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[1] mate] i.e. confound, defeat.


[2] vaunt] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "daunt."


[3] her] All the 4tos "his."


[4] Whereas] i.e. where.


[5] cunning] i.e. knowledge.


[6] now] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "more."


[7] FAUSTUS discovered in his study] Most probably, the Chorus, before going out, drew a curtain, and discovered Faustus sitting. In B. Barnes's DIVILS CHARTER, 1607, we find; "SCEN. VLTIMA. ALEXANDER VNBRACED BETWIXT TWO CARDINALLS in his study LOOKING VPON A BOOKE, whilst a groome draweth the Curtaine."  Sig. L 3.


[8] Analytics, 'tis thou, &c.] Qy. "Analytic"? (but such phraseology was not uncommon).


[9] that] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "the" (the printer having mistaken "yt" for "ye").


[10] Economy] So the later 4tos (with various spelling).--2to 1604 "Oncaymaeon."


[11] and] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[12] Couldst] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "Wouldst."


[13] men] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "man."


[14] legatur] All the 4tos "legatus."


[15] &c.] So two of the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[16] law] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "Church."


[17] This] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "His."


[18] Too servile] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "The deuill."


[19] Che sera, sera] Lest it should be thought that I am wrong in not altering the old spelling here, I may quote from Panizzi's very critical edition of the ORLANDO FURIOSO,

     "La satisfazion ci SERA pronta."  C. xviii. st. 67.


[20] scenes] "And sooner may a gulling weather-spie

              By drawing forth heavens SCEANES tell certainly," &c.

                   Donne's FIRST SATYRE,--p. 327, ed. 1633.


[21] tire] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "trie."


[22] Enter WAGNER, &c.] Perhaps the proper arrangement is,--


      Enter WAGNER.

      Commend me to my dearest friends," &c.


[23] treasure] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "treasury."


[24] Jove] So again, p. 84, first col.,[See Note 59]

     "Seeing Faustus hath incurr'd eternal death

      By desperate thoughts against JOVE'S deity," &c.:

and I may notice that Marlowe is not singular in applying the name

JOVE to the God of Christians:--

     "Beneath our standard of JOUES powerfull sonne [i.e. Christ]".

          MIR. FOR MAGISTRATES, p. 642, ed. 1610.

     "But see the judgement of almightie JOUE," &c.

          Id. p. 696.

     "O sommo GIOVE per noi crocifisso," &c.

          Pulci,--MORGANTE MAG. C. ii. st. 1.


[25] these elements] So again, "Within the bowels of THESE elements," &c., p. 87, first col,[See Note 90]--"THESE" being equivalent to THE.  (Not unfrequently in our old writers THESE is little more than redundant.)


[26] resolve] i.e. satisfy, inform.


[27] silk] All the 4tos "skill" (and so the modern editors!).


[28] the] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "our."


[29] the fiery keel at Antwerp's bridge] During the blockade of Antwerp by the Prince of Parma in 1585, "They of Antuerpe knowing that the bridge and the Stocadoes were finished, made a great shippe, to be a meanes to breake all this worke of the prince of Parmaes:  this great shippe was made of masons worke within, in the manner of a vaulted caue:  vpon the hatches there were layed myll-stones, graue-stones, and others of great weight; and within the vault were many barrels of powder, ouer the which there were holes, and in them they had put matches, hanging at a thred, the which burning vntill they came vnto the thred, would fall into the powder, and so blow vp all. And for that they could not haue any one in this shippe to conduct it, Lanckhaer, a sea captaine of the Hollanders, being then in Antuerpe, gaue them counsell to tye a great beame at the end of it, to make it to keepe a straight course in the middest of the streame.  In this sort floated this shippe the fourth of Aprill, vntill that it came vnto the bridge; where (within a while after) the powder wrought his effect, with such violence, as the vessell, and all that was within it, and vpon it, flew in pieces, carrying away a part of the Stocado and of the bridge. The marquesse of Roubay Vicont of Gant, Gaspar of Robles lord of Billy, and the Seignior of Torchies, brother vnto the Seignior of Bours, with many others, were presently slaine; which were torne in pieces, and dispersed abroad, both vpon the land and vpon the water."  Grimeston's GENERALL HISTORIE OF THE NETHERLANDS, p. 875, ed. 1609.


