200 Steps Down by Morris Kenyon - HTML preview

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"You made a friend, there," Maiorescu said after the two groups had finally shaken hands and separated. Caramarin was driving Maiorescu back to his villa after a few drinks at a nightclub. Late at night, the powerful car had the road to itself, the headlights cutting through the night, and Caramarin gave the Merc its head.

"Hope you did better."

"Yeah, I think so. We're stopping the fighting – doesn't get us anything except trouble from the Militsia and we're setting up a joint business together."

Caramarin glanced at his boss. Didn't sound like Maiorescu's style to go into partnership with someone he didn't know well. Someone he'd dealt with before and had the chance to weigh them up. On the other hand, he'd been successful by keeping an eye open for any business opportunities, so who knows?

"Well, you know best, boss. We still collecting the premiums, then?"

"Sure. Most of 'em. I've given some to Ozgan, as goodwill. But we're going to make a lot more from this new business. Surprised I never got into it before." He thought for a while. "Could be very lucrative."

"It's not drugs is it?" Caramarin asked.

"No, that's too much mayhem. And draws too much attention."

Reassured, Caramarin knew better than to ask questions. Maiorescu would tell him when he was ready. He drove in silence back to Yuzhne whilst Maiorescu thought.

As he pulled up to the villa, Maiorescu invited him to stay the night. Unable to quickly think of a reason to refuse, had to agree.

Maiorescu shouted up the stairs for Natalya to come down and fix them a snack. She appeared, wrapping a bath robe around her. Even just woken from sleep, hair mussed up and bare faced, the woman looked good. Great legs. Didn't say anything but walked to the kitchen, whilst the two men went to Maiorescu's den.

Maiorescu flicked through the satellite music channels on and sprawled out watching the near naked dancers as music blasted out from his surround sound system. Caramarin sat back. Natalya brought in a tray of snacks and a bottle of Finlandia with three glasses.

She pushed Maiorescu to one side and sat next to him on the cream leather sofa with her legs curled under. She poured the vodka and handed it out. They toasted to success. Maiorescu refilled the glasses and drank deeply. Was already half way in the bag. Poured them all another vodka.

Caramarin was never sure how much his boss told Natalya but knew he didn't like to talk business unless Maiorescu started the conversation. So he didn't say anything, just watched the music whilst Maiorescu pulled Natalya onto him.

Difficult to keep your eyes on even the most beautiful, gyrating dancers on screen whilst on the next couch his boss was pawing away at his wife. Natalya kept pulling away, which only seemed to inflame Maiorescu's passions. His hand was on her breast and the other on her exposed thigh, As a display of ownership, Caramarin got the message loud and clear.

"Fetch us another bottle, will ya?" called Maiorescu.

Caramarin stood and fetched another Finlandia from the fridge. Whilst the cold light from the open door was on, he drank almost a litre bottle of water before returning. Cracked the vodka seal open and poured the drinks. Maiorescu took several large ones. Eventually Natalya managed to push him off and stood up.

"It's late, Eugen. I'm going up," she said.

"Great," Maiorescu said. Despite the amount he'd taken on board, he was still steady. Had to hand it to Maiorescu, the man could hold his booze.

"You can doss down here, Nicolae. See you in the morning." He squeezed Natalya's bottom and guided her out.

Caramarin switched off the television and rearranged the cushions. He needed a piss so crept to the upstairs wet-room. As he passed the master bedroom, he heard Maiorescu grunting away and Natalya sounding like she was in a seventh heaven of ecstasy what with her moans and cries. Faked, he knew. Natalya had told him that Maiorescu was strictly useless in that department.

All the same, he didn't like it and as he slipped back downstairs he wondered. Was this demonstration for him? No, if Maiorescu suspected the man would take more direct, and more painful, action. This was just to make it clear who was top dog round here.

He was almost asleep when the study door opened. Immediately, he was on the alert. Sat up. A slim shape slipped into the room and stood next to him.

"I'm sorry about that," she whispered.

"Can't help it," he said.

"But it's you I love, not him."

Caramarin was startled. He thought they were just having some fun together. Yeah, playing with red hot fire but no real commitment emotionally.

"And I'm very fond of you, too."

She slipped off her robe and sat by his side. Took his hand and placed it between her breasts, over her heart. He could feel it beating beneath, like a trapped animal. She lay down next to him.

"It's all right. He's passed out now," she whispered.

What the hell? You only live once. Found a rubber in his jacket and had her on the couch. Nothing subtle, he was too tired for that, but managed to live up to expectations.

"You didn't say whether you loved me?"

Caramarin was too shagged out to argue or even to think. Take the line of least resistance.

"Of course I love you," he said automatically, giving her a kiss. "I really love you."

Natalya kissed him back, then stood and shrugged into her robe.

"I'll see you in the morning," she said by the door.

Caramarin rolled over and thought. Did he love her?

Yeah, a great body but only... possibly. Sort of.