; praise not yourselves and you shall be praised.
Humility is generous in just that way, and it is in the generosity that virtues
Offer to the men and women that cultivate them that its value lays. It is a good
That enriches the spirit and strengthens it. Cultivate the virtues greatly, for they Ensure your prompt arrival at that destiny that awaits you. I tell you that the
Virtues, too, are powerful allies…
But you should always be prepared to meet the danger entailed by the
Consciousness of your own virtue, and never allow your ego to induce you to
Pride yourselves on your own worth…You must identify the ego as well, and
Always be alert to its caprices and prepared to counter them, for it is supremely
Sophisticated and its cunning tricks can make you fall into banality.
Beloved ones, I would also have you understand that the way to have more is to
Desire less. It is that simple…Constant desire is the cause of pointless anguish,
And you should convince yourself that you would attain inner peace and harmony
When you identify and appreciate that which is truly valuable, those
things that
You already possess, both materially and spiritually. You must come to
Understand the difference between ambition and the praiseworthy need to
Prosper, for ambition is dictated by the ego while the need to prosper is the best Of one’s self. Ambition constantly longs for the much, the easy, and the rapid,
While the need to prosper longs for improvement in moderation, no matter the
Time it takes or the effort that is needed or the risks that present themselves in Obtaining this improvement.
Long ago I commanded that you love one another, yet many of you still do not
Obey that commandment. It is to you, those who look at your neighbor with
Suspicion, resentment, and animosity that I want to speak now…I know that
You have a baggage filled with reasons for being the way that you are: You
Have been disillusioned, robbed, and victimized in countless ways. And with
Those reasons you justify yourselves when you do the same to your brothers
And sisters…
But when you act in that way you show your ignorance, you show how
Repressed within the depths of your hearts is that seed of love that you were
Born with…and that is both the sin and its own repayment…But it is through
The commandment to love one’s neighbor that you shall wipe clean the sin and
The unhappiness and bitterness that always accompanies it…
And I also told you not to strike back against the wrongdoer: if someone strikes
You on your right cheek, you should offer him also the left. Turning the other
Cheek to the person who strikes you means much more than words are able to
Show…It is domination of your emotions, domination of your instincts; it is to
Be human in its maximum expression; it is to disarm the aggressor without
Yourselves becoming aggressors; it is to grow through adversity by not
Allowing that aggressor or that adversity to conquer you and thereby strip you
Of the most noble aspect of your being. You must understand that. It is another
Step to take on that path chosen by you…
But that does not mean that you should stand with your arms crossed in the face
Of the base acts of some persons that you meet along your way. Remember my
Attitude when I met the moneychangers in the temple…I expelled them with all
The severity that they deserved…You should know that from time to time you
Will have to use the authority required by the occasion and take right action,
And in doing that, your conscience and your intelligence must be your guide.
You should also understand what I have just reminded you of: All of you were
Born with the seed of love planted in your hearts, and you should not allow
Your mind to repress it, to keep it from germinating. For that seed is your most
Precious inheritance, an inheritance that comes directly from the
Creator. And if you care for it and cultivate it with passion and devotion it will Help you open your consciousness wide enough to understand the miracle that
Are you yourselves, to unlock the secrets that lie hidden in your own heart?
You are the miracle of miracles…And when you understand this truth you will
Realize how ignorant are those who constantly pray for miracles so that they
Will be able to believe. I was asked for a miracle just yesterday, and today I am
Asked yet again, and the more these persons ask, the blinder they become…
The good works that I performed long ago were necessary so that the people of
My time and of all times would believe; they guaranteed my place in history,
Guaranteed that my legacy would endure as part of history forever, to the profit
Of all generations and all peoples…Beloved friends, you are surrounded by
Miracles on every side; it is the very constancy of those miracles and your
Nearsightedness that cause you to perceive them as everyday, common things…
Beloved, open your eyes and marvel at the creation that you are part of. Enjoy
The divine banquet to which you have been invited.
And that is one of the ways to honor the Father: Work every day to open you’re
Eyes ever wider, to become more and more aware of your own existence and
Appreciate it more and more. I came to give witness to His infinite love and to
Show you the way to become worthy of that love, so that you might give it to
Him and your fellow men and women in return, for their happiness and your
Recently you have had the opportunity to witness a modern version of the
Calvary walked by me. I know that many of you have been profoundly moved
by the visions of the flagellation inflicted on me and the blood running down
my body…you have felt my pain, and experienced shame and indignation at
the infamy to which I was subjected. Many of you have wept and been
grieved by the horror of what you saw. Taking the story that up to now you
have known only through words and making it graphic has allowed you to
share that Calvary with me, and the greatest benefit you can draw from that
experience is the conviction that there is no pain that does not bring
renewal…My martyrdom led to my resurrection.
