Years of Autistic Creativity by Joseph D. Smith - HTML preview

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How To Tell That You Are A Poet


When the day comes that a black hole would feed off it's prey, many will mistakenly believe that the black hole swallows it into a single point, with infinite density. Many believe that the matter goes extinct. But what if a black hole was merely a pawn? W hat if the black hole was a way for the Universe to feed on itself? Black holes have now been theorized as portals that feed the Core of the Universe! A core that feeds off of the Universe to sustain itself, while sustaining the Universe in return, so the core relies on us, and we rely on it. This reality is perfect!


All matter will always exist, and always has existed. All opposites work together in the Universe, where everything evens out, and everything equals zero. Without one polar opposite, the other would not exist, or would be imbalanced! I am simply saying that the end of time cannot simultaneously exist with the beginning of time, and all matter is recycled, cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed. The Core of the Universe makes perfect sense for this perfection, as the core would never feed more than it has to, it never had a reason to!


How this core would exist, how the matter would lead through the black holes into the core, and what the core's real function was and what it was capable of doing, this is an enormous formula, a large task at hand. How would we study such a theory as a practical application? How would we look for the core, and how would we look inside of one? Everything connects somehow, which we could even study where the core is if we were to observe relative locations of different galaxies, examine how close they are to each other, and which direction they are being brought together!


Most people view perfection as never being beaten, or never needing anything ever again, but on the contrary! Perfection is when a system will never break, when everything will work within the bounds of the law of motion! When you breathe in, you are inhaling oxygen provided by plants and trees, while when you breathe out, you are feeding plants with carbondioxide. Perfection is a system that cannot be broken, so with the possibility of a core inside the Universe, this whole Universe is perfect, as is our physics, so perfect!