Woman Turn Your Chi by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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Can Facebook or Twitter Popularity Be Purchased? The Answer is Yes! And the Cost is Approximately Two to Three Hours of Your Time.

You may ask yourself why do I need to be taught how to be popular. And the valuable answer is no one is going to tell you what they think about you on Facebook. So the advice being given herein is to cover all bets if as it turns out you are indeed a little bit suspecting you could be doing better on the nice guy or gal popularity by personality stakes. And why am I so dammed assured of this? It is because of the reason you brought this book. As deep down you wish to be all the marvelous character you can be by making your personality shine.

So enough said. And onto lesson one. Case 1. A young woman who in striving to be super popular chose to be forever updating her Facebook page. And as you know this ended up being truckloads of email. As Facebook was striving to update you on this her useless endless dribble of moment to moment anarchy. The lesson here is quality counts not quantity only.

Lesson Two: And this must happen as fast as you can. As it this and this alone that is preventing you from being massively popular by way of you practicing this practice now. Do not judge. The hollow space inside your mind is ever in one of three ways. Firstly: empty in silence mode. Secondly filled up by thoughts about a stranger near you telling you all about them in an instance occurring now. Thirdly: Filled with thoughts of an extremely positive nature revolving around how you can achieve a task you have decided upon and are pursuing with all willpower towards it.

The first empty in silent mode is only because the second and third thoughts are absent. The second type of thinking is incorrect thoughts always about a stranger and their life. Do not do this anymore and you will be more than wonderfully rewarded. You do this and a door previously shut off to you will immediately open. And you will walk on through it. And your life will be forever altered. And by the way you cannot open the door to the unknown greater you awaiting inside beyond the door by using some half-hearted attempt here. You must capture one of these thought events mid stream and say to self these thoughts are not me mine. And they are all an illusion. As they are not factual merely judgmental. I stand here now and refuse to entertain these negative thoughts of judgement.

The third state of mind occurs after you have won this leg of your journey into the depths of your right-brain creative subconscious mind. Set a goal. Write it down. Then write down what you are willing to do in exchange to make this event happen.

Lesson Three:

You are now ready to engage your first of what I hope will be many strangers. As soon as you can. Ask them do you have a hobby or a passion for some thing? Now comes the hard part. You must turn yourself into the greatest most intent listener on the planet. And never fall victim to sympathy if this talker, or writer gives you a sorry tale of woe. As to be sympathetic is to be the same as them. And all you have achieved is a quantum entanglement of this state being of the second state of mind I talked about. But this time rather than judgmental thoughts occurring. Sympathy is made up of the person's lament etc. But either way if you do not move in your mind alone between the two of you to an empathy. Where you acknowledge the grief. Acknowledge the sad event but refuse to magnify it by way of dwelling on these thoughts sympathetically in a speaking or writing or sharing in any way on Facebook event. Only become as one with them when they and yourself is in the third state of being I mentioned. And always remember if you wish to fly like an Eagle do not scratch around with the turkeys.

Lesson Four: Answering the door. A score for more friends upon a physical meeting. When you shake hands with them place your free hand in a grip comfortably above on the same arm he has offered you. This creates a complete circle and imparts your agreement to be a good friend of theirs should they see fit to do same by you. And it immediately tells them you are a very special person on the inside.

Bernard Shaw once remarked:

"If you teach a man anything, he

will never learn." Shaw was

right. Learning is an active

process. We

learn by doing. So, if you desire

to master the principles you are

studying in this book, do

something about them. Apply

these rules at


every opportunity. If you don't

 you will forget them quickly.

Only knowledge that is used

sticks in your mind.


Lesson Five: Short but important when dealing with people. Never criticize a person for anything. Whatever you believe is too be the criticism the other party will never agree with you. In their eyes they are spotless. It takes character and control to be understanding and forgiving.

Lesson Six: If you must criticize first find something you admire about the person. Something they do very well. Praise them for this and then apply a little reality check.

Lesson Seven: If you have been the great listener or you have thought long and hard about the communication given you on Facebook or Twitter. You will be able to make your own informed by way of your stopping to smell the roses and make a move on your own. Designed to further compliment the Facebook work of a new friend.

Lesson Eight: Overcome favoritism. Try hard not to play favorites. Rather if you must in the still new friends stage of your Facebook interactions treat each friend as your best friend.

Lesson Nine: Use generalities. In other words. Think hard before you post anything. Then always make out that because of something they your new friend posted you were reminded of a hitherto forgotten goal. And thanks to them you are back on track successfully.

Lesson Ten: Ensure others in whom you have contact live up to the preceding nine lessons. Let them know of this book. Nothing more difficult than this. to share if another significant other there too lucky you/both!