Woman Turn Your Chi by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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Kill Internet Dating

Where two or more are gathered in my name physically your true selves shall be there. The light traveling into your eyes and through your ears and skin. Has been weakened by physical steel aerials placed into the Earth's crust at exact positions magnetic to reduce the speed of light as it travels. Until you learn not to spend hours upon hours at your computer trying to find a mate. You will not enter into the magic that only happens when you are in direct physical presence of each other. There is no way you can tell what he is like by his words and image on a computer screen.

Rather pick up a local and see for yourself the real magic of when two are gathered in my name. I for your true identities by two shall be there! There is no way you can tell if your internet only date is right for you. I am not trying to be negative here for the first time. You must trust TIME itself which is also SPACE. Meaning a single time and a place. And this place is a physical place where you come together to converse with each other in real time.

Even a phone is not one place and real time conversation. So when thinking about picking up men. Think locally. Join a martial arts club. I can personally recommend Aikido. This is a very physical environment. And as Aikido is all about taking an in-coming blow at you and redirecting the opponent onto the ground. With no blows thrown by you. Aikido fits in well with the mentally of the kind of man who has natural self-confidence. A man who cares not to even hurt someone who is attacking him or someone he cares about.