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© Terri Seymour of

If you are thinking about or have already started your own business, you probably know that you will make mistakes. Don't let this dissuade you from your dreams or your passion. We have all made them and will make more - no matter how experienced or how good we are at our business.

The difference between a good mistake and a bad mistake is whether or not you have learned from it.


Take some time to go over your mistake

Why was it a mistake?
What can I do to prevent this type of mistake again? How can I rectify this mistake?
What have I learned from this mistake?
How can I do this better next time?

I have made several mistakes over the years, especially when I was first starting out. I made sure I realized the mistake, learned from the mistake and became stronger and more determined because of the mistake.

Some things you can do, however, to help reduce the number of mistakes you make are:
Research - Learn as much as you can about starting and running your own business. You do not want to go blindly into the business world.

Keep Learning - Don't think that your initial research will hold you over forever. The business world is constantly changing and you need to keep up with those changes.

When in Doubt, Find Out - You cannot guess your way to a successful business. When you have doubts about something, read up on it. Research and research some more.

Network - Get involved with message boards, email discussion groups and other networking communities. Learn from others who have made mistakes and have experienced what you are starting to experience. By learning from the mistakes of others, you can greatly reduce the number of mistakes you make. ;-)

Experiment - Try different things until you find what is best for you and your business. Do not let yourself be pressured into doing things you know or "feel" are wrong.

I hope this article confirms your belief that we all make mistakes and it is not the end of the world. Just remember to learn from them, grow from them and become stronger from them!!

Terri Seymour and her husband Terry offer a no-cost, non-MLM home business opportunity. They strive to help you build a successful home business. They also provide a website building service. Take advantage of the gifts, resources & more provided for your home and business at FREE ecourse at:
