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The Steps

Love Yourself

Almost 70% of relationships end up in break up. The main reason for this is that people are so attached to their partners that they tend to forget they also have their needs. They are so busy doing something for their partners to make them happy that they forget about their own happiness.

If you love your partner more than you love yourself, then surely, your love life will not work out. If you really want to be happy, then you also need to do the things that will make you happy. Do not just focus on making other people happy.


Acceptance is also important in a relationship because it is what makes your relationship stronger. One fault is not enough reason to break up because if you know how to accept their sorry or accept your mistake, then you will still have time to catch up together.

Also, you need to remember that your partner is not perfect, so as you. You should learn to accept the difficulties and the downsides of the person you love, so that you can be happy with each other.

Forgive and Forget

When you say you forgive a person, it means that you should also forget what happened. You have to do this so that every time you have a misunderstanding, you will not go back to the past and argue for the same issue.

If you will learn how to forgive and forget, then you will also learn to accept the situation and you can move on without any regrets. It is really hard to forget the past but it is also important that you learn to forget so that you will not be carrying the burden in your heart for a long time.

Make sure that when you forgive, it is really sincere and you accept it, so that you can easily move on and make healing process easier for both of you.
