Virtual Assistant Hiring Process by Dennis - HTML preview

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Interview Phase

Hey, [Applicant Name].

Congratulations on making it all the way to the interview phase. The last phase is the interview stage. It’s a two-step process: First, you will have two interviews.

But before all that, we’d like you to make your own goals sheet and professional development plan.

In completing your Goals Sheet, please refer to this video and use the attached excel file as your template. (attach excel file in your email)

Let’s face it, most of us suck at goal setting.

You have to break free from this cycle.

Most people don’t properly identify the reason they aren’t meeting their goals and blame themselves for their lack of goal execution.

Rule #1: Don’t blame yourself.

It’s (most likely) not your fault. Don’t get me wrong, executing your goals is important, but the foundation is even more important.

“Even a tower a hundred yards tall still has its foundations on the ground“. Chinese Proverb

 Rule #2: Listen to Chinese proverbs.

No matter how big or small our goals may be, we need to make sure they’re smart. Well, S.M.A.R.T.

S: Specific None of that “I want to be a better employee” or “I want to exercise” genericism.

You want to be a better employee? In what way? Try, “I want to turn in my reports on-time”.

 Do you want to exercise? Exercise what? Try, “I want to run a marathon”.

M: Measurable Now that we have specific goals, we need to make sure we can measure our progress and success.

For our first example, we’d take “I want to turn in my reports on-time” and add the phrase “98% of the time” to the end of it.

In the next example, we’d take “I want to run a marathon” and add the phrase “in under four and a half hours” to the end of it.

A: Achievable We need to find the sweet spot between goals that are too easy and goals that are too hard.

Goals that are too easy don’t challenge you. A good rule of thumb if your goal doesn’t require at least three steps to achieve, it’s too easy.

If you set a goal to do 50 push-ups, and you did 49 today, the only step is to do one more push-up. Too easy.

On the flip side, you don’t want to have a goal that’s too hard.

There are a few results that come from setting goals that are too difficult:

 You get frustrated because you’re making so little progress

You lose interest in the goal because it seems so far away

You just flat out give up because it seems like such a huge task

This is why we have to make sure our goals are achievable.

Find a good middle ground a goal that is challenging, but doesn’t seem unreachable.

For example, don’t set a goal to run a marathon by September 1st if it’s the middle of August and you can barely run a half marathon (even though that’s still impressive).

R: Relevant Set goals that you actually want to accomplish.

Most of us can remember a time in grade school that we received an assignment we really had no interest in. It wasn’t relevant to us. As a result, we didn’t take it seriously and most likely didn’t do as well on it as we could have.

I’ve been guilty of this many times.

If you set goals that are relevant to your interests, you’ll be way more likely to follow-through and achieve them.

T: Time-oriented Give yourself a deadline that you can stick to. Procrastination is toxic.

Set a date and make incremental progress until you’ve achieved your goal.

Rule #3: Write it down.

THIS IS IMPORTANT. Do NOT take this rule lightly.

 Refer to this regarding your Development Plan:

Linked are the templates for both the Goals Sheet and a sample Development Plan (the development plan is only a sample. Place values in the table based on your assessment, your job experience, and details in the corresponding job post):

Lastly, please put your perceived strengths and weaknesses (3 each), as well as what 3 skills you already are good at and 3 skills you would like to learn.

Compile all your prior submissions into one PDF document if applicable:

 video links profile link
Goals Sheet
Development Plan
Perceived Strengths/Weaknesses
3 Skills You Are Good At and 3 Skills You Would Like to Learn