2. Have you lost any weight while on this diet? How much?
3. Why did you choose Volumetrics? What can you say about it?
4. How did you collect your info?
5. Is it too difficult to eat outside while on Volumetrics diet?
6. Have you experienced any side effects?
7. What was your biggest motivation during your weight loss journey?
8. Did you include any workouts along with dieting?
9. How many meals you have during the day?
10. What do you eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
11. Do you drink beverages with meal? Do you drink alcohol?
12. What did you cut out from your meal plan?
13. Do you have any homemade recipes you are willing to share?
14. Did you use any diet pills/supplements along with dieting? Which ones?
15. Do you have a food diary/do you journal your food?
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