The World's Greatest Books by Arthur Mee - HTML preview

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Where their luxuriant branches twine,

Where bickers down its course the stream,

Here bid them perfumes bring, and wine,

And the fair rose's short-lived flower,

While youth and fortune and the twine

Spun by the Sisters, grant an hour.

We all must tread the path of Fate,

And ever shakes the fateful urn,

Whose lot embarks us, soon or late,

On Charon's boat�beyond return.


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Did any punishment attend

Thy former perjuries,

I should believe a second time,

Thy charming flatteries:

Did but one wrinkle mark thy face

Or hadst thou lost one single grace.

No sooner hast thou, with false vows,

Provoked the powers above,

But thou art fairer than before,

And we are more in love.

Thus Heaven and Earth seem to declare

They pardon falsehood in the fair.

The nymphs, and cruel Cupid too,

Sharpening his pointed dart

On an old home besmeared with blood,

Forbear thy perjured heart.

Fresh youth grows up to wear thy chains,

And the old slave no freedom gains.



The man who follows Wisdom's voice,

And makes the Golden Mean his choice,

Nor plunged in squalid gloomy cells

Midst hoary desolation dwells;

Nor to allure the envious eye

Rears a proud palace to the sky;

The man whose steadfast soul can bear

Fortune indulgent or severe,

Hopes when she frowns, and when she smiles

With cautious fear eludes her wiles.


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Bandusia's Well, that crystal dost outshine,

Worthy art thou of festal wine and wreath!

An offered kid to-morrow shall be thine,

Whose swelling brows his earliest horns unsheath.

And mark him for the feats of love and strife.

In vain: for this same youngling from the fold

Of playful goats shall with his crimson life

Incarnadine thy waters fresh and cold.

The blazing Dog-star's unrelenting hour

Can touch thee not: to roaming herd or bulls

O'erwrought by plough, thou giv'st a shady bower,

Thou shalt be one of Earth's renowned pools!

For I shall sing thy grotto ilex-crowned,

Whence fall thy waters of the babbling sound.



O Faun-god, wooer of each nymph that flees,

Come, cross my land! Across those sunny leas,

Tread thou benign, and all my flock's increase

Bless ere thou go.

In each full year a tender kid be slain,

If Venus' mate, the bowl, be charged amain

With wine, and incense thick the altar stain

Of long ago.

The herds disport upon the grassy ground,

When in thy name December's Nones come round;

Idling on meads the thorpe, with steers unbound,

Its joys doth show.

Amid emboldened lambs the wolf roams free;

The forest sheds its leafage wild for thee;

And thrice the delver stamps his foot in glee

On earth, his foe.


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Now have I reared memorial to last

More durable than brass, and to o'ertop

The pile of royal pyramids. No waste

Of rain or ravening Boreas hath power

To ruin it, nor lapse of time to come

In the innumerable round of years.

I shall not wholly die; great part of me

Shall 'scape the Funeral Goddess. Evermore

Fresh shall my honours grow, while pontiffs still

Do climb the Capitol with silent maid.

It shall be told where brawls the Aufidus

In fury, and where Daunus poor in streams

Once reigned o'er rural tribes, it shall be told

That Horace rose from lowliness to fame

And first adapted to Italian strains

The �olian lay. Assume the eminence,

My own Melpomene, which merit won,

And deign to wreath my hair in Delphic bays.



[Pg 110]






Persons in the Drama


A Mountaineer

Charles V. of Spain

A Page

Don Ricardo


Don Ruy Gomez


Do�a Sol


Date of action, 1519.


Act I

Scene�King Charles and some of his noblemen are creeping into the courtyard of the palace of Don Ruy Gomez de Silva at Saragossa. It is midnight, and the palace is dark, save for a dim light coming from a balcony window.

The King: Here will I wait till Do�a Sol comes down.
Guard every entrance. And if Hernani
Attempts to fight you need not kill the man.
Brigand although he is, he shall go free,
If I can win his lady.

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Don Ricardo: Shoot the hawk
If you would keep the dove. The mountaineer
Is a most desperate outlaw.

The King: Let him live.
If I were not so passionately in love
With Do�a Sol I would help Hernani
To rescue her from her old guardian.
To think that Don Ruy Gomez should have kept
So beautiful a girl a prisoner,
And tried to marry her! Had Hernani
Eloped with her before I fell in love
I would have praised his courage.

[The balcony window opens, and as the noblemen retire, Do�a Sol comes down.

Do�a Sol: Hernani!

The King (holding her): Sweet Do�a Sol.

Do�a Sol: Oh, where is Hernani?

The King: I am the king, King Charles. I worship you,
And I will make you happy.

Do�a Sol: Hernani!
Help! Help me, Hernani! [She tries to escape.

The King: I am your king!
I love you, Do�a Sol. Come, you shall be
A duchess.

Do�a Sol: No.

The King: Princess.

Do�a Sol: No.

