very complicated horror
supernatural and humours Ukrainian fairytale
Medieval knights wars and adventures. Prequel to The White Company
In this last of the Smoke Bellew series, Smoke and Shorty are captured by Indians, followed by both horrible and heart-warming events.
Horrors and humour of the real revolutionary civil war. This one is really funny even in translation.
Written 20 years before Orwell's NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR. Story of the minutely organized United State, where all citizens are not individuals but only Numbers existing in identical glass apartments.
What's better than Knights and Squires, Witches and Magicians, Dragon, Dwarfs, and Monsters? This is the prose version of the epic poem.
This spirited pirate adventure for young readers takes on a very unusual twist.
The original story is far more terrifying than any movie. Count Dracula has extraordinary needs along with mysterious powers that allow him to satisfy them. No one really knows the extent of those powers - or those needs - until it too late.