A Bridge of Time by Lou Tortola - HTML preview

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William slept very soundly. He might have slept all day if not for Sergeant waking him by washing his face with his tongue. For the second time when William woke, he surveyed his surroundings to see if maybe, just maybe, he might have awakened at his own home.

William walked around the lonely cabin listening to the wind outside attempt to penetrate the solid logs making up the four perimeter walls. William was determined that on this day he would make some progress in his quest to return to his family. All the things he needed to prepare himself for a yet-to-be-determined plan of attack were quickly found.

Clarence had a modest selection of clean clothing that fit William a bit loosely, but comfortably. He found some dried beef jerky in a clay jar. Sergeant smelled the treat as soon as the lid was lifted. The dog was rewarded with a piece of dried meat.

“There you go, Sergeant, thanks for sticking around.”

There was no time to waste. The beef jerky would make a perfect source of on-the-run energy and so he ate as he walked toward the door to the exterior. As he stepped outside, he was not prepared for the directness of the morning sun, square in the face. Still chewing and using the pieces of jerky as a momentary shield, he lifted his right hand to his face.

On horseback, Sarah was approaching her brother’s cabin. As her horse came around the hill, the cabin was now in sight.


She yelled out as she saw what she believed was the figure of her brother, shielding the sun from his eyes.

William froze in his steps. The woman’s voice he heard was new to him. He realized this lady was mistaking him for Clarence. No wonder, he was at his cabin and wearing his clothes. William could tell the voice was near. He remained with his back to her, not sure how to handle the situation or what to expect when he turned to face yet another character in his very real, perplexing dream. Sarah dismounted. She was turned away from William. “Clarence, I need your help. Matthew di…”

“Please do not be startled!”

William paused. Sarah was about to get back on her horse.

“Clarence is at the Byronville house,” William was quick to interject. He could see Sarah’s chest pulsating with deep gasps.

“I am a friend of Clarence. My name is William Monterey, I…”

“Why are you wearing my brother’s clothing?”

William looked down at himself.

“Look, I have been through a lot the last two days. I know you must be frightened. Please let me reassure you, I have your brother’s permission to be here.”

“Are you a kin of Mr. Byronville?”

Sarah moved slowly toward William so as to see him better.

“You look just like Thomas, you must be the stranger he told me about. You are the one my husband and uncle found near the Natural Bridge, aren’t you?”


“Did you take my Daniel?”

Her voice was so stern and full of emotion, she was appealing to William for help. William could see the tears emerging from her eyes. He moved toward her slowly, placing the jerky still in his hand in the side pocket of his borrowed trousers.

“You must be Sarah Bulow! I am the stranger Thomas told you about, the one your husband almost killed on more than one occasion. I am not, or at least I think I am not, a kin of Mr. Byronville. Sarah! If you will permit me to call you Sarah?” Sarah bobbed her head, approving the request. William continued.

“I can assure you I did not have anything to do with the disappearance of your son.”

“Why is it that I feel your presence here is related to Daniel missing? It may be a woman’s instinct, but I can feel your kinship to Thomas. Who are you, really, Mr. Monterey?”

William realized Sarah did not hesitate to refer to Thomas by his first name. Her sincerity impressed him and he was beginning to like her as a person more and more.