Turning Learning into Action: A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of Learning by Emma Weber - HTML preview

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Summary of key points

● Transfer of learning is the missing link in learning and Turning Learning into Action® (TLA) is a proven learning transfer methodology that solves the problem.

● TLA is not complicated. It is an enhanced coaching methodology that facilitates transfer of learning through a series of specific, structured and accountable one-on-one conversations that occur at various intervals after the training event.

● In trials, TLA combined with training achieved 43.8 per cent uplift in sales. In another trial that involved 240 people in the UK and 400 people in Australia the programme achieved an NPS of 78 per cent and 73 per cent respectively. An NPS of 75 per cent to 80 per cent plus has generated world-class loyalty.

● Today TLA is being delivered in eight languages across the United States, Europe and Asia as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

It is solving the transfer of learning challenge for businesses across multiple sectors including banking and finance, technology, construction and manufacturing.

● Businesses buy training because they want to see some sort of improvement in performance. As such they have a series of obstacles to surmount. Learning is the potential leverage point that will allow them to surmount those challenges and improve performance over the long term.

● Imagine this process as a pole vault. At the start of the run-up the athlete’s pole is straight and taut. He then plants the pole into the ground; the pole bends and elevates the athlete upwards, over the bar. As the athlete clears the obstacle the pole straightens again and falls back to the ground. It has served its purpose and propelled the athlete over the bar and safely back down to the other side.

● Archimedes said, ‘Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.’ Turning Learning into Action® provides that lever to ADDIE’s fulcrum and together they can transform training effectiveness.

● Turning Learning into Action® is a practical methodology that puts reflection at the heart of the learning transfer process by facilitating specific, structured and accountable reflection through a series of one-on-one conversations after the training event.

● At some point we have to accept that successful training and learning is actually less about the learning and more about change. The most effective change methodology is one-on-one personal coaching. When conducted over a period of time coaching allows the individual to identify what it is they want to change and then helps them to hold themselves accountable to follow through on what they want to do.

● Self-administered individual accountability is critical for change and the very best way to achieve that is through enhanced coaching.

● Coaching, as most people recognize the term, is too fluid and flexible. As a result it works sometimes, for some people and not for others, and the people involved don’t really understand why that is.

● With enhanced coaching there is a fine balance between flexibility and structure. It is this balance that creates the results and removes the ambiguity from the coaching process, which allows us to consistently deliver effective results regardless of the training or the participant.

● TLA is the application of enhanced coaching in a very tight niche – helping people transfer learning from training back into the workplace.

● The learning transfer road map is a visual representation of how to combine the ADDIE process, evaluation and learning transfer. It shows how each element fits into the learning process – before, during and after training – and how everyone must work together to focus on the real training finish line.

● TLA follows a three-stage process of preparation, action and evaluation.

● Knowledge and information become wisdom only once used and experienced in a real-world situation. Turning Learning into Action ® empowers the individual to take control of the learning process and increase their value and productivity for individual and collective success.