[30] only] Qy. "alone"?  (This line is not in the later 4tos.)


[31] vile] Old ed. "vild":  but see note ||, p. 68.--(This line is not in the later 4tos.)


    [Note || from page 68 (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the



     Vile] The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds. a little

     before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and,

     a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":--the

     fact is, our early writers (or rather transcribers), with

     their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form,

     and now the other:  compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623,

     where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")]


[32] concise syllogisms] Old ed. "Consissylogismes."


[33] cunning] i.e. knowing, skilful.


[34] Agrippa] i.e. Cornelius Agrippa.


[35] shadow] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "shadowes."


[36] spirits] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "subiects."


[37] Almain rutters] See note †, p. 43.


    [Note † from p. 43. (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the



     Almains, Rutters] Rutters are properly--German troopers

     (reiter, reuter).  In the third speech after the present one

     this line is repeated VERBATIM:  but in the first scene of

     our author's FAUSTUS we have,--

         "Like ALMAIN RUTTERS with their horsemen's staves."]


[38] have the] So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "in their."


[39] From] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "For."


[40] in] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[41] renowm'd] See note ||, p. 11.


    [Note || from p. 11. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the



     renowmed] i.e. renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned."

     --The form "RENOWMED" (Fr. RENOMME) occurs repeatedly

     afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo.  It is

     occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's

     time.  e.g.

       "Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine."

            Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's

            MONARCHICKE TRAGEDIES, ed. 1607.]


[42] Albertus'] i.e. Albertus Magnus.--The correction of I. M.

in Gent. Mag. for Jan. 1841.--All the 4tos "Albanus."


[43] cunning] i.e. skill.


[44] Enter two SCHOLARS] Scene, perhaps, supposed to be before Faustus's house, as Wagner presently says, "My master is within at dinner."


[45] upon] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "vpon't."


[46] speak, would] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "speake, IT would."


[47] my dear brethren] This repetition (not found in the later 4tos) is perhaps an error of the original compositor.


[48] Enter FAUSTUS to conjure] The scene is supposed to be a grove; see p. 81, last line of sec. col.

   [Page 81, second column, last line:

    "VALDES. Then haste thee to some solitary grove,"]


[49] anagrammatiz'd] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "and Agramithist."


[50] Th' abbreviated] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "The breuiated."


[51] erring] i.e. wandering.


[52] surgat Mephistophilis, quod tumeraris] The later 4tos have "surgat Mephistophilis DRAGON, quod tumeraris."--There is a corruption here, which seems to defy emendation.  For "quod TUMERARIS," Mr. J. Crossley, of Manchester, would read (rejecting the word "Dragon") "quod TU MANDARES" (the construction being "quod tu mandares ut Mephistophilis appareat et surgat"):  but the "tu" does not agree with the preceding "vos."--The Revd. J. Mitford proposes "surgat Mephistophilis, per Dragon (or Dagon) quod NUMEN EST AERIS."


[53] dicatus] So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "dicatis."


[54] Re-enter Mephistophilis, &c.] According to THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, on which this play is founded, Faustus raises Mephistophilis in "a thicke wood neere to Wittenberg, called in the German tongue Spisser Wolt.....  Presently, not three fathom above his head, fell a flame in manner of a lightning, and changed itselfe into a globe.....  Suddenly the globe opened, and sprung up in the height of a man; so burning a time, in the end it converted to the shape of a fiery man[?] This pleasant beast ran about the circle a great while, and, lastly, appeared in the manner of a Gray Fryer, asking Faustus what was his request?" Sigs. A 2, A 3, ed. 1648.  Again; "After Doctor Faustus had made his promise to the devill, in the morning betimes he called the spirit before him, and commanded him that he should alwayes come to him like a fryer after the order of Saint Francis, with a bell in his hand like Saint Anthony, and to ring it once or twice before he appeared, that he might know of his certaine coming."  Id. Sig. A 4.