The King: Queen of Spain!
Yes; I will marry you if you will come.

[Pg 112]

Do�a Sol: I cannot; I love Hernani.

The King: That brigand is not worthy of you. A throne
Is waiting. If you will not come with me,
My men must carry you away by force.

[While he is talking Hernani appears.

Hernani: King Charles, you are a coward and a cur!

Do�a Sol (clasping him): Save me!

Hernani: I will, my love.

The King: Where are my men?

Hernani: In my hands. I have sixty followers
Waiting out there. And now a word with you.
Your father killed my father; you have stolen
My lands and titles from me; and I vowed
To kill you.

The King: Titles? Lands? Who are you, then?

Hernani: But meeting Do�a Sol, I lost all thought
Of vengeance. Now I come to rescue her,
And find you in my path again�a wretch
Using his strength against a helpless girl.
Quick! Draw your sword, and prove you are a man!

The King: I am your king. I shall not fight with you.
Strike if you want to murder me.

Hernani: You think
I hold with the divinity of kings?
Now, will you fight?

[Striking him with the flat of his sword.

The King: I will not. Murder me,
You bandit, as you murder every man
That you desire to rob! Cross swords with you?
A common thief? No; get to your trade.
Creep round; assassinate me from behind!

[King Charles fixes his fierce, hawk-like eyes on the young brigand. Hernani recoils, lowers his sword; then, moved beyond himself by the strength of character

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displayed by The King, he breaks his blade on the pavement.

Hernani: Be off, then.

The King: Very well, sir. I shall set
A price upon your head, and hound you down.

Hernani: I cannot kill you now, with Do�a Sol
Looking at us. But I will keep my vow
When next we meet.

The King: Never shall you obtain
Mercy, respite, or pardon at my hands.

[He departs.

Do�a Sol: Now let us fly.

Hernani: No; I must go alone.
It means death! Did you see King Charles's face?
It means death. Oh, my love, my sweet, true love!
You would have shared with me the wild, rough life
I lead up in the mountains: the green couch
Beneath the trees, the water from the brook.
But now I shall be hunted down and killed.
You must not come. Good-bye.

Do�a Sol: Oh, Hernani!
Will you leave me like this?

Hernani: No, I will stay!
Fold your arms closely round me, love, and rest
Your dear head on my shoulder. Let us talk
In whispers, as we used to, when I came
At night beneath your window. Do you still
Remember our first meeting?

[There is a clash of bells.

Do�a Sol: Hernani,
It is the tocsin!

Hernani: No; our wedding-bells.

[Shouts are heard. Lights appear in all the windows.
The noise of the bells grows louder. A mountaineer
runs in, with his sword drawn.

The Mountaineer: The streets are filled with soldiers.

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Do�a Sol: Save yourself!
Here is a side gate.

The Crowd (out in the street): Bring the brigand out!

Hernani: One kiss, then, and farewell.

Do�a Sol (embracing him): It is our first.

Hernani: And it may be our last. Farewell, my love!

Act II

Scene�Don Ruy Gomez, an old, grey-haired, but superb-looking man, is standing in the hall of his castle in the Aragon mountains.

Don Ruy Gomez: Only an hour, and then she is my wife!
I have been jealous and unjust, and used
Some violence. But now she is my bride
She shall know how a man can love.

[A Page enters.

Page: My lord,
There is a pilgrim at the gate, who craves
For shelter.

Don Ruy Gomez: Let him in. On this glad day
Give friend or stranger welcome. Is there news
Of Hernani?

Page: King Charles has routed him
And killed him, so they say.

Don Ruy Gomez: Thank Heaven for that!
My cup of happiness is full. Run, boy!
Bid Do�a Sol put on her wedding-gown,
And as you go admit my pilgrim guest.

[The Page retires.

Would I could let the whole world see my joy!

[Hernani enters, disguised as a pilgrim.

Hernani: To you, my lord, all peace and happiness!

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Don Ruy Gomez: And peace and happiness to you, my guest!
Where are you bound for?

Hernani: For Our Lady's shrine.

[Do�a Sol enters, arrayed in a wedding-dress.

Don Ruy Gomez: Here is the lady at whose shrine I pray.
My dearest bride! Where is your coronet?
You have forgotten it, and all the gems
I gave you as a wedding gift.

Hernani (in a wild, loud voice): What man
Wishes to gain ten thousand golden crowns?
This is the price set upon Hernani.

[Everyone is amazed. Tearing off his pilgrim robe, he
shows himself in the dress of a mountaineer.

I am Hernani.

Do�a Sol: Ah! he is not dead!

Hernani: Ten thousand crowns for me!

Don Ruy Gomez: The sum is great.
I am not sure of all my men.

Hernani: Which one
Will sell me to King Charles? Will you? Will you?

[The retainers move away from him. Do�a Sol makes an imploring gesture; she is speechless with fear.

