Virtual Assistant Hiring Process by Dennis - HTML preview

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Employment History

Email patterns are indicative of looking for a job. If someone is always sending emails, they’re always looking for a job. Usually someone who is actively sending emails to employers will find a job within a month.

If you’ve already hired this person: If a worker is sending emails after you’ve already agreed to hire him then it’s worth investigating. If they’re sending emails while working for you, that means someone is looking for a job. If they’re emailing someone else while working for you, then that may be an indication that the person is not invested in your business.

Workers who send emails every month are continually looking for work. Often this means they’re working more than one job or they’re commonly doing contract work. In and of itself it’s not bad. But it could be indicative of a bigger problem.

If everything is in order after you looked at their profile and done a background check on them, it's now time to move on to the next stage!

Stage 2: Send Them Content to Study

This allows you to test:

  • How well they grasp concepts
  • Their English
  • How fast they can take action

As a guide, there are three phases in this stage:

Initial Round: General Concept/Goal of your Business

  • Provide content regarding why your business does what it does.

This will let them empathize and understand your business on a deeper level which will lead to a higher level of performance.

Second Round: Educational/Training Videos

  • Provide content regarding your daily tasks/concepts on how your business works. This will give them more insight on how and what aspect of your business they can be of the most help.

Third Round: Promotional Videos

  • Provide content on what you’re selling or what services you offer your customers.

This will give them a better understanding of what you do as a business.


You can use “canned” notes for these different stages. It’ll save you time and ensure that all candidates will have the same application process experience.

This is an example of a “canned” note for progression to the 2nd stage of an Operations Specialist application:

You’ll see that the applicant has the RABBIT subject line indicating that she just submitted her response for the initial round.

A canned note comprises of three things:

  • A personalized response to this portion gives the impression that you’re totally engaged with the applicant and that you’re connecting with them.
  • The core note template this portion contains the actionable task/learning point you want them to do/learn for consideration for the next round.
  • Keyword sorter for the next round keeps the linkage of rounds intact and lets you know at what stage particular applicants are.

Stage 3: Goals Sheet and Proposed Development Plan Goals Sheet

  • Shows their character.
  • Shifts the focus from you to them.
  • Gives you insight on their perceived skill level.
  • Lets you see their short to long term goals.
  • Lets you examine if you can help them achieve their goals .
  • Happy employees are efficient employees.

Proposed development plan

  • Lets you see their desired salary.
  • Lets you see how they gauge their skills/expertise/knowledge.
  • Lets you see how they want to grow in the company and if you can support them in their growth

Here is the Goals Sheet Template.
Here is the Goals Sheet Example.
Here is the Proposed Development Plan.

Stage 4: Create a One-Pager

This step organizes their information. It also acts as another test to see if they can follow instructions and how fast they can take action.

  • Onlinejobs Resume, Goals Sheet, Proposed Development Plan

Stage 5: Interview via Video Chat in Zoom.

Stage 6: Assign them a Simple Test Project

Use this to test their ability to execute with instructions. If they pass, they are HIRED! Note: If they fail at any step of the way, they are DQ.

If it’s a minor fail, you can give them another task to see if they can make up for the mistake.