[55] came hither] So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "came NOW hither."


[56] accidens] So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "accident."


[57] Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it] Compare Milton, Par. Lost, iv. 75;

    "Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell."


[58] these] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "those."


[59] Jove's] See note ‡, p. 80. [i.e. Note 24]


[60] four and twenty] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "24."


[61] resolve] i.e. satisfy, inform.


[62] thorough] So one of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "through."


[63] country] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "land."


[64] desir'd] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "desire."


[65] Enter WAGNER, &c.] Scene, a street most probably.


[66] pickadevaunts] i.e. beards cut to a point.


[67] by'r lady] i.e. by our Lady.


[68] Qui mihi discipulus] The first words of W. Lily's


    "Qui mihi discipulus, puer, es, cupis atque doceri,

          Huc ades," &c.


[69] staves-acre] A species of larkspur.


[70] vermin] Which the seeds of staves-acre were used to destroy.


[71] familiars] i.e. attendant-demons.


[72] their] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "my."


[73] slop] i.e. wide breeches.


[74] vile] Old ed. "vild."  See note || p. 68.


    [Note || from page 68 (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the



     Vile] The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds. a little

     before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and,

     a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":--the

     fact is, our early writers (or rather transcribers), with

     their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form,

     and now the other:  compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623,

     where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")]


[75] vestigiis nostris] All the 4tos "vestigias nostras."


[76] of] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[77] me] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[78] he lives] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "I liue."


[79] why] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[80] Solamen miseris, &c.] An often-cited line of modern Latin

poetry:  by whom it was written I know not.


[81] Why] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[82] torture] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "tortures."


[83] Faustus] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[84] Bill] i.e. writing, deed.


[85] Here's fire; come, Faustus, set it on] This would not be intelligible without the assistance of THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, the sixth chapter of which is headed,-- "How Doctor Faustus set his blood in a saucer on warme ashes, and writ as followeth." Sig. B, ed. 1648.


[86] But what is this inscription, &c.] "He [Faustus] tooke a small penknife and prickt a veine in his left hand; and for certainty thereupon were seen on his hand these words written, as if they had been written with blood, O HOMO, FUGE." THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Sig. B, ed. 1648.


[87] me] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "thee."


[88] he desires] Not in any of the four 4tos.  In the tract just cited, the "3d Article" stands thus,--"That Mephostophiles should bring him any thing, and doe for him whatsoever."  Sig. A 4, ed. 1648.  A later ed. adds "he desired."  Marlowe, no doubt, followed some edition of the HISTORY in which these words, or something equivalent to them, had been omitted by mistake. (2to 1661, which I consider as of no authority, has "he requireth.")


[89] that, &c.] So all the 4tos, ungrammatically.


[90] these] See note §, p. 80.[i.e. Note 25]


[91] there] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[92] are] So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "is."


[93] fond] i.e. foolish.


[94] What! walking, disputing, &c.] The later 4tos have "What, SLEEPING, EATING, walking, AND disputing!" But it is evident that this speech is not given correctly in any of the old eds.


[95] let me have a wife, &c.] The ninth chapter of THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS narrates "How Doctor Faustus would have married, and how the Devill had almost killed him for it," and concludes as follows.  "It is no jesting [said Mephistophilis] with us: hold thou that which thou hast vowed, and we will peforme as we have promised; and more shall that, thou shalt have thy hearts desire of what woman soever thou wilt, be she alive or dead, and so long as thou wilt thou shalt keep her by thee.--These words pleased Faustus wonderfull well, and repented himself that he was so foolish to wish himselfe married, that might have any woman in the whole city brought him 


[96] me] Not in 4to 1604.  (This line is wanting in the later 4tos.)


[97] no] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[98] Saba] i.e. Sabaea--the Queen of Sheba.


[99] iterating] i.e. reciting, repeating.


