The doctor suspected that his patient was suffering from a malady outside the scope of medical aid. But even he could not foresee the horrible climax to the strange symptoms.
It was a very odd bridegroom who arrived so late for the feast prepared for him in the castle-home of his betrothed. It looked as if the goblins had been playing tricks on the Baron and his lovely daughter.
The snowbound traveller hailed the mail-coach with joy - but once inside what wouldn't he have given to be out in the snow again.
In 1665, a young man claims his path to school is haunted by an apparition. He enlists a country parson to help investigate the mystery.
The story starts with a warning: "There is a wild beast in your woods..." As the story progresses, we learn from that Gabriel is indeed wild, feral – a werewolf in fact. The story uses the idea of lycanthropy as a metaphor for adolescence.
The strange story of the Monk and Clarimonde - most beautiful in all the world.
The lightning quivered, the thunder roared, the rain slashed the windows - a cloak for a cruel crime.
This is Oscar Wilde's tale of the American family moved into a British mansion, Canterville Chase, much to the annoyance of its tired ghost. The family -- which refuses to believe in him -- is in Wilde's way a commentary on the British nobility of the day -- and on the Americans, too.