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Article #14

10 Ways to DeClutter Your Home

© Terri Seymour of

Over time our homes, especially if they are smaller homes, have a tendency to accumulate and collect all kinds of treasures, gems and keepsakes, otherwise referred to as "junk". ;-) Now we all know that one person's trash is another person's treasures, but our homes can only hold so much!!!

I have listed below several ways of going about the process of decluttering or decontamination, whichever term you prefer. ;-)


Of course, this process will not be done in one day, after all it took years (or if we are really good, months) to make it this way.


Start slow and take the time needed to follow through.


You will find that decluttering is not as hard as you thought it would be.

1. Cupboards - Go through all you kitchen cupboards, one at a time of course, and you will be amazed at what you find that can be thrown out. When I cleaned mine out not too long ago, I had four coffee maker decanters, that I could not even use anymore because I had a different coffee maker! I also found spices that were about 10 years old!!

2. Bedroom Closets - The saying goes - If you haven't worn it or used it in a year, get rid of it. I am not sure I agree with that statement totally, but it is a good guideline to follow. I am always amazed at the clothes I get rid of (and how many I still have) when I clean out my closets!

3. Bookcases - Now, I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to gather books. At last count, I had well over 200 and definitely had to get rid of some of them. I looked them all over and got rid of the ones that didn't sound interesting. Also, go through knickknacks, papers, magazines, or anything else filling up those bookcases.

4. Kids Room - This is something that needs to be done about twice a year in my house. My boys go through their clothes, toys, video games, etc and out goes anything they are no longer interested in.

5. Bathroom - We know how cluttered and overflowing those vanities and medicine chests can get. Go through all those goodies and if it has hardened, softened or changed color, get rid of it! ;-)

6. Linen Closet - Towels, sheets, curtains, etc, are also things that need to be periodically sorted and tossed. I just recently discovered that we had almost 100 towels! Who knew?? I removed all the semi worn out ones and was left with about 30 or so. That should suffice.

7. Under Your Bed - This part of the decluttering can be quite scary. Proceed with caution and always have a weapon, such as broom, vacuum cleaner or bug spray with you! Who the heck knows what you will find under there, but I can bet a lot of it can go. ;-)

8. Organize - There are so many great products these days that hold everything. Get some inexpensive plastic boxes and neatly store all your items that are not in display or not used daily. You can get small ones in the dollar stores to organize your CDs, use them in your pantry or cupboards, store odd and ends, letters, papers, you name it!

9. Throw Out the Old - One thing you must absolutely remember when decluttering is you have to THROW AWAY the NOT USED or NOT WANTED. DO NOT just take everything out and rearrange!!! That is a temporary solution and is not sufficient!!!!!

10. Everything in its Place - Once you have everything decluttered and organized, get everyone to keep everything in its place and your home will remain organized and clutter free forever! Yea, right -nice dream, but we will be doing this very same thing in the not too distant future! ;-) We have a fairly small home, so I go through this process about once a year. Decluttering and organizing gives me a sense of control and achievement. This might not mean much to some folks, but think a moment......... if you can get control over this part of your life, maybe taking control of the big things will not be so hard! ;-)

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a very affordable website building service. Free ecourses, decorating tips, business resources, and much more at: FREE ecourse at:
