Zero Present Theory by Roauf Khalil Aqayi - HTML preview

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1. Note: The perception of the present and illumination (or Intuition) is not a reason for the superiority of a particular person or persons than others; for, this is the integral part of the principle and nature of real existence and creatures’ unity. Also it is noteworthy that although the effects of such meta-experience can be seen in the person's life, it is not possible to transmis and reflect the truth, because Just this directly perception and meta-feeling is true and valuable, and fantasize about its nature is misleading and fruitless.

2. In the CPH theory: The time has not any kind of physical entity, but it is just a name or an idiom that is used for the clock rate or move.

There is no beginning or end to the universe, not in terms of time or of place. But the visible world forms at a moment, like all clocks and collapses or decays after several ticking. Like the solar system or the stars.

Because our life is based on clocks, and also hours have a beginning, so we think that the time has only the one direction that is from the past to the future. While basically the time has not entity and accordingly does not have direction. But if the purpose of the time is the same move for hours, we can reconstruct their past; in this case we cannot say that the time has only one direction.


3. Two-dimensional time: One daring physicist Cumrun Vafa from Harvard—has discovered that an extra time dimension could solve more problems than it creates.


4. Spacetime dimensions: In new physical theories, the world is composed of 26 dimensions (in the bosonic string theory), 10 dimensions (in the superstring theory), and 11 dimensions (in the M-theory).


5. About perception vacuum of present: Basically, our nervous system reacts proportional to environmental changes, but percept these changes and reactions later than their real time. This means that live system always floating in the depth of environmental changes and is affected from the environmental fluctuations, but an interruption that is caused by processing these fluctuations, always keeps he/she/it later from the real time. In simple words, our brain percept images in the physical world that belonged to ten to hundred milliseconds before the real now. Namely, for the neurological reasons, we're always behind of the time. ->

img8.png The delay is between the receiving and responsing or reaction in the human mental system that creat a gap between the past and future. In other words, existence is in now and present, while the complex system of mind processing is a little behind of the time due to the information processing and received signals and therefore, compensate denial of it by creating artificial present in the gap of between the past and future. In this interruption system select his/her/its desired response among various options and makes reflected it.


6. Only the present is real: In the philosophy of time, presentism is the theory that only present things exist, and future and past things are unreal.


 A leading scholar from the modern era on Buddhist philosophy is Stcherbatsky, who has written extensively on Buddhist presentism: "Everything past is unreal, everything future is unreal, everything imagined, absent, mental… is unreal… Ultimately real is only the present moment of physical efficiency [i.e., causation]. Source:

7. Note: In this theory, the daily and physical "reality" is known as image and manifestation of the truths that are appearing in the universe. It is noteworthy that the way of manifestation of the truth, has direct relationship in coordination with the creatures and the whole universe and in case of better coordination between creatures and existence and there will be more possibility of manifestation this truth in the physical world.

8. Note: Here it is not discussed merely creativity and discovery and intuition, but something intangible is considered that causes to appear new things or the manifestation existing things to new way. For example, unconditional love is the result of "true existence and zero present" that is tip-top of the manifestation of perception and unity of creatures and is not based on the latest and nearest pasts (and is not affiliated to special place, time and creatures).

9. Note: To better understand this issue it is better that we leave out the time, place and entity utterly. In this case, what remains, regardless of the divisions of physical and dependence on time and space, is the unit present and oneness.

10. Hegel's theory:Refers to the philosopher Hegel's theory, which says: “Past and Future are equal!”


11.Simultaneously exist of past time in the form of “real existence and inexistence”: As regards the time, place, creatures and our experiences are based on the latest and nearest pasts, the past time is "real existence". At the same time as we know and mentioned previously, the past, if be included even one second or one millionth of a second ago, is elapsed time and so it is not real and accordingly it is "inexistence".

12. Real existence and inexistence:The purpose of “real existence and inexistence” in this theory for example is not good and evil (in religions and ethics) or positive and negative electric charges (in electromagnetism) or matter and antimatter (in cosmology) or electron and positron (in quantum mechanics) or matter and energy in front of the vacuum. But all the mentioned cases are discussed in the framework of "time" and all of them are in the range of "real existence", based on ability to tangibility and experience and according to belonging to the latest or nearest past, are known as "inexistence".

13.“Real existence and inexistence” in Hegel's philosophy: The first three foundations of Hegel's philosophy are “existence, inexistence, becoming”. He starts from the “existence”. He says “existence” is the first and clearest concept that the mind believes it and can be a good base to begin the philosophy. But “existence”, in itself, includes the concept of its opposite means “inexistence”. Each “existence’ in itself is contained “inexistence”. His/her/its “existence” has not specified in any way and absolutely is indefinite and formless and is completely empty and literally is pure vacuum. This pure vacuum is the same as “inexistence”. So “existence” is “inexistence” and “inexistence” is the same “existence”. This transition from “existence” to “inexistence” leads to "becoming" and the three foundations will be completed. The third case itself is violation of another two cases, but it is include aspects of unity and their harmony as well. Thus "becoming" is an “existence” that is “inexistence” or an “inexistence” that is “existence”.

 Source: %8C%D9%84%D9%87%D9%84%D9%85_%D9%81%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%AF%D8%B 1%DB%8C%D8%B4_%D9%87%DA%AF%D9%84 

14. About the unity of body and soul (or psyche): According to the Spinoza's philosophy, essence is one and does not exist separation and a boundary between the body and soul. So soul and body are two aspects of something unit; its inside is the soul and its appearance is the body. Versus of Descartes’s opinion, the entire world and its creatures, similarly and with different privileges and eminences are one combination pair of these two aspects, means that they are soul and body (matter). The rank of their souls is different, low and high and among the human is higher than other creatures and also has intensity and weakness among human individuals. Source:

15. Negative and positive infinity: Here, the purpose of positive and negative in the direction of evolution, are not good and evil from the viewpoint of religion and ethics, but the concept of positive is the "real existence" and the purpose of negative is the same as “in existence or lack of real existence”. And “infinite” refers to unlimited process of changes and Transformations in their quality.

16 .Note: A partnership of others (direct or indirect) in the inappropriate or good deeds of other people, however, does not mean that they reduce their responsibilities to own actions.