And with my martyrdom and resurrection, the Father increased your potential,
And sealed it forever…Today I tell you that if the physical pain was a heavy
Burden to me, much more burdensome is that pain caused by the vileness that
Ignorance engendered, and still engenders, in many men and womenYet…
With my pain there also came my joy, and the piety and compassion shown to
Me by so many souls of yesterday and today has been and still is my greatest
My beloved ones, I gave my life for you, and for you I recovered it…It is you,
The pious and compassionate, which are my greatest hope and my greatest
Delight. But you must know, as I know, that it is not you who have the greatest
Need of me—no, it is sinners, vile and ignorant men and women who have the
Greatest need of me and of piety and compassion. And that is why I ask those
Who are fertile of heart, those who follow me and love me, to be guides to the
Blind, teachers of the ignorant and of the vile, for in doing so you will become
Guides of other guides, teachers of other teachers, and will turn vileness into
There is no other path, my beloved ones. It is only through your generosity and
That commitment that each of you must make that you will be able, with your
Lives and actions, to improve your society and free yourselves, day by
From all the evils that beset you. That attitude will make you worthy of the
Grace and peace that you so long for and that so few truly strive to achieve.
Individualism has plagued you. I know very well that you are too concerned
With your financial improvement, and that constant competition among you for
Useless ostentation and the enjoyment of material things often drags you down
And causes you to lose sight of what is truly most worthy of your time and
Effort. That does not make you a bad person, but it does delay that which you
Must irremediably achieve, my beloved ones. Your growth is a mission that you
Cannot and must not shirk; for that you were born and for that you were given
Life, and that is law and at the same time the greatest grace that you have
And that knowledge is part of that truth that you so long to know and for which
So many kind and generous souls have given their lives…Today I tell you
That the commitment to help one’s fellow men and women to understand and
Become aware of the reason for their existence, to value the best use of each
Second of their life, is as sacred and worthy of all love and respect as my
Sacrifice for you all was.
May the emotions experienced by you in that communion that you have had
With my Calvary be a pillar for that commitment to grow in life and
May the revulsion that you have felt against the infamy of my punishment
Serve as a curb against the abuses that you yourselves may someday commit…
May your indignation become the ability to consolidate principles and maintain
The good judgment and honesty that should govern all your actions…
And may your joy, as happened with me, arise from sacrifice. For your greatest
Challenge lies in the willingness to confront and deal with anything that comes
In life, with constancy and love. Doing this will bring you the pleasure and the
Joy, which is the grace that you grant yourselves.
All of this is part of the re-creation that the miracle that is your existence shall Achieve, and at the same time, it is in your participation with the Father in his
Great Work that you will find the purpose and energy necessary to go on, with
Joy and hope and with the certainty that each day you will be better, and that
The future will be better too…Finally, you will rid yourselves forever of all
Fear and doubt…
And you will smile at adversity, though your faces may be covered with
My chosen ones are all those who are willing to walk the path of life with the
same devotion and the same love that I walked it with, that devotion and love
that so many kind souls have given witness to.
Remember that I told you that the person who eats of my flesh and drinks of
my blood should have life eternal.
Sharpen your senses; understand the metaphor of my words. To eat of
My flesh and drink of my blood means to live with the same willingness to
Sacrifice that I embraced; it means to accept your mission, whatever it may be,
As I accepted mine; it means to love your fellow men and women as I loved
Them, and as I still love all of you. But my beloved, remember my words: My
Yoke is not heavy, and my burden is light, and that is true because the treasure
That you will obtain is so immensely wonderful that in the end you will realize
That all the effort was worthwhile, that meeting and overcoming all those
Vicissitudes that you met with on the path of life was worthwhile…And that is
To know the Father and love him but it is also to begin to unlock the mystery of
The metaphor that was my life.
In order to truly know what that mission is that I have just spoken to you about,
You must closely examine your heart and see what your true inclination is, what
It is that truly motivates you and gives you pleasure. If you do this with honesty And follow that inclination with integrity and determination, you will ensure
Your inner gratification and bring added happiness to your lives.
Meditate over what I have just told you. That is the only way that you will be
Able to enter through that narrow gate and walk that rugged road that I have
Been speaking of to you…the road that leads to your salvation.
I did not come to ask for adoration either for the One who sent me, or for
Myself. I told you before that the true worshippers shall worship the father in
Spirit and in truth…understand that the one you should adore is your true own
Achievements; you should value them, preserve them, and multiply them.
Is the only adoration that yields fruit; it is the way in which the Father should
Be honored…
Love life and you will be loving Him; love your fellow men and women and
You will be loving Him…Idols, things unknown and feared, are adored; but
What one loves and honors is what one knows and is beneficial to one. For a
Long time He has been revealing Himself to you, and it was for that reason that
I was sent, for that reason I am speaking to you agai