A Bridge of Time by Lou Tortola - HTML preview

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Before William could answer, the stomping of an approaching horse nearly caused him to flee. He was starting to mount his horse and head for safety when he heard a familiar voice.

“William, wait!”

William turned to see a female riding toward him and Clarence; it was Rachel. William was not sure what to do. He tried to look beyond her to see if anyone else was following. He saw no other forms behind her so decided to wait, but to remain on horseback.

Rachel quickly reached the men. Sergeant was now barking at the horse in motion, but his yelps did nothing to intimidate the much larger animal. Rachel pulled up on the reins, and her horse stopped directly in front of William’s horse, facing the other animal.

“Rachel, how did you find me? Is Thomas all right?” Rachel caught her breath before she spoke.

“Yes, he is all right, I was more worried about you.” She dismounted from her horse, hoping William would do the same.

“Hello, Miss. Byronville,” Clarence greeted Rachel with forced formality. “I see you have already met my guest.”

William looked once again in the direction that Rachel came from and cautiously began to dismount his horse.

“Just how did you find me, Rachel? Are you alone?”

Rachel handed the reins of her horse to Clarence almost like she would to one of her servants. She darted over to William and threw her arms around him.

“I am so glad you are safe!”

William looked at Clarence as if to say, “I really do not know her this well.” He guided her arms from behind his back and held them in front of him.

“Rachel, I am okay, a little tattered perhaps, but okay for the most part. Why did you follow me? And for the third time, how did you find me?”

Rachel realized it may have appeared to William that it was too forward for her to embrace him. She did, however, want Clarence to feel she was closer to William than she really was. She pulled her arms away, and adjusted her clothing and hair, imagining it was in the worst of condition. As she did so, she finally explained her reasons for being there.

“Well, to start with, I found you by chance. I just headed out in the direction you did and Clarence’s place is the first ranch in that direction. I was headed here to see if Clarence saw you pass through. Please do not worry about others following me. There is no one after you. You do not need to hide any longer. Thomas has had Matthew Bulow arrested for causing a disturbance and damaging our home. The sheriff detained Thomas from coming after you himself. It was my own initiative. Do I detect…?” Rachel hesitated before continuing. “…You do not seem pleased!”

“I am sure after whatever ordeal you both have been through you must be starving,” Clarence interrupted diplomatically. “I know I am. Why don’t you settle this inside? I will look after the horses and fetch some fresh vegetables. Rachel,” he continued more pointedly, “since you know your way around my cabin, why don’t you help William find some clean clothes and tend to his wound?”

Rachel realized Clarence was getting back at her for throwing herself at William. Why else would he announce so smugly that Rachel was familiar with the interior of his cabin? She chose not to respond; she would not reward Clarence with a reaction.

William was beginning to understand why Rachel had been so forward with him. He sensed there was more going on between Rachel and Clarence than either acknowledged.

“William, are you hurt badly?” As she spoke she once again moved toward William, pulling his clothing away from his shoulder to better inspect his injury.

“It’s not that bad, Rachel, it’s just a scratch. I can manage. Why don’t we take Clarence up on his offer and head inside?”

Inside the cabin, Rachel started a fire in the fireplace. As William washed up, she located and brought over to him some of Clarence’s clean clothing. William had flung a towel over his neck and down both sides of his chest. He extended his reach to accept the clothing and smiled at Rachel.

“Not to be nosy, but you would have to be stupid not to see there is something between you and Clarence. Why are you so cold toward him?”

“I swore I would never return to this place.” Rachel realized she had just confirmed Clarence’s assertion that she was familiar with the cabin’s interior. It must have been obvious to William anyhow, given she’d acted as if she lived there herself.

“William, I apologize if I was too forward earlier, but I was relieved to see you safe, and I guess I wanted Clarence to think we were close.”

William smiled as he pulled the towel from around his neck, exposing his bare chest and a small flesh wound on the top of his right shoulder.

“Does it hurt?”

Rachel was focused on the superficial wound.

“Well, just a little. I guess I was lucky, it could have been worse! Listen, Rachel, I appreciate your concern, and all of your help, but right now I need to find out more about how I arrived here. I have a feeling Clarence can help me!”

Rachel was startled to hear William say Clarence could help him.

“Well I do not see how he can help. He has no money or servants. This place is all he owns and it is no bigger than this entire room.”

Rachel had not finished speaking when Clarence entered, carrying a coat full of vegetables he’d grown in his vegetable garden.

William was bracing himself for a rebuttal from Clarence. Instead Clarence pulled a wad of papers out of his coat.

“Rachel, I found these in your saddle bag.” Clarence was holding the folded papers out for her.

“I believe they belong to William,” Rachel said, turning away from Clarence. “I brought them along, William, knowing you might need them.”

William wasn’t going to allow Rachel to continue to ignore Clarence.

“Rachel, would you please bring the papers to me from Clarence?”

Rachel walked toward Clarence, making eye contact with him for the first time since she arrived. As she approached, Clarence held the papers closer to his chest. She held out her hands and Clarence stepped toward her as if to give her the papers.

As Clarence got close enough he flung the papers in William’s direction and grabbed Rachel’s hand; she gasped but followed his lead. Clarence pulled her into his arms and commenced kissing her. Rachel made a faint effort at resisting, but slowly gave in. The two kissed for the longest time, almost ignoring William.

“Well! Well! I am glad to see you two kiss and make up!” William picked the papersup from the floor and commenced unraveling them. Rachel remained silent for a moment, holding Clarence’s hug.

“Clarence, I am sorry for what I said. Please forgive me!”

“Rachel, I am glad you are here. I have missed you, and lately I have needed you. Please give us another chance.”

Rachel moved her head away from Clarence’s shoulder and kissed him on the chin. “Let me get some water boiling. I will make us some stew. Why don’t we talk about it later? For now, let’s help William find out how he arrived here.”