[100] And argue of divine astrology, &c.] In THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, there are several tedious pages on the subject; but our dramatist, in the dialogue which follows, has no particular obligations to them.


[101] erring] i.e. wandering.


[102] freshmen's] "A Freshman, tiro, novitius." Coles's DICT. Properly, a student during his first term at the university.


[103] resolve] i.e. satisfy, inform.


[104] Seek to save] Qy. "Seek THOU to save"?  But see note ||,

p. 18.


    [Note ||, from page 18 (The First Part of Tamburlaine The



     Barbarous] Qy. "O Barbarous"? in the next line but one,

     "O treacherous"? and in the last line of the speech,

     "O bloody"?  But we occasionally find in our early dramatists

     lines which are defective in the first syllable; and in some

     of these instances at least it would almost seem that nothing

     has been omitted by the transcriber or printer.]


[105] Enter the SEVEN DEADLY SINS] In THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Lucifer amuses Faustus, not by calling up the Seven Deadly Sins, but by making various devils appear before him, "one after another, in forme as they were in hell."  "First entered Beliall in forme of a beare," &c.--"after him came Beelzebub, in curled haire of a horseflesh colour," &c.--"then came Astaroth, in the forme of a worme," &c. &c.  During this exhibition, "Lucifer himselfe sate in manner of a man all hairy, but of browne colour, like a squirrell, curled, and his tayle turning upward on his backe as the squirrels use:  I think he could crack nuts too like a squirrell."  Sig. D, ed. 1648.


[106] case] i.e. couple.


[107] bevers] i.e. refreshments between meals.


[108] L.] All the 4tos "Lechery."--Here I have made the alteration recommended by Mr. Collier in his Preface to COLERIDGE'S SEVEN LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE AND MILTON, p. cviii.


[109] Away, to hell, to hell] In 4to 1604, these words stand on a line by themselves, without a prefix.  (In the later 4tos, the corresponding passage is as follows;

    "------ begins with Lechery.

     LUCIFER. Away to hell, away!  On, piper!  [Exeunt the SINS.

     FAUSTUS. O, how this sight doth delight my soul!" &c.)


[110] I will send for thee at midnight] In THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, we have a particular account of Faustus's visit to the infernal regions, Sig. D 2, ed. 1648.


[111] Enter CHORUS] Old ed. "Enter WAGNER solus."  That these lines belong to the Chorus would be evident enough, even if we had no assistance here from the later 4tos.-The parts of Wagner and of the Chorus were most probably played by the same actor: and hence the error.


[112] Learned Faustus,

      To know the secrets of astronomy, &c.] See the 21st chapter of THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS,--"How Doctor Faustus was carried through the ayre up to the heavens, to see the whole world, and how the sky and planets ruled," &c.


[113] Enter FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS] Scene, the Pope's privy-chamber.


[114] Trier] i.e. Treves or Triers.


[115] From Paris next, &c.] This description is from THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS; "He came from Paris to Mentz, where the river of Maine falls into the Rhine:  notwithstanding he tarried not long there, but went into Campania, in the kingdome of Neapol, in which he saw an innumerable sort of cloysters, nunries, and churches, and great houses of stone, the streets faire and large, and straight forth from one end of the towne to the other as a line; and all the pavement of the city was of bricke, and the more it rained into the towne, the fairer the streets were: there saw he the tombe of Virgill, and the highway that he cu[t] through the mighty hill of stone in one night, the whole length of an English mile," &c. Sig. E 2, ed. 1648.