Don Ruy Gomez: My friend, you are my guest, and I will slay
The man that dare lay hands on you. I come
Of noble race. And were you Hernani
Or Satan, I would keep the sacred law
Of hospitality. My honour is
A thing I prize above all else on earth,
And King Charles shall not stain it while I live!
Come, men, and arm, and close the castle gate.

[He goes out, followed by all his retainers. Do�a Sol remains, her face white with anguish. Hernani

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glares at her.

Hernani: So he has bought you, this old wealthy man!
Bought you outright!
Oh, God, how false and vain
All women are!

Do�a Sol: When I refused the throne
Offered me by King Charles, was I then false?
Is this an ornament vain women wear
Upon their wedding day?

[She takes a dagger from her bosom.

Oh, Hernani,
They told me you were killed! I have been dressed
For marriage, but against the bridal night
I kept this dagger.

Hernani: Slay me with it, love!
I am unworthy of you! Blind and mad
Was I to doubt the sweetest, bravest soul
That ever walked in beauty on this earth.

Do�a Sol (clasping him in her arms): My hero and my lover, and my lord,
Love me, and love me always!

Hernani: Unto death.

[As he embraces her, Don Ruy Gomez enters.

Don Ruy Gomez: Judas!

Hernani: Yes. Draw your sword and take my life.
But spare your bride, for she is innocent.
I came to carry her away, but she
Refused to follow me.

Do�a Sol: It is not true.
I love him. Slay us both, or pardon us!

Don Ruy Gomez: You love him, Do�a Sol? Then he must die.

[There is a sound of trumpets outside. A Page enters.

The Page: His Majesty King Charles is at the gate,
With all his army.

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Don Ruy Gomez: Open to the king!

Do�a Sol: Nothing can save him now!

[Don Ruy Gomez presses a spring in the wall, and a door opens into a hiding-place.

Don Ruy Gomez (to Hernani): Here you are safe.

Hernani: Surrender me! I am a prisoner now,
And not a guest.

[He enters the hiding-place. Don Ruy Gomez closes it.

The Page: His Majesty, the King!

[King Charles enters, followed by his soldiers. Do�a Sol covers herself hastily in her bridal veil.

The King (to the soldiers): Seize all the keys, and guard the gates!
(To Don Ruy Gomez) My lord,
I hear that you are sheltering my foe,
The brigand Hernani.

Don Ruy Gomez: Sire, that is true.

The King: I want his head�or yours.

Don Ruy Gomez: He is my guest.
I come of men who are not used to sell
The head of any guest, even to their king.

The King: Why, man, he is your rival! You resolved
To help me hunt him down. You gave your word.

Don Ruy Gomez: But now he is my guest.

The King: He shall be found,
Though every stone in all your castle walls
Fall ere I find him.

Don Ruy Gomez: Raze my castle, then;
I cannot play the traitor.

The King: Well, two heads
Are better, some men say, than one. My lord,
I must have yours as well as Hernani's.
Arrest this man!

[As the soldiers come forward, Do�a Sol throws up her veil and strides up hastily to King Charles.

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Do�a Sol: You are a wicked and cruel king!

The King: What? Do�a Sol? (In a whisper)
It is my love for you
That stirs in me this passion. You alone
Can calm it. (To Don Ruy Gomez)
Until you deliver up
Hernani, I shall keep your lovely ward
As hostage.

Do�a Sol (taking the dagger, and hiding it again in
her bosom): It will save him! I must go!

[She goes up to King Charles and he leads her out.

Don Ruy Gomez runs to the wall to press the spring. Do�a Sol turns as she passes through the door, and stops him by a wild glance. He waits, with heaving breast, till the hall is empty, and then lets Hernani out.

Don Ruy Gomez: The king is gone. Here are two swords. Now fight.

Hernani: No! You have saved me! No. I cannot fight.
My life belongs to you. But ere I die
Let me see Do�a Sol.

Don Ruy Gomez: Did you not hear
What happened? Till I give you up, King Charles
Holds her as hostage.

Hernani: Fool! He loves her.

Don Ruy Gomez: Quick!
Call up my men! To horse! Pursue the king!

Hernani: Leave it to me. I will avenge us both.
My way is best�a dagger in the dark.
Let us go forth on foot and track him down.

Don Ruy Gomez: And when your rival dies?

Hernani (taking a horn from his belt): Then claim your debt!
My life belongs to you. At any time
You wish to take it, sound upon this horn,
And I will kill myself.

Don Ruy Gomez: Your hand on it!


[Pg 119]


Scene�Charles of Spain, who has just been elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, is kneeling by the tomb of Charlemagne in the underground vault at Aix-la-Chapelle.

Charles: O mighty architect of Christendom,
Inspire me now to carry on thy work!
Ah, let me with the lightning of thy sword
Smite the rebellious people down, and make
Their kings my footstool! Warrior of God!
Give me the power to subjugate and weld
The warring races in a hierarchy
Of Christian government throughout the world!

[The tramp of many feet is heard.