Fiction Books

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Showing results: 361-370 of 1057
The Minister's Wife

The Minister's Wife

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
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"In one second of time her warm, young life, the eager mingling of fears and hopes which had been tingling to her very finger-points, died in her, and she with them, as if she had been shot to the heart."

The Laird of Norlaw: A Scottish Story

The Laird of Norlaw: A Scottish Story

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
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The house of Norlaw stands upon the slope of a low hill, under shelter of the three mystic Eildons, and not very far from that little ancient town which, in the language of the author of “Waverley,” is called Kennaquhair. A low, peaceable, fertile slope, bearing trees to its top-most height...

History of the World 2025-2200

History of the World 2025-2200

Eric Boglio | Fiction
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Rajesh, an insignificant slum dweller from India is not having any of it! Sent to work on a new set of economic rules that were supposed to make the already obscenely rich even richer, he decides to sabotage that economic revolution the elite wanted to soon impose on the human world, and send the...

A Tragic Idyl

A Tragic Idyl

Paul Bourget | Fiction
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Synopsis That night (toward the end of February, 188—) a vast crowd was thronging the halls of the Casino at Monte Carlo. It was one of the momentary occasions, well known to all who have passed the winter season on the Corniche, when a sudden and prodigious afflux of composite humanity...

A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)

A House Divided Against Itself (Complete)

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened and perfected by recent improvements till it was as shelterless as a broad street. High walls on one side...

Forest Trees and Forest Scenery

Forest Trees and Forest Scenery

G. Frederick Schwarz | Fiction
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In the ensuing pages I have made simple inquiries into the sources of beauty and attractiveness in American forest trees and sylvan scenery. In the concluding chapter, by way of contrast, I have given a short account of the esthetic effects of the artificial forests of Europe. The system which...

The Canary Islands

The Canary Islands

Florence Du Cane | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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These islands are known for being the sunshine centre of Europe, and offer mild temperatures and a range of outstanding natural attractions. In fact, five of its seven islands have been declared a Biosphere Reserve, and the archipelago has four national parks.

A House in Bloomsbury

A House in Bloomsbury

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
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Dora was a child, but also she was a lady, proof against any contamination of acquaintance which concerned only the letters of the alphabet. Her “h’s” could take care of themselves, and so could her “r’s". As for anything else, Mr. Mannering’s dreamy yet not unobservant eyes had taken...

Old Lady Mary: A Story of the Seen and the Unseen

Old Lady Mary: A Story of the Seen and the Unseen

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

She was very old, and therefore it was very hard for her to make up her mind to die. I am aware that this is not at all the general view, but that it is believed, as old age must be near death, that it prepares the soul for that inevitable event. It is not so, however, in many cases. In youth we...

The Land of Darkness

The Land of Darkness

Mrs. Oliphant | Fiction
Rating:     Rated: 0 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

"Told in Margaret Oliphant's exuberant style, this is a coming of age tale: ""I found myself standing on my feet, with the tingling sensation of having come down rapidly upon the ground from a height. There was a similar feeling in my head, as of the whirling and sickening sensation of passing...