[116] The way he cut, &c.] During the middle ages Virgil was regarded as a great magician, and much was written concerning his exploits in that capacity.  The LYFE OF VIRGILIUS, however, (see Thoms's EARLY PROSE ROMANCES, vol. ii.,) makes no mention of the feat in question.  But Petrarch speaks of it as follows. "Non longe a Puteolis Falernus collis attollitur, famoso palmite nobilis.  Inter Falernum et mare mons est saxeus, hominum manibus confossus, quod vulgus insulsum a Virgilio magicis cantaminibus factum putant:  ita clarorum fama hominum, non veris contenta laudibus, saepe etiam fabulis viam facit.  De quo cum me olim Robertus regno clarus, sed praeclarus ingenio ac literis, quid sentirem, multis astantibus, percunctatus esset, humanitate fretus regia, qua non reges modo sed homines vicit, jocans nusquam me legisse magicarium fuisse Virgilium respondi:  quod ille severissimae nutu frontis approbans, non illic magici sed ferri vestigia confessus est.  Sunt autem fauces excavati montis angustae sed longissimae atque atrae:  tenebrosa inter horrifica semper nox: publicum iter in medio, mirum et religioni proximum, belli quoque immolatum temporibus, sic vero populi vox est, et nullis unquam latrociniis attentatum, patet:  Criptam Neapolitanam dicunt, cujus et in epistolis ad Lucilium Seneca mentionem fecit.  Sub finem fusci tramitis, ubi primo videri coelum incipit, in aggere edito, ipsius Virgilii busta visuntur, pervetusti operis, unde haec forsan ab illo perforati montis fluxit opinio."  ITINERARIUM SYRIACUM,--OPP. p. 560, ed. Bas.


[117] From thence to Venice, Padua, and the rest,       In one of which a sumptuous temple stands, &c.] So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "In MIDST of which," &c.--THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS shews WHAT "sumptuous temple" is meant:  "From thence he came to Venice.  ...He wondred not a little at the fairenesse of S. Marks Place, and the sumptuous church standing thereon, called S. Marke, how all the pavement was set with coloured stones, and all the rood or loft of the church double gilded over."  Sig. E 2, ed. 1648.


[118] Just through the midst, &c.] This and the next line are not in 4to 1604.  I have inserted them from the later 4tos, as being absolutely necessary for the sense.


[119] Ponte] All the 4tos "Ponto."


[120] of] So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.


[121] Then charm me, that I, &c.] A corrupted passage.--Compare THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Sig. E 3, ed. 1648; where, however, the Cardinal, whom the Pope entertains, is called the Cardinal of PAVIA.


[122] Sonnet] Variously written, SENNET, SIGNET, SIGNATE, &c.--A particular set of notes on the trumpet, or cornet, different from a flourish.  See Nares's GLOSS. in V. SENNET.


[123] Enter ROBIN, &c.] Scene, near an inn.


[124] ippocras] Or HIPPOCRAS,--a medicated drink composed of wine (usually red) with spices and sugar.  It is generally supposed to have been so called from HIPPOCRATES (contracted by our earliest writers to HIPPOCRAS); perhaps because it was strained,--the woollen bag used by apothecaries to strain syrups and decoctions for clarification being termed HIPPOCRATES' SLEEVE.


[125] tabern] i.e. tavern.


[126]      [Exeunt.

      Enter ROBIN and RALPH, &c.] A scene is evidently wanting after the Exeunt of Robin and Ralph.


[127] purchase] i.e. booty--gain, acquisition.


[128] Drawer] There is an inconsistency here:  the Vintner cannot properly be addressed as "Drawer."  The later 4tos are also inconsistent in the corresponding passage:  Dick says, "THE VINTNER'S BOY follows us at the hard heels," and immediately the "VINTNER" enters.


[129] tone] i.e. the one.


[130]MEPHIST. Monarch of hell, &c.] Old ed. thus:--


    "MEPHIST. Vanish vilaines, th' one like an Ape, an other like

     a Beare, the third an Asse, for doing this enterprise.


     Monarch of hell, vnder whose blacke suruey," &c.


What follows, shews that the words which I have omitted ought to have no place in the text; nor is there any thing equivalent to them in the corresponding passage of the play as given in the later 4tos.


[131] Enter EMPEROR, &c.] Scene--An apartment in the Emperor's Palace.  According to THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, the Emperor "was personally, with the rest of the nobles and gentlemen, at the towne of Inzbrack, where he kept his court."  Sig. G, ed. 1648.


