Years of Autistic Creativity by Joseph D. Smith - HTML preview

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How To Use Your Diagnosis Of Asperger Syndrome As



Living with Asperger Syndrome is an everyday challenge that makes every living moment a waking nightmare! But all of that will change if you just hang in there, take a moment every now and then to breathe, close your eyes, and just relax. When you found out that you were an Aspie, what went through your own mind? You probably zoned-out for a second, because you realized that you are not crazy or weird after-all!


Now that your diagnoses is out of the way, what about dealing with everyday issues? You may find that you are often misunderstood, that people just don't understand you, people who probably don't even want to understand you. How do you deal with that? Most of the time just telling them that you have Aspergers will only fall on deaf-ears. I know, it's hard, but sometimes it is better to help other people understand your limitations, rather than just hiding behind your diagnoses.


When people understand your issues, they will more than likely try to adjust to better suit your needs. Don't fret if they forget, just give them a friendly-reminder. It's hard for anybody to be completely aware at all times of the day, so sometimes others will forget your limitations, they might forget that you aren't trying to be rude or anti-social, or they might think that you understand what they are trying to tell you when it isn't appropriate

to assume so. They might think that you are being inappropriate. It takes some time to get used to the changes necessary.


You should understand that you can do anything that you want, you can be anything and anybody that you set out to be! Just realize that you have a unique perspective on life, and that those with Aspergers tend to have higher IQ-scores, so that means you generally have a higher-functioning brain than most people! Your brain is hard-wired for constant change, so use that to your advantage! Discuss your ideas and innovations with the world, and you may even inspire the greatest minds, and maybe you will change the minds of the more stubborn people! You can be very convincing.


The final thing you need to remember is that you are still a human-being, whether you are high-functioning or not, so don't see yourself as less-important, nor someone that is unnatural! Your life matters, so help other people realize that!