200 Steps Down by Morris Kenyon - HTML preview

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"'That's nice,' I said. I linked arms with Caramarin's and we walked round to the casino front. One of the bouncers, VCR, held open the cab door for us and gave us an elaborate bow.

"'Your carriage awaits,' he said to us.

"'Where do you want to go?' asked Caramarin.

"'My Mum's looking after my boy so I can't stay out too late. Somewhere quiet,' I said. See, I was thinking of you. Not like the old days, Mum. I'm a good girl now, you know.

"Caramarin said he of knew a good bar so he directed our driver to the other end of town. He said he didn't use this bar too often, but it made a good impression for a first date. Yes, if it was a first date, I don't know yet, do I, Mum? But he's nice.

"He paid the taxi off and we walked downstairs to the club. Another Romanian ran the club and Caramarin ordered a couple of Absolut vodkas in his own language. Didn't I say he's Romanian? He's quite dark. Dark and handsome with the most amazing deep brown eyes you've ever seen. And thick, black hair. He's good looking. Not one of these pretty boys but a real man.

"A jazz combo was playing in a corner and a number of couples, mostly middle aged and well dressed, were swaying to the music. Nice place. Classy. You'd have liked it, Mum.

"The Jazz club had nice black and white and red decor. Jazz and blues posters from the 1950s covered the walls. I could just make them out in the dim light,

"Quiet enough for you?" he asked me.

"Perfect," I said to him.

"I'm more careful than I used to be, Mum. You know that. I asked the girls about him at the casino before going out. They said he's okay. Knows how to treat a woman. I think one or two would like him to be around more often.

"Yes, that's good to know, Mum.

"No, he's not at the casino all that much. He wouldn't say what he does when he's not working there. It was only a sort of first date. But he's not like some of the bouncers there. Bad men.

"We only had a couple of vodkas and listened to the music. Would've preferred something a bit livelier but I enjoyed myself. Yes, I told him I only started at Centurion Casino a few weeks ago. Which is why Caramarin hadn't seen me before. Yes, I told him about Vladimir. Yes, I mentioned that before working at Centurion, I'd worked as a dancer but I got out of that world. He didn't seem to mind. What's in the past stays in the past. That's what he said.

"Quit pestering me Mum, He seems like a good man and I'll see him again. He even called me a cab at the end. No, Mum, he didn't try it on. A real gentleman. No, I won't let him break my heart.

"So, Mum, thanks for staying up with little Vlad. I appreciate it.

"You look worn out, now. Let me make up my bed on the couch whilst you go to bed. Thanks again for staying up, Mum. I'll see you in the morning before you go to work. Give us a kiss.
