Knots, Splices and Rope Work by A. Hyatt Verrill - HTML preview

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Artificial eye

 Belaying-pin splice
 Blackwall hitch
 Bow-line on bight
 Bow shortening
 Builders' hitch
 Builders' knot
 Butchers' knots

 Chain hitch
 Chain knots
 Cleat tie
 Close band
 Clove hitch
 Cotton rope
 Crown braid
 Crown knots
 Cuckolds' necks
 Cut splice

 Deadeye lashing
 Double chain
 Double crown
 Double figure-eight
 Double knots
 Double plait
 Double wall
 Double wall and crown

 Ending rope
 End pointing
 Eye splice

 Fancy knots
 Figure-eight knot
 Fisherman's hitch
 Fisherman's knot
 Fivefold knot
 Flemish eye
 Fourfold knot
 Four-strand braid
 Four-stranded rope
 French shroud knot

 Gaff-topsail halyard bend
 Garrick bend
 Gordian knot
 Granny knot
 Gunners' knot
 Gut lines

 Half-hitch and seizing
 Half-hitch work
 Handcuff kings
 Hawser hitch
 Hemp rope
 History of rope



 Larks' heads
 Lashed cut splice
 Laying up
 Leather braid
 Left-handed rope
 Long splice
 Loop lashings
 Loop knots

 Magnus hitch
 Manila rope
 Manrope knot
 Marline spike
 Marline-spike seamanship
 Matthew Walker knot
 Midshipman's hitch
 Monkey chain
 Mooring knots

 Necklace tie

 Open chain
 Open-hand knot
 Ordinary knot
 Overhand knot

 Parts of rope
 Pier bend
 Pointed rope


 Reef knot
 Reefing knots
 Repairing rope
 Right-hand rope
 Roband hitch
 Rolling hitch
 Rope buckles
 Rose lashing
 Round turn
 Running bow-line
 Running knot
 Running noose

 Sailors' knots
 Seized shortening
 Selvagee board
 Selvagee strap
 Serving mallet
 Short splice
 Shroud knots
 Simple hitch
 Simple knots
 Single plait
 Sisal flax
 Sixfold knot
 Slip knots
 Slippery hitch
 Square knots
 Standing part
 Stopper knot
 Strength of rope
 Studding-sail bend

 Threefold knot
 Throat seizing
 Timber hitch
 Tomfool knot
 Topsail-halyard toggle
 Treble knot
 Turks' caps
 Turks' heads
 Twist braid
 Twist knot
 Twist shortening

 Wall and crown
 Wall crowned
 Wall knots
 Waterman's knot
 Weaver's knot
 Wedding knot
 Weight of rope
 Wharf tie
 Wind knots
 Wire rope

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