[132] Master Doctor Faustus, &c] The greater part of this scene is closely borrowed from the history just cited:  e.g. "Faustus, I have heard much of thee, that thou art excellent in the black art, and none like thee in mine empire; for men say that thou hast a familiar spirit with thee, and that thou canst doe what thou list; it is therefore (said the Emperor) my request of thee, that thou let me see a proofe of thy experience:  and I vow unto thee, by the honour of my emperiall crowne, none evill shall happen unto thee for so doing," &c.  Ibid.


[133] won] May be right:  but qy. "done"?


[134] As we that do succeed, &c.] A corrupted passage (not found in the later 4tos).


[135] The bright, &c.] See note ||, p. 18.


    [Note ||, from page 18 (The First Part of Tamburlaine The



     Barbarous] Qy. "O Barbarous"? in the next line but one,

     "O treacherous"? and in the last line of the speech,

     "O bloody"?  But we occasionally find in our early dramatists

     lines which are defective in the first syllable; and in

     some of these instances at least it would almost seem that

     nothing has been omitted by the transcriber or printer.]


[136] But, if it like your grace, it is not in my ability, &c.] "D. Faustus answered, My most excellent lord, I am ready to accomplish your request in all things, so farre forth as I and my spirit are able to performe:  yet your majesty shall know that their dead bodies are not able substantially to be brought before you; but such spirits as have seene Alexander and his Paramour alive shall appeare unto you, in manner and form as they both lived in their most flourishing time; and herewith I hope to please your Imperiall Majesty.  Then Faustus went a little aside to speake to his spirit; but he returned againe presently, saying, Now, if it please your Majesty, you shall see them; yet, upon this condition, that you demand no question of them, nor speake unto them; which the Emperor agreed unto.  Wherewith Doctor Faustus opened the privy-chamber doore, where presently entered the great and mighty emperor Alexander Magnus, in all things to looke upon as if he had beene alive; in proportion, a strong set thicke man, of a middle stature, blacke haire, and that both thicke and curled, head and beard, red cheekes, and a broad face, with eyes like a basiliske; he had a compleat harnesse [i.e. suit of armour] burnished and graven, exceeding rich to look upon:  and so, passing towards the Emperor Carolus, he made low and reverend courtesie:  whereat the Emperour Carolus would have stood up to receive and greet him with the like reverence; but Faustus tooke hold on him, and would not permit him to doe it.  Shortly after, Alexander made humble reverence, and went out againe; and comming to the doore, his paramour met him.  She comming in made the Emperour likewise reverence:  she was cloathed in blew velvet, wrought and imbroidered with pearls and gold; she was also excellent faire, like milke and blood mixed, tall and slender, with a face round as an apple.  And thus passed [she] certaine times up and downe the house; which the Emperor marking, said to himselfe, Now have I seene two persons which my heart hath long wished to behold; and sure it cannot otherwise be (s

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    Held its reverend court upon the hill. The Abbey was as splendid as any cathedral, and possessed a dean and chapter, though no bishop. It was of Late Gothic, ...

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  • Within the Precincts: Volume 2
    Within the Precincts: Volume 2 Fiction Classics by Mrs. Oliphant
    Within the Precincts: Volume 2
    Within the Precincts: Volume 2



    Mar 2022

    Held its reverend court upon the hill. The Abbey was as splendid as any cathedral, and possessed a dean and chapter, though no bishop. It was of Late Gothic, ...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Within the Precincts: Volume 1
    Within the Precincts: Volume 1 Fiction Classics by Mrs. Oliphant
    Within the Precincts: Volume 1
    Within the Precincts: Volume 1



    Mar 2022

    Held its reverend court upon the hill. The Abbey was as splendid as any cathedral, and possessed a dean and chapter, though no bishop. It was of Late Gothic, ...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Our Winnie and The Little Match Girl
    Our Winnie and The Little Match Girl Fiction Classics by Evelyn Everett-Green
    Our Winnie and The Little Match Girl
    Our Winnie and The Little Match Girl



    Feb 2022

    The swallows were enjoying the beauty of the evening as much as living things could do. They were darting this way and that in the bright, soft sunshine; now ...

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