Yes We Can by Maina Ndugo - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Chris watched as Irene returned to their table with a small dark tan rectangular leather flap. His heartbeat amplified as the plump and bubbly waitress handed him the leather flap that contained their lunch bill. The figures printed on the receipt were ungodly. A total reproach in the eyes of a common hustler like him.

He reached for his wallet buried in his right back pocket then placed all he had, six hundred shillings. Irene glanced at the bill and then at Chris. He looked at Sharon then glanced at Irene. They all had expectation written all over their faces. Why me, why me Lord? He lamented inwardly.

“Do you mind topping up the rest?" He asked Sharon in a calm voice even though it sounded a bit quirky due to embarrassment. “I’ll refund you once I withdraw my money from Mpesa."

To his sheer amazement, she reached into her hand bag and paid the remaining seven hundred shillings. While Chris felt as relieved as someone who’s just disarmed a bomb, Irene was disappointed that there was no tip to expect from this couple.

“I hope you enjoyed your meals. Please bring a friend next time you come to KFC," Irene smiled as she collected the cash.

“I feel a bit strange,” Sharon said to Chris as they descended the spiraling steps.

“Me too.”

“I’m serious Chris. I feel so light headed like my head is swelling up.”

“If I were you I'd just go home and forget about returning to the office.”

They walked further down Kimathi Street towards the conspicuous white city clock directly opposite a beige, four storey corner building. Chris stopped and said to Sharon, “I’m heading to Westlands right now. Faith told me you wanted four cookies right?"

“Who’s Faith?"

He smiled as he shook his head. He reached into his jacket and took out the half full black plastic bag.

“Seriously, who is Faith?" She demanded.

“The tall, light skinned chic with frizzy braids and lots of piercings on both ears. She's supposed to be your close friend from University of Nairobi," he replied.

Sharon's eyes narrowed as her jaw dropped in disbelief. “I don't know anyone in University of Nairobi. No one sent me to buy cookies today," she told him.

“You probably shouldn't have snatched those cookies from me while we were waiting for lunch. Are you suddenly so high that you can't remember your friend?"

He took out his phone and scrolled down his phone book but just as he was about to call Faith, his phone ran out of charge and switched off. He tried switching it back on but his attempts were futile. Sharon grabbed his arm, raised her phone towards him and said," Tell me you didn't send these messages to me last night."

Chris leaned forward and read the Facebook conversation. Clearly, something was wrong.

“No I didn't. I don't use the name Chris on Facebook. Why are you suddenly so confused?"

Sharon's heart thumped harder than usual and her head still felt like a swelling hot air balloon.

“Hold on!" She snapped. “If you didn't send these messages then who are you and what did you put in those cookies?"

“Are you trying to rip me off?" Chris grabbed her arm. “You campus idiots think you're clever don't you?"

Sharon tried to break free but he tightened his grip while glaring at her with bulging red eyes.

" Let go off me or I'll scream and cause a scene!" She threatened him. Her eyes had changed colour from milk white to bright red. A few pedestrians glanced at their direction. Despite the unwanted attention, Chris hardly flinched. His three years experience in selling weed had taught him a lot, mostly the hard way. Female customers could get sly to avoid paying for weed and he wasn't about to let this one dupe him. Paranoia got the best of the 28-year-old banking executive. The strange pairs of gawking eyes from different directions only worsened her mental state.

"What did you put in those cookies? Tell me right now!" She shouted angrily while grabbing Chris by his jacket collar. “Are you trying to rape me?"

A group of four middle aged Somali men all in white kanzus stopped just a couple of meters behind them, their attention suddenly drawn towards the conflicting pair. Onlookers barely blinked as they waited for the conflict to degenerate into all out gossip worthy drama. Chris wisely released Sharon's hand then swatted her other arm off his jacket.

“You think you're clever don't you? Alright, I'll walk away but this isn't over bitch."

He took out his Samsung S2 and switched it on. It was a relief when the screen lit and he immediately thumbed down his call log and called Faith, with the intention of giving her a piece of his mind.

“Hello," an enthusiastic female voice answered.

“Faith, I respect you a lot as my customer but why do you want to disrespect me?" Chris lashed out. His hands trembled with rage and small beads of sweat formed at the tip of his thin nose.

"Disrespecting you? What have I done?" She wondered.

“The bitch you sent to buy cookies from me refused to pay!" He seethed and drew attention of passersby but that was the least of his concerns.

“Who’s going to pay for them now? Why did you send that bitch?"

“Chris...Chris... chill! Just tell me what happened first then will...”

Christopher's phone switched off suddenly.

"Fuck!" He cursed and pushed the power button but his battery was completely drained.

His mind tossed and turned like a raft in turbulent waters. Maybe I should go straight to University of Nairobi, find Faith and teach her some hard lessons about respecting other people's businesses. It seemed the best way to retaliate but how could he possibly trace her in such a large campus without a phone? What if she wasn’t there in the first place?

Despite the disappointment, he chose to turn the other way and go home. Part of him still urged him to turn and head to the University however; he would be twice as frustrated if he couldn't find Faith. Chris reached the busy and packed junction next to the bronze Dedan Kimathi statue and was about to cross the road when he felt a strong grip on his left arm. When he turned round, his heart skipped a beat and his blood begun boiling.

“Where do you think you're going?" Sharon seethed and contorted her lips angrily. Her eyes were somewhat squinty and beetroot red. Chris noticed dilated veins under her eyes and her cheeks were red.